Monday, August 18, 2014

Giveaway and Guestpost with the enchanting Maggie Shayne

Top Ten Reasons NOT to Fall in Love with a Vampire

10. Native soil tracked all over the house.

9. He eats all your friends.

8. Forget about romantic sunsets!

7. French kisses result in cuts to your tongue

6. Two words:  Blood breath.

5. Slam the bedroom door in a huff, he just turns to mist and slides underneath.

4. You can’t even think angry thoughts without him knowing it.

3. Permanent anemia.

2. Immortal In-laws.

1. You get a paper cut, he gets a boner.

All tongue in cheek of course. If you can’t get enough vampire romance, then return with me to the series that started it. Wings in the Night. I’ve just launched a brand new chapter of the series, and I’m calling it Wings in the Night: Reborn. My message to new readers is this: You may begin here.

Book 1, TWILIGHT GUARDIANS, goes on sale September 1st. I hope you enjoy it!

About The Author:
Maggie Shayne is best known as the New York Times bestselling author of more than 50 novels, nearly 30 novellas, a former soap writer, (The Guiding Light, As the World Turns,) a former advice columnist (Shayne on You,) and RITA Award winner. But what’s less known about her is that she’s been a practicing Witch for almost as long as she’s been a published author.

Known within the Craft of the Wise as LadyHawk the Mythmaker, Maggie studied in the Black Forest Circle Seminary for three years, earning her 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree elevations there. A licensed minister of Wicca, Maggie was later made a Craft Elder, and co-founded a new Wiccan tradition called RavenMyst Circle. Her coven, The Coven of the Redtail Hawk, turned out five new high priestesses, several of whom went on to form covens of their own, and making Maggie, according to the Old Ways, A Witch Queen.

Maggie has published westerns, category romances, romantic suspense, paranormal romances, urban fantasy, women's fiction, and just about everything in between. She's a winner of the RITA Award, the romance fiction industry's most prestigious prize, and has won countless others including several RT BOOK RREVIEWS "Reviewer's Choice" Awards, two RT Career Achievement Awards, the Daphne du Maurier Award, The Golden Leaf Award and numerous others.

Maggie's "Twilight" series of vampire novels, officially known as Wings in the Night, began in 1993 with TWILIGHT PHANTASIES from Silhouette Shadows. The series concluded with TWILIGHT FULFILLED in October 2011, but has come back to life now that she has gone indie.

Follow Maggie online at:

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WELCOME to the World of Wings in the Night! You may begin here…

I am the vampiress Rhiannon. I would like to tell you how I, and my stories, came to be.
In 1991, before “paranormal romance” even existed, my authoress, Maggie Shayne wrote a vampire romance short story she called Twilight Phantasies and submitted it to several fiction magazines. One responded favorably, saying they loved the tale, but had a policy of only buying from their subscribers. So if she would kindly send them the hefty subscription fee, they’d be happy to make her an offer. Maggie was not yet a published author, but she was also not an idiot. (Had she been, I would not have chosen her to tell these tales I’ve been whispering into her brain for the past twenty years.) So she decided to just keep working and the story grew into a novel. In 1992, she submitted it to Silhouette Books’ brand new line called Shadows, a line that was far ahead of its time. It was very well received, but the editor asked her to do some revising. An offer could not be made until she did, because she was so new. The revisions were mainly about cutting back heavily on a secondary character, my beloved Roland de Courtemanche, and keeping the focus on the book’s main couple, Eric Marquand and Tamara Dey. I had every intention of paying the editor a midnight visit for this insult, until she said, “Don’t cut Roland’s scenes. Save them for the sequel. He needs a book of his own.” It was in that moment that the Wings in the Night Series was born, even though the author didn’t realize it at the time. 

When the revisions were complete, Silhouette bought the novel for a four thousand dollar advance. Sadly, Shadows was doomed before it began. As I said, ahead of its time. The paranormal romance craze was only a seedling, just beginning to germinate, and nowhere near the phenomenon it would later become. The Shadows cover art had a comic or graphic novel look about it. It did not scream “romance fiction.” No matter. It is my belief that the line’s chief reason for existence was to help give birth to my stories. Once Wings in the Night began, even the line’s eventual demise could not stop it. 

My authoress was on fire as I pried open her channels and continued pouring stories into her mind. She didn’t know where they were coming from back then. But it was an effort. When she first began my story, I was drawn as the villainess of the piece, and some weak and pathetic mortal female was supposed to be Roland’s mate! I schooled myself to patience. My authoress was just learning, after all. She did not yet understand who I was. 

