Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Giveaway and Review of "Ain't No Bull" by Dancia Avet
Welcome! I am pleased to host a giveaway of the absolutely fabulous novel Ain't No Bull. I loved this book and was soo pleased to be invited to join in on this book tour. For those of you who haven't heard of the book please keep reading!! The giveaway details will be right after the review!
Isola "Izzy" Malone is proud to be an Amazon. After years of roaming, she finally finds a home with the Blood Maiden Tribe. But contentment made her wild, which is how Izzy ends up exiled to Middle-of-Nowhere, Wyoming. The most fun she can look forward to is rescuing a dumb bull from a group of nymphs. Only he isn't a bull, but a minotaur. A really hot, sexy, big minotaur. Grant Strickland isn't ready to commit to a harem of placid cow-swans; not yet. But when he's accosted by a crazy Amazon who's determined to "save" him, he thinks the whole mating thing might be worth a try. Trouble follows Izzy, but it'll take both of them to stop it from becoming war. Grant will use his skills, and cheat, to show Izzy where she really belongs is with him as a mate.
Izzy is one badass Amazon who has just had her rug yanked out from under her. She's been banished, in BFE Wyoming. Who lives in Wyoming anyway? She has been cut off from her tribe, her sisters, and all of her friends because she has what they refer to as an impulse control problem. She was sent here to learn how to control herself. Great. She gets thrown in the middle of nowhere to learn to "control" her impulses. Not to hard when the nearest neighbor was like 50 miles away and the city looked like something that stepped out of an episode of Andy Griffin. No problem. At least until she decides to save a bull that was literally being led to his slaughter.
Grant was sooo screwed. Here he was thinking he was about to have an out of this world orgy with five...or was it six, totally hot nympths. Then they asked him to change. Chics were always impressed with his other forms, at least those who didn't run away screaming. So he obliged and changed. Then they grabbed his nose ring and he knew he was in deep deep trouble. Seems like these babes weren't after a roll in the proverbial hay after all. He needed help in the worst way. But even as desperate as he was, nothing could prepare him for Izzy.
The chemistry between these two is off the charts. Neither is prepared to settle down and lose themselves, both having major stubbornness issues. You are taken through some surprisingly sticky situations and some incredibly smoking sex scenes. This book hooked me from the moment I picked it up. The mixing of a Greek myth thrown in with other shifters and an Amazon tribe is evidently the recipe for a great story. Because this story certainly rocked! It was completely entertaining and when you weren't sitting on the edge of your seat wondering what was going to happen, you are laughing your tail off at the sarcastic and dry humor. This book was enchanting and the author has gained a lifelong fan! I give this book 5 cups!!
Now for the goods!! One commenter will win a PDF copy of Ain't No Bull and a pack of trading cards. If I get more than 10 commenters, I'll split the booty and have two winners! I highly recommend this book! Must be a follower to enter. 1 Extra entry for tweeting about the giveaway. Make sure you leave your email address and link with your comment! Thanks for stopping by and thank you sooo much Dancia for being a writer!
Don't forget to follow along her book tour for more chances to win. The book's next stop is Good luck to all!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Man Candy Monday!!!!
I took the week off last to try to catch up on some reading :) I have been dying to see this remake. I loved him in Game of Thrones. He was HOOOOOOTTTTTTTT! So I'll share him with you ladies! Here is something to brighten your Monday!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Love's Demon Ways By: Mary Corrales
Showcasing his darkest erotic artwork and needing to feed his sex-demon counterpart, Ren is intrigued by Alexine's passion. After his demonic side decides to assert itself into their sexual interlude and claim her as his soul mate, he's forced to let her walk out of his life.
Fate returns Alexine to Ren's side, but will her feelings for him be enough to tame his demon within?
My Review
Alexine is considered a black sheep, at least by her family. She didn’t fall into the marry your high school sweetheart and reproduce test group like her other four siblings. No, she wanted something different. But I don’t think she bargained for other species different. Alexine’s life was just starting to turn around. She had a job she loved and a huge crush on her billionaire boss. Then her boss fell in love…with another woman. So here she is at an art gallery, shopping for her boss but transfixed by the sadness radiating from this particular painting. It calls to her on a personnel level, and wouldn’t you know this painting was from the artist’s private collection.
Renn was watching the throng of people mill around his pieces. Their subtle odors of greed and lust filling the room like a ménage of perfume. He saw Alexine stop at his painting to admire it while most of the other patrons just glanced and scurried quickly towards another one. It was one of his darker pieces, meant only for his pleasure. He had struggled initially with displaying it, but arrogance had overruled his better judgment and there it was. But it was the girl, not the painting, who was calling to him now.
