Saturday, November 30, 2013

COVER REVEAL: Her Savage Scot


Christina loves writing dark tales set in the 9th century featuring tough Highland warriors who are brought to their knees by their brave Pictish princesses.

She is published by Ellora’s Cave and Berkley Heat and has dipped her toe in the indie pub waters. She is a member of the Romance Writers of Australia, Romance Writers of America, the DarkSide Down Under Group Blog and Historical Hearts Group Blog.

Christina is an ex-pat Brit who now lives in sunny Western Australia with her family. She is also owned by three gorgeous cats who are convinced the universe revolves around their needs. They are not wrong.

The Highland Warrior Chronicles

From the Kingdom of Dal Riada, Scots warriors Connor MacKenzie, Cameron MacNeil and Ewan MacKinnon pledge to keep the peace in the wild Highlands of Pictland. But each man is destined to fall in love with a Pictish princess - three cousins who are determined to save their beloved land from the savage invaders. Instead they lose their hearts to their wild foreign warriors.
Book 1 ~ Her Savage Scot
Book 2 ~ Her Vengeful Scot
Book 3 ~ Her Defiant Scot

Blurb for Her Savage Scot

When tough Scot warrior Connor MacKenzie rides into the barbaric lands of the Picts on a mission for his king, he never expects to be captivated by a beautiful Pictish widow. Drawn under her spell, yet unaware of her true identity, he risks everything for one passionate night in her arms.

Aila, princess of Pictland, swore long ago she would do anything within her power to help defeat the Vikings who invaded her land and murdered her husband. But after meeting Connor, her frozen heart thaws and once again she imagines a future filled with love and passion.

When Connor delivers the message from his king, Aila becomes a pawn in a deadly game of politics. Her heart belongs to Connor, but she must marry the prince of Dal Riada – Connor’s half-brother. But the fates have other plans for the star-crossed lovers as they fight their enemies and themselves to find true love.

A Romantica® historical erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave

She looked at him and he imagined he could see tension seeping from her. As though his words reassured. He clawed through his mind for other such words.

“It would never occur to me,” he said, “that you would ever intentionally cause distress by word or action.”

“I certainly would never wish to cause you any distress, Connor.” And then she smiled, a small, tentative smile as though unsure of his reaction.

His chest tightened, the pain jagged yet not wholly unpleasant. Strange. And as he focused on the slight tremble of her lower lip, raw protectiveness seared through him, a primitive urge to pull her close and claim her as his own to the world.

Unnerved by the power of the image, the suddenness of its overwhelming demand, his first reaction was to recoil. But instead he remained rooted to the spot, unable to tear his gaze from her, unable to sever the tenuous connection that shimmered, beyond mortal sight, in the air between them.

The fanciful notion shattered the moment of paralysis, but not the sense of protectiveness that, if anything, gathered momentum by the second. And although a distant sliver of sanity urged caution, he held out his hand.

With only a moment’s hesitation Aila placed her hand in his, and he curled his fingers around her. Such a small gesture. Yet somehow, incomprehensibly, significant.

He picked up her abandoned circlet and they began the long walk back to Ce-eviot.

Read Chapter One of Her Savage Scot
ISBN:  9781419940446
Release date: 20th November 2013

Ellora's Cave     Amazon     ARe     Nook     Amazon UK     Kobo

Connect with Christina:

 Website    Facebook    Twitter    Goodreads    Blog  

Tour Wide Giveaway in conjunction with Allison Butler who writes Scottish medieval romances for Penguin Australia
Rafflecopter Code: a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, November 29, 2013