Trust me when I tell you, she does now. 

Twilight Memories, my story, was published next, in 1994. You’ll have to pardon the blue eye shadow. It was the nineties, after all. I did finally get through to my authoress. In fact, I opened the lines of communication so widely, that I dictated the opening of the story. Those first four pages marked “Introduction” truly were my introduction to my authoress. I was speaking to her, telling her who and what I am, warning her that I am no one to be trifled with. 

She merely wrote down what I said. And I’ve been dictating the stories of my people to her ever since.

One more novel, Twilight Illusions, featuring the magician Damien Namtar (formerly known as King Gilgamesh of Ancient Sumer) and his fledgling Shannon, was published under the Silhouette Shadows line. Damien is our link to our origins, a link that continues to unfurl all the way through Book 20 of the series. But I digress. 

After this book was published, Silhouette Shadows closed down. My authoress received two messages. One from her publisher, telling her there would be no more Wings in the Night. The second was from me, telling her to begin the next book right away. She listened to me, and wrote Born in Twilight over the next eight weeks. Flat. 

Shadows died. Silhouette was absorbed by Harlequin. Harlequin has been purchased by Rupert Murdoch. 

But Wings in the Night lived through it all, and still lives on. 

My authoress has taken my advice and broken free of all of them. She will no longer allow fat, rich, mortal men to become fatter and richer from the fruits of her labor, but rather, will continue to share her gift and my voice directly with you. This also means my contact with you will be far less diluted. Less filtered. More like…a direct current. 

Wings in the Night includes 15 novels, 4 novellas, and 1 “online read”
So far…. 

A brand new incarnation of the series begins this year with Wings in the Night: Reborn
Book One, TWILIGHT GUARDIANS will be a September 1, 2014 release in both print and electronic formats, from Maggie’s own label, Thunderfoot. And for those of you who missed the first 20 books, this is a fresh start. 

You may begin here….


Twilight Guardians

Print Length: 400 pages
Publisher: Thunderfoot Publishing


Add the book to your GoodReads Shelf

Discounted price Pre-Order ($2.00 off regular price!):

"My inspiration has always been Maggie Shayne's Wings in the Night." #1 New York Times Bestselling Author, Christine Feehan

They told 20-year-old Charlie O’Malley that they had a cure for the rare blood condition that would eventually kill her–an untested, experimental cure. All they wanted in return was for her to join their elite military team and train to kill the Undead.

She took the deal, not because she cared so much about extending her life, but because it would make her strong–stronger than ordinary humans. Strong enough to kill the vampire who’d pretended to love her, taken her blood, used her body, and murdered her mother.

Killion was the last of his kind, or so he thought. When he found Charlie, he felt the pull. She had the rare Belladonna Antigen all vampires had as humans. Vampires were compelled to protect those rare mortals they called The Chosen. But with Charlie, the bond was different, more powerful than anything he’s felt before, and impossible to resist, even though surrendering to it will probably get him killed.

Ancient vampire elders Rhiannon and Roland come out of exile, risking their lives to help their mortal friend Roxy reclaim her granddaughter. But before the tale ends, their lives will be forever changed.

Join Maggie Shayne as she returns to her most beloved series of all time with this new beginning….

Wings in the Night: Reborn



Maggie is offering up a $100 Amazon Giftcard to a lucky grand-prize winner at the end of the tour, a Runner-Up prize of a new Kindle, PLUS an eCopy of Twilight Guardians for a random commenter at each Tour Stop. 

Find the Rafflecopter for the Event here, follow the directions, take action, and mark as ‘Done’. 

To see the complete list of tour stops so you can read some great Q&A’s, Interviews, Guest Posts and more check out the full Wings in the Night Reborn Celebration Tour Schedule HERE.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Kindle Paperwhite giveaway on celebration of this sizzling author's new release!!

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Lynnie Russell 

Part Two
Lynnie has become something the world has never seen,
something she fears, something wild and as natural as death itself.
Her becoming was only the beginning of the story.
This...this is where the action begins. 

Existence Cover Soul Soured

Losing love before it begins can turn the soul sour. With a beast tumbling around in there with it my soul had a fight on its hands.
A fight against souring.
A fight to be saved. My fight to survive. My fight for an existence on this earth. 