Alexine heard his approach but was totally enraptured by the painting. Ren commented on the painting, hoping to catch her attention but she continued to stare at it. Realizing she was coming off rude Alexine straightens up to glance at him, only to be blown over by emotions again. He was gorgeous! Suddenly the night was looking…very promising indeed!
I have to start out this by saying just one word…YUM! I was not at all disappointed in the story or in the erotic displays of depicted debauchery! Corrales takes Alexine on a journey of sexual self-discovery as she engages in ultimate orgasmic fulfillment! The story line was very original and kept you vastly entertained and wanting more. I really liked Ren’s mother even though she probably won’t hit the favorite character tops to many other readers. She was the essence of a succubus demon. All I can say is….More Please? I really hope the author continues with this series. It was endearing! This book was provided for me free of charge by Siren Song Reviews for an unbiased opinion.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Dark is the Night By: Brindle Chase
Katherine Wells is Cleveland’s top homicide detective and she’s hot on the trail of the Antoinette killer. The string of burnt and beheaded bodies have little in common, except they keep turning up. In search of clues, she encounters Alexander. His intoxicating old world persona captivates her and she suddenly finds herself in a torrid love affair. The passion is overwhelming and her sense of law falls into blissful chaos.
As an elder vampire, Alexander struggles for anonymity in the modern world. Killing isn’t personal; it’s to prevent them from becoming the undead. His kind can’t be discovered. With Katherine’s investigation getting too close to the truth, the other vampires demand he eliminate Detective Wells.
Katherine discovers Alexander’s supernatural secret and he learns Katherine’s the detective he must silence. The revelations are shocking. He’s everything she ever wanted and everything she stood against. Torn between a love like no other and the law she’s sworn to uphold, she must choose. Against time, the police and the other vampires, they must destroy the evidence she’s collected and join the undead.
My Review:
Katherine Wells was you typical detective. Hard ass, no crap taking, married to the job, with no time for any messy entanglements like relationships. It wasn’t that she didn’t like sex, she just didn’t get men. Even though she was surrounded by single guys at the station, she stuck to the rules and never encouraged an at work romance. Her ideas of right and wrong were nailed firmly in place with no room for any grey area. She loved her partner, her job, and settled for one night stand contentment versus happily ever after. At least until Alexander walked in and rocked her world with a look that literally caused a liquid reaction.
Alexander was a thousand year old vampire who, while life was thoroughly entrenched on the boring side, continued to exist. He was a predator, hard, coarse, and devoid of all emotions except for hunger. For blood that is. Any sexual stirrings had long ago been erased, except for the occasional need that haunted him around the holidays. Even then it was a means to an end. He had full control over all of his bodies functions, as he was able to pump his own blood throughout his body, so sex wasn’t really that big of a deal. At least until he spotted Katherine at the bar. To make a long story short, we’ll just say he wasn’t making his blood engorge any parts!
While I appreciate creativity in trying to make vampires different, or more new age, I’m a sucker for the vampires that I grew up with. The cold calculating predators that make your blood run cold and a shiver run up your spine. The idea of a being whose sole intent is survival until that one person comes along and melts the ice that has rapidly encased his soul, calls to something inside of me. I wasn’t, however, thrilled will the weak kneed virgins that were garbed in some medieval wedding dress begging them to turn them all the while crying and sobbing. Yuck. I like my heroines with sass and balls and Katherine won me over. She was an amazingly efficient cop who was very reminiscent of how a real woman in today’s world coped with being over 30 and single. They settle for the one night stands to ease their sexual frustration and bury most hope of being in a long term relationship that starts screwing with their dedication to their job. I was sucked right into this story and couldn’t put it down! I really enjoyed the read!! This book was provided to me free of charge by Siren Song Reviews for an unbiased opinion.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Man Candy Monday!!
Sorry this is coming so late..I usually make it a point for you guys to have something to wake up to, not go to bed with. LOL! I'm having an off week. This feature (You may notice a blond pattern...guilty even though Eric is my *sigh* all time Fav right now) is our new blond God Thor or Chris Hemsworth. I went to the movies to see all this running around on the screen for two hours. :) Yummy. Please enjoy..I did!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Revealed By: Leanore Elliot
My Review
Glory was a trained thief, groomed for her whole life to steal just one thing, the heart stone. Dell was hired to steal it from her. What they both soon realize is the stone has stolen them. Its spirit rules them and their desires. The master of decadence, the manipulator of wickedness seduces these two clever thieves, and all of their innermost secrets and fantasies are Revealed. A highly erotic book and a fun, fast ride into a world of decadence. A little spanking and some explicit scenes!