Giveaway and Spotlight On: Razzle Dazzle by Morticia Knight

WHOOOOHOOO!!  Congrads to Morticia Knight for her newest release:  Razzle Dazzle!!  We are having a kick-off party for this hot little book and revealing and EXTREMELY HOT excerpt.  For those of you who have read Morticia's work know this lady knows how to lay the heat ON!! Plus we have some fabulous prizes to giveaway!  But let's all take a look at the details to this newest yummy:
Razzle Dazzle (Gin & Jazz, Book 2)
Jack is on the verge of silent film stardom, but Hollywood glory won’t heal his broken heart. Then the seductive screen idol—Roman Pasquale—sweeps Jack away, and makes him his own. Will Roman’s obsessive love finally bring Jack true happiness?
Jack is devastated by the loss of Nick, his best friend and lover. His only other friend, new Hollywood star Trixie Fox, comes to his rescue. What he doesn’t know, is that she’s also helping Roman Pasquale in his carefully planned seduction of the shy and innocent Jack.
Suave film screen idol—Roman Pasquale—has been obsessed with Jack Stone from the moment he spotted him at a Global Studios party. He will stop at nothing until the golden-haired young man belongs to him. An expert at getting what he wants, Roman plans every wicked word, look and move to bring him closer to achieving his prize.
Jack is on the brink of stardom, and can’t believe that his movie star crush, Roman Pasquale, is taking an interest in him. But he resists the older, more sophisticated man’s attempts at seducing him. After all, he still loves Nick, and just isn’t ready to try again with anyone else. But when Roman turns on the charm, Jack is tempted. Can Roman replace Nick in Jack’s heart? Or is the magical world of the great Roman Pasquale all an illusion?
Jack didn’t even bother taking the menu. He knew Roman would order and, truthfully, he didn’t care one bit what they ate anyway. Even if he had to beg Roman to make love to him, it was going to happen that night. There was a sense of freedom as soon as the thought hit him. It was okay. He could be with Roman, and it would all be wonderful. He could feel it.
 “They are bringing us both Crab Louie salads. I thought we might not want to eat anything too heavy this evening.”
Roman paused, seeming to gauge Jack’s reaction.
“I agree.”
Roman’s mouth curled into a seductive smile and Jack knew it wouldn’t be long.
“I asked them to add avocado to yours. I know how you like it.”
“Thank you, Roman. You always seem to know what I want.”
“Do I? Hmm. I wonder what it is that you might be wanting right now.”
Jack swallowed. “You.”
Roman adjusted himself in the booth. He gave Jack another smile, and waved his hand in the air. The waiter appeared immediately.
“Cheque, please.”
That seemed to confuse the server. “Sir?”
“The cheque. Now. You may box up the salads and give them to my driver.”
The waiter left, shaking his head.
Roman moved in closer to Jack. “Shall we?”
“Yes. We shall.”
“Then I am the happiest man alive.”
Jack left it at that. Anything else he might try to say could ruin the moment. And he wanted this moment to stay forever in his heart as potent and alive as it felt right then.
Jack wasn’t sure how he made it back out to the car, but he was aware of the cooling night air, and how well Juan kept his expression blank. It most likely was a skill he had learned from working for the great Roman Pasquale for so long. Jack waited for Juan to open the back door this time. He was getting the hang of the whole movie star thing. It still seemed silly in a lot of ways, but it wasn’t bad. After all, if it meant Juan had a good job, then he supposed it was worth it.
As soon as they were both seated and the car drove out of the parking lot, Jack could feel the tension and heat between them. He looked shyly over at Roman. There was such a look of anticipation on Roman’s face as he considered Jack, that he didn’t know how they would be able to contain themselves for the ride home. Touching was out of the question.
“Only twenty minutes more, Jack Stone.”
Jack’s breath hitched in his throat. It was impossible for him to speak.
The ride took what amounted to forever for Jack, and as they passed through the elaborate wrought iron gates and up the driveway past the marble fountain, tears stung  Jack’s eyes. It was all too much. The last time he had been there, all that had happened since then, and now…
As soon as the vehicle came to a halt on the gravel driveway right next to the front steps, panic rose inside Jack.
Roman gently touched his shoulder. “Jack?”
He gulped in mouthfuls of air and gripped the edge of the back seat of the Hudson.
He heard Roman say something to Juan about leaving the car for later, and Jack was relieved that Juan had left. He just wanted to be completely alone with Roman. He laughed. That was the exact opposite of the way he’d felt a while before.
Roman slid in the seat next to Jack, put an arm around his shoulders and drew him close.
“Jack. If you’re not ready…”
Jack turned in Roman’s embrace, threw his arms about Roman’s neck and kissed him hard on the lips. He thrust his tongue in Roman’s mouth, aching to taste him there, and everywhere. Roman yanked Jack onto his lap, and battled him for dominance. They grasped and clung to one another in the raw hunger of denial. Roman clutched the greased strands of Jack’s hair, and held him fast in the ferocious kiss.
Jack struggled to get as close as he could to Roman, and was finally able to straddle him. Their dress clothes tangled between them, the soft fabrics sliding into bunches, creating frustrating barriers. Jack ground his erection into Roman’s abdomen, his swollen ball sacs rubbing against Roman’s impressive hardness as he rocked back and forth.
Roman broke the kiss and bit the side of Jack’s neck. It was just enough to simultaneously hurt and drive him wild. Roman licked the spot he’d nipped with long slow caresses of his tongue. Cum dripped from Jack’s tip, and he knew he couldn’t last. Still Roman lapped at his neck, nibbled at the sensitive crook and moved to his throat, licking his way up to Jack’s chin.
“Oh, Roman, I need you. I need you inside me.”
Roman stopped his journey. He pulled Jack’s head back by his hair. His eyes were even darker than Jack remembered.
“Then you shall have what you want. But not here.”