Amazon Nook 

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Becoming Cover Becoming
Lynnie Russell 

Part One
A new twist on an old classic.
Havana, Arkansas isn't exactly the picture of mystics and magic, but Lynnie Russell learns quickly you can't judge a book by it's cover.
She discovers myths and legends are alive and well in her tiny little town and she is at the center of it.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Giveaway and Guest Post with Lori King and her new book Submission Dance

How did Fetish & Fantasy start?

I’m so glad you asked! *wink wink* About a year ago I saw a photo floating around Facebook that was sexy and intriguing. It stuck in my brain, and wouldn’t let go until I started writing about it. Now, I don’t own the rights to the image, so I can share it here, but I can tell you detail that it contained a trio of people locked in a dark fantasy of exhibitionism and voyeurism. One man watches from across the room as another man intimately holds the woman he desires. There was something about the look on his face that told me he was okay with the exchange, and perhaps even requested it. The transfer of ownership and the comfortable way he relished in his own need to watch drew me in, and like I said it wouldn’t let go. Watching Sin was born from that photo, and as the story developed I heard the voices of the other party attendees clamoring for their turn to share a one night-fantasy.

The stories in this series are tied together loosely, but they are standalones, so if exhibitionism and bisexuality doesn’t rev your fantasy engine—then take a peek at the second story, Submission Dance. Marley and Lex explode off of the page in a shower of sparks from the moment their eyes meet, and between her naiveté about “real” BDSM practices, and his broken hearted past rearing its head, they have to figure out how to mesh the fire between them with the reality of the coming dawn.

The third story, Mistress Hedonism, is due out in early October, and let me just give you one phrase to whet your appetite for that one: Domme introduces her sub to the man of their dreams. I hope you enjoy the Fetish & Fantasy Series, as I’m having tons of fun exploring the kinks and fantasies of this eclectic group of friends. Who knows, perhaps a Lusty Fantasies fetish party with come to your town?

Submission Dance
(A Fetish & Fantasy Novella)

Marley Saltzman has a secret fantasy. She wants to let go of everything, and submit to a Dominant. Intrigued by her friends BDSM lifestyle, she convinces him to put her on the guest list for his monthly fetish party. She had no idea how far out of her element she would be until she came face to face with an experienced Dom.
Lex Gregory has been nursing heartache and raising his daughter alone for so long he barely remembers what a submissive feels like at his feet. When he meets Marley, he can’t believe that the naïve woman ever thought she could handle kink. All too quickly his need for her refreshing innocence and lack of preconceived notions grows, and he has to have her.
The two begin a subtle dance of sexual submission and wit that leads to a night of passion and unanswered questions. Will this dance end in heartache, or will they both find their darkest fantasies fulfilled?
Warning: Adult Themes-For Mature Audiences. Contains language and actions some may deem offensive. Sexually explicit content. M/F, graphic language, consensual BDSM, spanking, public sex, HEA.

Buy Links:

Best-selling author of The Surrender Trilogy, Sidney’s Triple Shot, and The Gray Pack, Lori King is also a full-time wife and mother of three boys. She rarely has time to just enjoy feminine pursuits, but at heart she is a hopeless romantic, so she spends her days dreaming up Alpha men, and her nights telling their stories.
Find out more about her current projects at or follow her on Facebook: or Twitter:

Watching Sin
Fetish & Fantasy, #1
Available Now for only $0.99

After fifteen years as a bland housewife, Alana is ready to shake up her life by fulfilling her darkest fantasy. She wants to be watched. Her exhibitionist streak is ready to break free, and she knows exactly whom she wants for her voyeur.
Doug would give his wife, Alana, the moon if she asked, so he’s more than willing to participate in a public threesome at a fetish party if it makes her kinky wishes come true. His business partner and best friend, Killian is the wild card in their plan.
A businessman first, and a trained Dominant second, Killian never gets tied down to one submissive. He’s a lover with commitment issues, but he doesn’t hesitate to help fulfill Doug and Alana’s fantasies. Once the fantasy is set in motion, the three players must decide if watching sin is enough…
Warning: Adult Themes-For Mature Audiences. Contains language and actions some may deem offensive. Sexually explicit content. M/M/F, graphic language, consensual BDSM, public sex, HFN. Short story Approx. 14,200 words.
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GRAND PRIZE: $25 Gift Card
RUNNERS UP:  Five runners-up will receive an eBook of their choice from Lori's backlist

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