My Review
Sometimes in life you yearn for a little more. Maybe it’s a little more money, a little more pleasure, or maybe even a little more pain. Such was the case for our heroine and thief Glory. Glory was raised to be a protector of the stone, and the Marquis teachings were hammered into her from an early age. The stone must be protected at all costs and kept away from his direct bloodline. So our story begins with Glory going to steal the stone to keep it out of the hands of the wrong guy. Her secret desires remain buried within until she meets Dell, who surprisingly had other intentions for the stone.
Dell was sent to steal a stone from another thief after they had acquired it. Simple enough. No killing the target and lucky for the thief he was there because a third person had joined the party. Looks like whatever it was they were stealing was worth a lot. Too bad he was the only one going to cash in. And then everything goes wrong. Instead of stealing the stone from Glory, he ends up taking her with him because she becomes injured. He just can’t leave her there until he figures out what is really going on and where that gaping hole in her chest came from. He didn’t count on Glory becoming his ever fantasy wrapped up in a stunning feminine package. She was electric and caused things to happen to him that he didn’t know could. And that’s just chapter oneJ.
I loved the concept in this story. It was very original and keeps you turning the pages and before you realize it your almost done. I couldn’t put it down once I started. The sex scenes are absolutely smoking. This book should have its own warning label. So please, while your reading this book, make sure your in an air-conditioned room! I thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it!
Our Winners!!!
A great big huge thank you to all who participated in our Huge Smoking hot giveaway! I'm so happy to now have you as a part of my blog! I'd also like to thank our lovely author the very wicked and talented Leanore Elliot for donating the wonderful books that I am positive you will enjoy reading! So here we go! Our grand prize winner, the lucky lady who will receive all 4 of Leanore's books is :
Shannon Jean
And our eight other finalists who have secured an ecopy of Leanore's tantalizingly tasty reads are
Nay Nay
Pam R.
Everyone has been emailed a notification letter and has responded except for Jodie. So Jodie :) please contact me within the next 24 hours or I will redraw! Thank you so much for making this Hop a Hit! I look forward to visiting with you in the future and I hope you'll come back later this week for my 100 follower giveaway!!!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Summer Giveaway Hop-----August 1st-7th
Welcome! I'm so glad you made it here! I couldn't think of a better way to spotlight one of my favorite new authors Leanore Elliot then by offering up several e-copys of her books on this huge Summer Giveaway. Trust me when I say these books are not only enjoyable but smoking hot! Please read a little bit about her in this interview. The details on how to win some yummy prizes are at the bottom of the post! And remember if you email Leanore at
she'll send you a surprise!!
How old were you when you realized you wanted to write?
At age seven, I'd already started telling stories to my play mates. At family gatherings, I entertained the adults with my renditions and impressions of famous people. I did this, while presenting a new story about them. I penned my first story at eight. It was about a turtle name Lolipop.
What was your biggest influence that steered you towards Erotica? Ooh, good question: The old classics believe it or not. I would read and watch sagas such as Gone With The wind. It left me wanting though, I wanted to see them actually and physically get together. I felt passionate heat was all these stories needed to complete the romance. My first venture into this genre, as a reading was Sweet Savage Love along with The Flame and the Flower.
What was your biggest influence that steered you towards Erotica? Ooh, good question: The old classics believe it or not. I would read and watch sagas such as Gone With The wind. It left me wanting though, I wanted to see them actually and physically get together. I felt passionate heat was all these stories needed to complete the romance. My first venture into this genre, as a reading was Sweet Savage Love along with The Flame and the Flower.
How do you come up with your ideas for books?
I dream them. Yep, and sometimes, I get the title, the names and details. I sit at the computer and it all unfolds. I never know what will come( story wise) as the world gets built before my amazed eyes, and in this way, I am just like the reader. I am reading the story 'AS' I write it. I have since believed that I indeed, have an actual MUSE. She spins these tales and I am nothing but an underpaid glorified editor. I gave her part of the Pen Name. (Leanore is a pushy Muse) {Chuckle}
Do you see yourself writing in another genre?
Nope, I tried Contemporary stories and they always take what I call: The paranormal Turn. However I have dabbled in Romance Westerns, but there was that Paranormal twist.