Morticia Knight Author Bio

M/M Erotic Romance author Morticia Knight enjoys a good saucy tale – after all, who doesn’t? Since she loves several genres, you may find your heroes in a contemporary, historical, paranormal or sci-fi setting. One of her passions is bringing people's fantasies to life on the page, because life is too short for even one boring moment. Her stories are volcanic in heat, deep in emotion, and sprinkled with doses of humor.

When not indulging in her obsession for books, she loves the outdoors, film and music. The Pacific Northwest is the ideal spot to enjoy both hiking and beachcombing. Once upon a time she was the singer in an indie rock band that toured the West Coast and charted on U.S. college radio. She now resides on the northern coast of Oregon, where the constant rain and fog remind her of visits to family in England and Scotland when she was a child.

She is currently working on the Gin & Jazz series about the glitz and glamour of 1920’s Hollywood – with more naughtiness to follow in 2014.
Find Morticia here:
or @morticiaknight on twitter, and on Facebook.

GIVEAWAY!!  What is a party without prizes?  Enter to win books, giftcards, and a sweet glamour prize pack!!!

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Review: Searching for Someday by Jennifer Probst

Kate has given up on love—at least for herself. She is both blessed and cursed with the ability to sense a romantic connection between two people—a gift that her family passed down for generations. When Kate launches her own matchmaking company, Kinnection, with her two best friends in a cozy New York town, she has to put aside her own romantic disasters to make her business a success.

But when a furious man stalks into her office and accuses her business of being a scam, Kate is given the ultimate challenge to prove herself. Slade puts himself in her hands and asks Kate to find him love. Enraged at his arrogance but stubbornly eager to prove herself, Kate agrees, dedicating herself to the journey of finding him love...only to find herself falling for him along the way.

My Review:

Jennifer Probst has created another killer series if book one is any indication.  A big fan of hers already, from her sexy Steele brothers, to her billionaire marriages, Searching for Someday brings back many of our favorites from the marriage series.  I was so happy to see our famous spell book at work again, along with a little help from the touch of another kind of magic.  You get the bonus of never having to let go of some of the characters you fell in love with, because this is definitely a spin-off.

I'm not afraid to admit I cried several times during this book.  Some instances hit really close to home.  But the serious parts of the book get chased away by the sprinkling of humor peppered throughout.  The one thing I love about Jennifer's writing is the fact that it is so clear that she writes from the heart.   The emotions are so prevalent throughout the book that it is nearly impossible to put it down.  I enjoyed Kate's character so much.  She literally picked herself up so many times with a variety of obstacles to overcome and rose above everything.

Robert was also a very special character in this book.  He was literally the bonding mechanism between Kate and Slade.  He added that special touch to the story and gave it that extra sparkle, especially his little chapter at the end.  This book will melt your heart in so many ways, but it leaves you with a strong sense of hope and belief in love.  Jennifer is beyond a master in her craft of love tales.  I would recommend any of her books to those of us looking to fall in love with being in love, all over again.  Hats off to you Mrs. Probst for another enchanting realistic fairy-tale!!


