Sunday, December 29, 2013
Review: Two's a Couple, Three's the Law by Eve Langlais

Thursday, December 26, 2013
Giveaway and Spotlight On: Psychic Appeal by Michelle McCleod

Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Merry Christmas my Friends!!

Saturday, December 21, 2013
Giveaway and Spotlight On: Layers Deep by Lacey Silks

Friday, December 20, 2013
Review: Ariel's Song by Evie Knight
About Ariel’s Song: Colin Hoskins, famous classical violinist, is tainted by his past. Angry at life, unable to move beyond the betrayal of his dead fiancé, he’s sworn off performing or falling in love ever again. All Colin wants is to be left alone, except no one listens. Especially the pretty little assistant he can’t fire and his body burns to claim. Stranded in a foreign country, bankrupted heiress Ariel Parks needs a job to fund her way home. Assistant of sorts to the musician she’s fantasized about for years sounds like a dream job. She never imagined the gorgeous genius would be a reclusive beast. But the real problem is the way every nerve in her body tingles at the mention of his name.
My Review:
I must admit, I got caught up in Colin. I have a thing for strong, brooding, damaged men who play instruments...I mean who doesn't? This was a great example of life throwing you constant curve balls and trying your best not to give up. I loved the interaction between the two...it was intense, hot, and emotional....especially the sex scenes. I honestly can say that I envied Ariel..towards the end. Colin wasn't a very nice person in the beginning...and the middle..lol. This story had an underlay of beauty and the beast, which is my favorite fairy tale. I hope you fall in love as quickly as I did! OH! I cannot wait for book 2....fingers crossed its Jules!!!