Has your family been supportive?
Has your family been supportive?
Oh, yes. In 2007, my kids retired me early, and they said: "Write, Mom, just like you always dreamed." My husband is a non-fiction writer and is very supportive (when we aren't bickering over who gets to be on the computer.)
Are any of your characters reflective of you?
Are any of your characters reflective of you?
Hell No! (wicked giggle) That's part of what fascinates me about this dream I have of being an author. I get to take other people to worlds they've never been. Places and times, where they are someone else...Somewhere else. A trip out, if you will. My books are the ticket!
What do you like to do when you're not writing?
What do you like to do when you're not writing?
I'm afraid that writing is an obsession, so I am always at it in one form or another. However, I play with my four-year-old grandson daily and see the world through 'fresh' eyes.
Who is your favorite book heroine?
Who is your favorite book heroine?
Of my own? The very first heroine I ever wrote, in The Soul Trilogy. Her name was Cesso. A spoilt, headstrong young woman, in the 18th century. She continuously pushes and antagonizes Reeves (a good-looking, hell bent man with eyes that pierce your soul) While at her courageous quest for independence, she turns everything around on him and at the same time, she loves him so much, that it gets the better of her.
If you could choose a super power, what would it be and why?
Shape shifting, so I could be anyone I choose. Possibly endowed with any abilities and powers, I so choose.
What is your favorite mystical creature?
What is your favorite mystical creature?
The unicorn...absolutely. I had an old poster depicting one in a Garden of Eden, with a wicked looking snake at his hooves. I tacked it to every wall, in every dwelling, during the 150 moves, which I've made in my lifetime. I still have it rolled up in a sleeve holder in a box, somewhere.
What were some of your biggest challenges at the beginning of your career? How to write the 'Right' way. I spent a year working on seven novels with 9 pro editors, and I soaked up the knowledge, like a fat, little sponge!
How do you feel about reader comments?
How do you feel about reader comments?
Mostly, they are positive and I email back and forth with more and more readers, everyday now. It's the real payoff, it thrills me to talk of the characters and the stories with them.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
For them to learn everything they can about my answer (two questions above this one) Proper grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, POV's and flow. Learn it all first, and in any way that you can...BEFORE you put out that book.
Where are your books available?
Amazon, Barnes & Noble and some are at All Romance Ebooks/Omnilit
Type in: Leanore Elliott in the search box at these sites.
What can we expect from you in the future?
What can we expect from you in the future?
A funny, offbeat tale. This time, she's no hit woman, beast or Firefighter. She's plain old Delaney, just like you or I. She wants to be 'Gigi O-three-O'. She breaks out of her boring, suffocating life and the journey 'out'? Is a thrilling ride, full of magical changes, humor and most likely some hot sex with a supernatural hunk.
Where can we reach you and become informed of updates?
Where can we reach you and become informed of updates?
At my web page:
Or, at my email address: And...If, you actually write to me? You get one of my books...for free!
NOW on to the giveaway!!!!!!
There will be one GRAND PRIZE winner who will recieve an e-copy of all 4 of the novels up for grabs in this giveaway. But Wait!! There is more!! 8 (yes I said 8) other winners will recieve 1 e-copy of one of the following books:

Belle was a woman firefighter and part of the elite team of Hotshots. Her lifelong dreams of fighting fire had come true. Then, the nightmares came. A voice calls her through the smoke and she finds that it's a fellow crew member Saxon. She suddenly finds herself in the Realm, and when sexy Saxon grabs her up, will she begin to really burn? Suspense, strong heroine and a Gotcha twist. Mid-novel.

Glory was a trained thief, groomed for her whole life to steal just one thing, the heart stone. Dell was hired to steal it from her. What they both soon realize is the stone has stolen them. Its spirit rules them and their desires. The master of decadence, the manipulator of wickedness seduces these two clever thieves, and all of their innermost secrets and fantasies are Revealed. A highly erotic book and a fun, fast ride into a world of decadence. A little spanking and some explicit scenes!
Mid size novel
So how do you win? Lets make it easy!
1. You must be a GFC follower of my blog.
+1 Follow Leanore @
+1 Follow Leanore @
+1 Add Leanore as a friend on Facebook @
+1 Become a fan on Goodreads @
Leave your enteries in the comment section below and I wish everyone GOOD LUCK!!! Be sure to check out the rest of the blogs on the hop by clicking the link below!! Have Fun!
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