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Review: The Doe and Wolf by Eve Langlais

What happens when a predator falls for his prey?
Bounty hunting is the perfect job for a maverick wolf; flexible hours, decent pay, the thrill of the chase. But Everett never counted on a doe stopping him in his furry tracks.
Dawn was a prisoner of Mastermind and ended up experimented on, against her wishes. On the run from Furry United Coalition agents, she ends up in the arms—and bed—of a lupine bounty hunter. Instinct tells her to run when she gets a chance because everyone knows not to trust the big, bad wolf, but her heart begs her to stay.
When the result of genetics gone wrong rears its mutated head and threatens both of their lives, will they manage to survive and discover if a wolf deserves a happily ever after?

My Review:

Another funny sexy by Eve Langlais.  You will laugh out loud with the sly references and jokes peppered throughout this adorably enjoyable short.  Everett is our bachelor wolf absolutely not looking for a mate.  But something about this meat-eating Doe REALLLY gets his engine running. A woman that can not only cook, but put down a meal with the best of them, could totally rock his world the other

Dawn was held prisoner  and experimented by an evil entity called Mastermind.  Her genetics were mutated and her animal-half forever transformed.  She could never return to her family because of what she has become, so how could this wolf look at her as anything but a freak of nature too?

Dawn awakens a side to Everett that he never knew existed, but time is not on their side.  Dawn has a price on her head and it falls to Everett to clear her name and keep her safe from an unwanted suitor....especially since this suitor happens to be a huge towering green drooly beast.  This is a book I thoroughly enjoyed and can't wait to see our cameo bunny's baby in the


Friday, November 22, 2013

Thankfully Naughty Giveaway Hop!!

Hello and Welcome to The Thankfully Naughty Giveaway Hop!! 66 blogs have linked up to tell you all about how thankful we are for being naughty and reading naughty!  So what can you win here?  So glad you asked!!
Mission: Scent a Mate
Jordan Alvarez knew that a promise to her best friend involved staking out the local wolf pack's scenting ceremony and recording the graphic details, but she was the writer and the only one with the balls to finish the task. No one would know that four human women had sneaked proof of their rituals, or at least, that was the plan until Aric Wolfe showed up. 
Mission: Stake a Claim
Aric Wolfe knew his baby sister was up to something, and expected her best friend, Jordan, to be in on the chaos. He finally had an opportunity to lay claim to a mate that had been under his nose for years. Jordan's scent called to both the man and the animal, and he was done fighting the call of the beast. It was time to mark his mate.
Mission: Survive an Alpha
When a good intention creates a problem for the Wolfe family, Jordan finds herself being stalked by a woman intent on claiming Aric as her own. Battle lines will be drawn, love will be put to the test, and Aric will have to fight Jordan's strong personality to keep her alive. Two alpha hearts seeking control will either find the balance or risk losing their love forever.
B and N:
I have an amazing swag pack and book to give to you!
So what do you have to do to win?  Fill out the rafflecopter!!  Don't forget to hop on through to the other great blogs!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Come, be thankful for being naughty!!!

1. Close Encounters with the Night Kind   31. Madison Sevier  
2. Natasha Blackthorne (US)  32. Shauna Aura Knight  
3. Dana Delamar  33. Heather Geoffries  
4. Morticia Knight  34. S.J. Maylee  
5. Draven St. James  35. Siren Allen  
6. Polly J Adams  36. Renea Mason  
7. Lusty Penguin Reviews - US  37. Kelly Gendron  
8. Bound by Passion  38. Tara Lain  
9. Shannan Albright  39. Valerie Twombly  
10. Paloma Beck  40. Caris Roane Paranormal Romance Author  
11. Leigh Ellwood  41. The Hedonistic Minimalist  
12. Danita Minnis  42. H. D. Thomson  
13. Share My Destiny  43. Rose Wynters  
14. Kristine Cayne  44. Susan' Sensual Side  
15. Eliza Gayle  45. Vickie Dold  
16. Shiloh Saddler  46. My Kindle Fever  
17. Malia Mallory  47. MYTHICAL BOOKS (INT)  
18. J.E. & M. Keep  48. Rhyll Biest  
19. Anya Breton  49. Cassandra Carr (INT)  
20. Evie Knight  50. Love Bites and Silk Ties  
21. Jami Denise  51. Passion Shields Series  
22. Buried Under Romance  52. Lisa Beth Darling  
23. Liberty Ann Ireland  53. Fierce Dolan - Words Without Limits  
24. Suzi Love (Int)  54. Booked & Loaded  
25. Smexy Fab Four  55. Layna Pimentel  
26. Literal Hotties Naughty Book Reviews  56. Traveling Cats  
27. Lorraine Pearl  57. Tabitha Conall  
28. Lily Harlem  58. DC Juris  
29. Lucy Felthouse  59. Danielle Duncan  
30. Alexandra Anthony  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Release Day for Charred Heart by Lizzy Ford!!!