Thursday, December 19, 2013
Giveaway and Spotlight On: Wind and Shadow by Tori L. Ridgewood
Tori L. Ridgewood’s new book Wind and Shadow: Book One of the Talbot
Trilogy, published by Melange Books, was released on June 20, 2013.
After a series of misadventures including being accused of attempted murder in high school, Rayvin Woods, a photographer and natural witch, left her hometown of Talbot in Northeastern Ontario, hoping to start her life over and never return. Ten years later, circumstances force her back to face her past and her former crush Grant Michaels.
Malcolm de Sade, a cunning vampire, escapes from an underground prison looking for vengeance. His accidental release unleashes his hunger and ambition on a small, sleepy town. Rayvin’s power is all that stands between de Sade and his domination of Talbot, and beyond.
Grant Michaels, a police officer, thought Rayvin was a murderer. He will do whatever it takes to protect the community he loves from danger... but will he learn to trust his heart, and the word of a witch, before it's too late?
Rayvin didn't count on rekindling a lost love or battling a malevolent vampire and his coven for her life when she came home to Talbot. Facing the past can be a nightmare… It’s worse when a vampire is stalking you.
After a series of misadventures including being accused of attempted murder in high school, Rayvin Woods, a photographer and natural witch, left her hometown of Talbot in Northeastern Ontario, hoping to start her life over and never return. Ten years later, circumstances force her back to face her past and her former crush Grant Michaels.
Malcolm de Sade, a cunning vampire, escapes from an underground prison looking for vengeance. His accidental release unleashes his hunger and ambition on a small, sleepy town. Rayvin’s power is all that stands between de Sade and his domination of Talbot, and beyond.
Grant Michaels, a police officer, thought Rayvin was a murderer. He will do whatever it takes to protect the community he loves from danger... but will he learn to trust his heart, and the word of a witch, before it's too late?
Rayvin didn't count on rekindling a lost love or battling a malevolent vampire and his coven for her life when she came home to Talbot. Facing the past can be a nightmare… It’s worse when a vampire is stalking you.
Excerpt from Wind and Shadow: Book One of the Talbot Trilogy by Tori L.
Rayvin’s teeth were grinding
together. The pretty little waitress, her head cocked while she smacked her gum
and smiled saucily, didn’t know with whom she was dealing. Rayvin’s hand itched
to wipe those too-red lips off her freckly face; her magick boiled inside her,
making the room spin slightly with its intensity. Maybe the little bitch wanted
those braces to be permanently glued to her teeth? Or every freckle to spontaneously
morph into ugly, enormous, oozing pimples?
Rayvin had had enough of being nice.
She had held her tongue while Asshole Wilson had made his insinuations, in
front of everyone. She had been good, waiting with utmost patience while Grant
Michaels, of all people, had risen somewhat to her defense. He had impressed
her, just when she didn’t want to feel or be impressed, which put her in even
more of a bad mood. Everyone kept assuming they knew everything, just like this
dumb bitch behind the counter, who had smiled blandly when Rayvin had tried
explaining her relationship to Andrea.
“Sorry, I don’t know you, I wasn’t on
shift last night.” She snapped her gum. That particular habit had always driven
Rayvin crazy. “I could lose my job if I let you have the necklace.”
“Is the assistant manager here?”
Snap. Chew. “Nope. Sorry. She’s
“Look, maybe I haven’t made myself
clear—” Rayvin checked her name tag. “Susan.”
“Suzie.” She smiled brightly,
flipping a long brown pigtail over her shoulder and thrusting her shirt
“Whatever. You don’t seem to
“Hey, there, Suzie-Q!” Michaels eased
his way between Rayvin and the counter. Inwardly, she seethed at his
interference and at herself for feeling relieved. She had already fought this
battle with herself; she did not need his help. So why was her breast still
tingling where his chest had brushed against it while moving her aside?
As he smoothly explained the
situation, again, Rayvin crossed her arms and scowled at the patrons watching
with interest. Once more, she was getting attention that she neither needed nor
wanted. Tapping her foot to focus some of her negativity, she looked away as
Michaels continued to flirt with the girl behind the counter.
Susie was now leaning against her
arms to reveal her assets at their best angle, beaming up at the tall dark
off-duty cop who had to be twice her age. Her giggles clawed up Rayvin’s back.
She saw a dimple flicker within the light dusting of bristle on Michaels’ face
as he grinned down on the little girl.
She couldn’t look away. She’d seen
him grin like that before, for his friends, but not for her. Her heart ached,
remembering a flash of a grin she’d thought was directed toward her in high
school. And the crushing embarrassment when she’d realized he was looking at
someone behind her. It was ridiculous, really, that the man had this ability to
affect her in this way, after ten years. Stupid.
Impatiently pacing to the door and
back, she couldn’t decide what irritated her more; the entirely
age-inappropriate crushing going on, or her reaction to it. Her hackles had
gone up in a decidedly defensive manner. It shouldn’t matter that he wasn’t
interested. He’d made the boundaries in their relationship painfully clear. She
shouldn’t even use the word, ‘relationship.’ She was essentially a subject in
an investigation, and the enemy of his best friend. And yet she needed him to
get what Andrea needed. Michaels could talk to people in a way that she could
not, and it was clearly working. She grudgingly appreciated the effort, on
Andrea’s behalf, but still . . . did he have to be so obvious?
As long as he was able to get the
necklace, then they could go their separate ways, and she wouldn’t have to
watch him smiling at a pretty girl. She wouldn’t have to pretend that he might,
in some small way, want to move forward. His offer of coffee had felt like a
truce of sorts, and for a moment she had nearly believed that they were just
two ordinary individuals, catching up after years of separation. But as much as