For a thousand years, Chace has searched for a way to break the curse placed on him by a jilted lover. He’s a dragon shifter, one who can’t control when the magic will force him into a different form. He’s already lost everyone he ever cared about a few times over and doesn’t know how much longer he’s meant to suffer.

At his wit’s end, he makes a deal with a mysterious figure that offers him what he wants most – an end to his misery – in exchange for everything that’s his: His life, his power. His heart.

The next day, he meets Skylar, a modern day dragon slayer whose mission is to cage him – or kill him. Sexy, witty and brave, she is the yin to his yang, the woman destined to break the curse, balance his magic and make his broken heart whole. 

Except it’s too late. Not only has he sealed his fate, but an innocent one-night-stand with Skylar has dragged her into the middle of a deal with the devil, one she won’t escape, if he can’t convince her that dragon shifters aren’t her enemies.

Pick your copy up today!!!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Release Day Blitz for T.A. Grey's Tempting Grey

Title: Tempting Grey
Author: T.A. Grey
Series: The Untouchables (# 2)
Genre: Paranormal Erotic 
Publisher: Self Published
Release Date: Nov 21 2013
Edition/Formats Available In:  E~Book

It all began nearly 600 years ago…
A dangerous vampire, mated to a woman his heart no longer beats for.
A mistake that would change his entire life.
A mistake so horrific it would lead Grayson Blackmoore back to one woman.
A woman who holds the power to shatter him completely—Arabella Donahue.Vengeance, bloodshed. The hunt is on and Grayson won’t stop until they're all dead.


She smiled and held his hand a little tighter where their hands joined, energy swirled. He couldn’t see it but he could feel the presence of something special in her. Maybe she really was his bruid. A flicker of hope sprung. That could explain why she made him feel so strange…so good. 

“My mother’s not around. My father’s always traveling so I go with him. He’s really good at finding people.” 

“My father is Argonzo Blackmoore, president of the were and vampire council.” 

Her fingers flexed at the name. Everyone knew the name of his father. He was one of the most powerful people in the world. “That’s if you’re really that awful Grayson.” 

“Awful?” Surprise got the better of him. 

A playful look crossed her face. “I hear Grayson is a stalwart hero who’s as impenetrable as rock in a fight.” 

That almost made him laugh. “No one says anything so poetic about me.”

“True. I believe what they really said was that you were a quiet vampire with a temper.” She threw her head back and laughed, revealing the smooth length of her neck, and the thumping pulse beating beneath the skin.
Gray had to force his gaze away from her vein. 

Too late! 

He saw the throbbing vein. The muscles in his neck locked tight in a painful knot as he straightened his spine. His fangs distended. Only weak, or young, vampires couldn’t control their compulsion to feed at the sight of a vein. Panic grabbed at him. How shameful to reveal his fangs to her, to show weakness to this woman. 

No! Grayson’s heart beat frantically, sweat slicked the back of his neck, he wouldn’t do it. Even if he had to kiss her to keep her from seeing those vile teeth. Wait. His mind slowed. Kiss her? Grayson froze, his wayward thought garnering far too much consideration. 

“Are you feeling well?” Concern pulled the girl’s eyebrows into a furrow that still made her look impossibly sweet. 

His eyes locked on her mouth. All he could manage in answer was a brisk shake of his head—no. 

“Is there anything I can do?” she asked. 

Again, he shook his head. How was it he knew he needed to open his mouth and speak to her, yet he couldn’t think of a single thing to say? 

He was nearly hugging her. They’d long stopped dancing. They merely stood there touching each other. Suddenly words he hadn’t known he wanted to say burst from him. “Please tell me if you are her!” He shook her with the question. “I must know.” 

The smile on her face faded. Sadness transformed her face into something beautifully bad. The look made his own heart break into pieces at the sight. “Are you truly Grayson Blackmoore or are you funning me, my lord?” 

Just then the sound of rocks being removed began. They’d been found. People on the other side of the rubble started clearing it out. The crashing of stone made it difficult to answer her without yelling. Grayson grabbed the girl’s hand and pulled her further back into the room as dust and small rocks trickled down from the pile. 

When he had her attention he told her, “I am.” 

She blinked as if she’d forgotten what he was talking about. Then she remembered. 

Grayson must admit he wasn’t prepared for the impact her stricken face had on him. He nearly took back his words—however stupid that’d be. He nearly denied truly being Grayson, he’d do anything, to remove that expression from her face. 


The rocks were being pulled away faster. They didn’t have much time. Grayson felt like he 
held a delicate kite in his hands on a thin string and the wind was whipping by trying to tear the kite from him. 

Leaning close he asked, “Are you her?” 

Her lips parted before she fixed her expression into an unreadable mask. He hated the look; she was hiding something. That secret look made his stomach plummet. But her next move caught him completely by surprise. The beautiful blonde were, not the dark-haired vampire who he’d be mating with tonight, stepped up on the tips of her toes and pressed her lips to his. 

It was Grayson Blackmoore’s first real kiss. 

Grayson jerked in surprise, but didn’t sever their tentative connection. Their breaths stirred, mingled. Eyes stayed locked in a warm embrace. Gently, he pressed his lips more firmly against hers. Their lips touched completely now. He yearned to close his eyes and kiss her properly how he’d really like to, but he could hear voices now. The wall was nearly torn down. 

Grayson stepped back from temptation, feeling as dazed as the girl looked. The stones were removed moments later and a flood of faces swept into the small room. His father was before him, angry. Not that anyone but close family could see that the president of the were and vampire community was anything more than mildly annoyed. No, Grayson had been around his father long enough to recognize the stiff upper lip and quickened steps. 

He was dragged to a room the size of an area. It was packed full of unfamiliar faces, both were and vampire. The room smelled of expensive cologne, blood that filled glasses, and sweetness from poppy flowers used to decorate the occasion. 

“We do not have time to idle, son. The Redenver father has it in his head this is a poor sign of tidings to come. Hurry, we must begin the ceremony before he reneges on his deal.” Argonzo Blackmoore was a tall, slender figure with the nose of a hawk, and the complexion of an Italian. 


His father cast him a spared glance, watchful. “Yes, now. Are you ready?” 

It was time. He would meet and mate with his one and only now. How strange that a cool stillness crept over him, bracing him, in that moment. Those unfamiliar faces turned to watch him and his father as they made their way to the center of the room to the dais on which stood the awaiting Blackmoore and Redenver family. 

It wasn’t her. 

Tongue dry as parchment, Grayson licked his lips. It couldn’t be her. The possibility of it was next to nothing. Yet, as his father released him and Grayson marched up the dais to meet his bruid, he yearned for that familiar face to stare up at him from beneath the veil. One that could dazzle him with a smile. 

His father announced the families to the quieting crowd. Grayson stood tall next to a girl wearing a loose white gown with a veil obscuring her face from view. Grayson would soon pull that veil up to reveal her. And so it began. 

He and the quiet girl who had yet to speak a word were positioned to face one another. Grayson swore everyone could see the sweat dripping down his temples. He was sure of it. Everyone knew he didn’t want to be here right now. They had to see it in the strain on his face. His hands managed not to tremble as he took his bruid’s slender hands in his own. For a second he found himself trying to learn if this girl’s hands were the same as the girl he’d danced with. The girl had been wearing gloves so he didn’t have any clue how her hands looked. Were they slender fingered with long nails like the girl next to him had? 

The moment came crashing over Grayson with staggering finality. A priest spoke vows before them, his words sounding as if they came from far away. On a final word, the bruid before him slowly pulled back the veil. 

It felt like someone was skinning him alive, such was the agony of waiting to see. 

Was it her? 

He didn’t think he’d ever wanted anything so badly in his life as he wanted this. The first strands of hair came into view. The very world rolled before him making the room spin in a whirlwind of motion. Grayson rocked on the heel of his boots nearly losing his balance before he caught himself. Did anyone see him losing control right now? Did anyone even care that his world was completely upside down? 

Across the room stood a girl. In front of him, a lovely girl with eyes the color of coal and hair dark as night looked up at him with calm acceptance. Across the room, his eyes stayed locked on a girl with the wildest blonde hair he’d ever seen. She stared at him with an expression 

Grayson knew he’d never be able to forget. For her look showed exactly how he felt right now—ravaged. Like he’d found something precious and perfect for a few minutes but now had to put the gift down and walk away from it. She shook her head as if to clear her head from what she was seeing. His body nearly surged towards her, wanting, no, needing to go to her and comfort her. 

Then Anita of Redenver spoke, and in a strong voice vowed to stay beside Grayson for eternity. 
It was his turn. His role had already been cast. His mother, his family, were more important than him. 

Grayson Blackmoore delivered his vows as succinctly as Anita had. Applause broke out as Argonzo presented Grayson and Anita to the crowd. Shiny teeth flashed in forced, over-bright smiles from the faces below. But across the room, the face he sought to look upon one final time was gone. And he realized, it would never be there again.  


I love to write the kind of stories that will keep you up late at night and make your heart pound. It’s my goal in writing to make each new book better, more exciting, more action-packed, not only to test myself as a writer but to keep thrilling you. I’m always trying to push the boundaries with my imagination, and yours, to create something new and different.

If you’re a fan of paranormal romance novels then you’ll love my Bellum Sisters Trilogy. This isn’t your typical romance story, so be prepared for a kick of heat and tons of action. The Bellum Sisters Trilogy has received excellent reviews from paranormal bloggers and two of the three books are Top Picks from Night Owl Reviews.

Now, if you like shorter books with quite a bit of heat, humor, and action then I’d recommend the Kategan Alphas series. This erotic series features the sexy Kategan family and all the lucky men and women who get to meet them and complete their lives.

Visit my website to learn more about me and my books at

Places to find T.A.
Facebook Author Page

Places to find Tempting Gray
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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Giveaway and Review of The Lawman's Agreement by Nancy Fraser and Patti Shenberger

Author: Nancy Fraser and Patti Shenberger
Publisher: Entangled
Length:  254 pgs
Sub-Genre: Western


Post-Civil War Mississippi

U.S. Marshal, Zack McCade takes pride in protecting the good folks of Greenville—especially the beautiful Dr. Suzanne Martindale. He doesn’t always understand her need for independence, but he sure does like getting under her skin. It’s not like he’s looking to settle down—his job is too dangerous to risk taking a wife and family.

In an era when women aren’t readily accepted in the male dominated world of medicine, Suzanne doesn’t have time for courting—especially a charming Cajun rogue like Zack. When he proposes a fake betrothal to keep the matchmaking town out of their hair, she’s sure it’s a bad idea, but can’t deny her longing for a respite from the over-zealous bachelors in town.

Their ruse starts a fire in their hearts that neither expected, but will the re-emergence of Suzanne's real fiancé douse the flames?

Suzanne entered the woman’s ward of the hospital and lifted Felicity’s chart in her hands. Four days had passed since the night of the harrowing delivery, and both mother and baby were progressing even better than she’d hoped.
“Enough lollygagging around in this hospital bed,” Suzanne said. “It’s time for you two to head on home.” She smiled down at Felicity and baby Chance, and then raised her gaze to meet the new father’s. “Jake, if you wouldn’t mind getting Chance settled in for his trip home, I’d like a few minutes for one last exam of Felicity’s stitches.”
Jake laid the baby in his basket and lifted him from the bed. “I’ll be right outside whenever you’re ready to go,” he said.
Once the door had closed behind him, Felicity breathed a long, deep sigh.“Finally. It’s been one visitor after another for four days. If I weren’t already exhausted from the delivery and nursing, the well-meaning company would have done me in for sure.”
“You should have said something. I could have placed orders to limit the visiting hours,” Suzanne suggested.
Felicity shook her head. “It wasn’t as much the string of people as it was the fact you and I have barely had a minute alone.”
Concern for her patient, her friend, was paramount. “I’m sorry if it seems like I’ve neglected you. Did you have questions?”
“No, silly, you haven’t neglected me at all. And, the only question I have is, what’s going on with you and Zack? I haven’t seen the two of you together since the night Chance was born.”
“We’ve been busy, that’s all. I’ve had my patients, yourself included, and he’s had his…his…”
“His what? I don’t recall any news about an outbreak of bank robbing.”
“He’s just busy, that’s all.”
“Have the two of you called off this unusual arrangement of yours?”
Rather than remain standing, Suzanne took a seat next to Felicity on the edge of the bed. “No, we’ve not called anything off as yet.”
“Then why aren’t you wearing the ring?”
Suzanne rubbed her fingertips over where the ring should be. “It’s complicated.”
“Oh, my,” Felicity said, the two simple words catching on a gasp of surprise. “You two have been together, haven’t you? You’ve made love.”
“Whatever gave you that idea?”
“If I’ve learned anything over the past year of my marriage, there are only two types of complications between a man and a woman. Either they’re making love, or they’re not.”
Suzanne shook her head in the negative, but then admitted. “Yes, we made love. Once. It was…” her words stalled on a long sigh. “It was wonderful. Yet, it broke our agreement and I’m not sure how to get past it.”
“And so, for that reason, you took off your ring?”
Suzanne met Felicity’s gaze and a single warm tear ran down her cheek. “I didn’t exactly take it off. I lost it.”
“You lost it? How? When?”
“Well, I suppose I did take it off, but not for the reason you were thinking. I removed it on my way to the operating room just before your surgery. I put it in a small cup on the shelf above the sink. In the excitement of the evening, I forgot to go back and get it. When I came in the next day, the cup was gone and so was the ring.” Suzanne stood and helped Felicity to her feet. “Enough about me and my forgetfulness. It’s time for you and your new baby to go home.”
“I thought you wanted to check my stitches.”
Suzanne shook her head. “No, I checked them earlier this morning and they were fine. I just wanted these few minutes alone with my favorite patient.”
“I’m glad we talked,” Felicity admitted. “Now you and Zack need to talk and resolve whatever issues you have about what happened.”
“It’s not just that,” Suzanne said. She plucked at the apron covering her shirtwaist, and ran the cotton edge through her fingers. “We also have our reputations to think about. This isn’t New York, or even New Orleans. This is a small town filled with people who thrive on gossip.”
“No doubt,” Felicity agreed. “However, you also have to be true to yourself. And, as for the ring, I know Zack won’t be the least bit concerned over the fact that you lost it.”
“I suppose you’re right. Perhaps, tonight, I won’t run out of here so early. Maybe, with any luck, I’ll have an escort home.”



Like most authors, Nancy Fraser began writing at an early age, usually on the walls and with crayons or, heaven forbid, permanent markers. Her love of writing often made her the English teacher’s pet, which, of course, resulted in a whole lot of teasing. Still, it was worth it.
When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five beautiful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.
Twitter: @nfraserauthor
Patti Shenberger recently signed a contract for her twenty-first romance novel/novella sale. She’s published in short contemporary, historical time travel, paranormal and erotic romance, as well as multi-published in fiction and non-fiction magazine length work.
Patti is a wife, mother of two, mother-in-law of two, brand new grandmother to a beautiful baby boy and pet mommy of two. Patti resides in Michigan, where she complains about the heat in the summer and the snow in the winter. When she’s not writing, Patti can be found with her nose buried in a book.
Twitter: @pattishenberger

What an excellent introduction to the works of these great authors!!  I haven't enjoyed a western this much in a long time!  This two local stars decide to put themselves out of the marriage game by becoming involved themselves.  Our hunky Marshall is determined to put an end to the cookie brigade that has slowly become his office.  Most of the eligible ladies in town have set their cap for our sexy Zach, but his eyes have only room for one lady, and she remains unimpressed with physical

Suzanne was by far my favorite character.  She was independent, stubborn, and logical to a fault.  Emotional entanglements held no interest to her because she was a career woman, and boy did her character make the story.  Strong willed women know what they want, and this doctor was no simpering virgin.  She was an all around take charge kind of girl, and the exact type of woman I love reading about!!

The story was steady, and even though it was part of a series, you never felt like you had missed anything.  This one definitely kept your attention, and had you rooting for Mrs logical to figure out she loved him. lol.   I think it was easier for Zach.  It was a great read and this duo will be gracing this blog again!



Nancy and Patti are giving away an amazing prize!!  You have the chance to name a business in their next book and have one of the characters named after you!!!  The grand-prize is inclusive also of a copy of said book and a copy of The Lawman's Agreement!!  Second place is a copy of book 1 and 2!!!

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