she wanted to believe in the possibility and enjoy something of a reunion, or
something more, because she had to admit that the man made her weak in the
knees and always had, she knew it could never happen. There was too much
history between them. Now, there was too much at stake. Whatever heartache and
loneliness she might feel, she would have to bury it, for Andrea’s sake.
Rayvin swallowed her feelings, and
resumed her post behind Grant, glowering at her former high school crush and
the flirtatious waitress.
The door opened again, this time
admitting an icy wind as well as an individual in dirty jeans and a torn and
grimy black jacket. He pulled the door shut firmly against the breeze. Rayvin
couldn’t see his face for the curtain of greasy black hair under his dismal
grey trucker’s cap.
The patrons closest to the entrance
reacted to the unexpected gust of cold air, grabbing for their coats and
scarves. The newcomer stood by the door, rubbing his grubby hands vigorously.
It was a hint of the winter to come, Rayvin reflected, shivering through her
own thick woollen sweater. If it was as cold as that wind suggested, she was
going to have an uncomfortable journey home, whether it was walking or riding
with Officer Michaels. Constable Michaels. Whatever he was called now. She rubbed
her arms, waiting for the brief burst of chill to dissipate with the warmth of
the restaurant.
It didn’t.
In fact, as waitress Suzie twirled
her hair around her finger and dipped below the counter to retrieve the
necklace for Michaels, Rayvin noticed a distinct odour pervading the room. A
couple behind her left off eating their soup, noses wrinkled wrinkling in
“Does it seem darker in here to you?”
Michaels asked.
Before Rayvin could respond, Suzie
called out, “Do you have a penlight or something? I can’t see down here.”
Obligingly, Michaels removed the tool
from an inner coat pocket, and turned around.
Rayvin had noticed that the lights
seemed dim, and the small votive candles on each table were giving off faint
blue hues. Not that any of the diners picked up on their supernatural glow;
they were putting on coats or sweaters against the chill that continued to
spread, or using menus and napkins to try wafting away the stink that ruined
their appetites.
She stepped toward the stranger who
had walked in, sensing the source of the problem. For a brief instant, as he
lifted his chin, her eyes met his in the shadow under the brim of his filthy
Suddenly, it felt like the walls were
closing in; the world tilted around her, her head pounded, and her vision
exploded. Sickening lights and horrifying, demonic faces leered at her as the
floor slanted under her feet. The breath left her lungs in a whoosh, as though
she’d been punched in the stomach. Rayvin reached out, blindly, hands grasping
for something solid, and found Michaels’ arm.
“We have to get out of here, now,”
she whispered, clutching his wrist.
She turned her head away from the
shadows and that elongated and loomed over her to gesture at the door, where
the decorative lights shimmered and stretched into a matrix of fantastic
threads snaking through the air to bind and trap her. They blinded her against
the dark figure, but she could hear his malevolent laughter. It echoed all
around her, drowning out the words she knew Grant was speaking; she could feel
his chest against her back, an island of stability in the chaos, rumbling
gently as he spoke. Her knees trembled, nearly giving way under the onslaught.
The arm encircling her waist took her off-guard, and she fought against it at
first, until touch revealed it to be Michaels’ muscle, sinew, and bone holding
her steady.
As one, they moved toward the
entrance. His grip tightened as Rayvin staggered under the weight of the
malevolence bearing down on her. Black, dark, evil energy sank down along her
shoulders and spine, cloaking her with icy tendrils and muffling her senses
even as her feet shuffled toward the threshold, until she felt the contours of
the door under her palms. The vile blanket lifted from her with the first
brushes of crisp, fresh air against her face; she tilted her chin up, letting
the calming breeze wash over her eyelids, her nose, and her lips. Exhaling, she
let him steer her down the sidewalk a few paces. She felt like a swimmer who’d
barely escaped drowning. Stopping at a low stone wall, Rayvin leaned her elbows
against its frosty, pitted rough surface, and immediately missed the warmth of
Michaels’ touch when his hand let go of her body.
“What the hell happened in there?”
Michaels was standing a step away, his hands fisted on his hips.
She looked up, rubbing the back of
her hand against her forehead. The pain banding her skull from temple to temple
was starting to ease, but when she opened her eyes, halos of energy stood in
bright relief around the living entities and made her head ache anew. Michaels
moved into her field of vision. She flinched, but instead of the burst of agony
she was expecting, his aura flooded her with calm. He stepped closer, and with
relief, she felt herself opening to his vibration, warm and healing. She felt
his concern, his confusion and frustration, and more.
“I . . .” Rayvin hesitated, unable to
hold his gaze. She looked back the way they had come, down the sidewalk at the
seemingly ordinary restaurant. Another couple was just coming through the
doors, holding hands and laughing, oblivious to whatever had attacked her.
“It’s hard to explain. I felt
something . . . wrong, really wrong. Something powerful, that came at me, like
it was attacking me, or about to. It wasn’t safe to stay. I couldn’t see, couldn’t
breathe . . .” She shuddered, bowing her head, and felt him move a step closer.
“Well, I thought you were going to
faint,” Michaels noted. “And you’re still pale. Are you on anything? Any
medications, herbs, or . . .” He cut off when she glared at him blearily. “What
you experienced could logically be the result of a hallucinogen of some kind.”
Cradling her chin, he pulled out the
penlight again to check her pupils. She jerked her head, trying to get away,
but he refused to let go. The touch of his hand made her breath come more
quickly. The sensation of his fingers brushing against the sensitive skin, just
below her jawline, weakened her defences. Or was it his nearness, the way his
eyes met hers, his lips so close to her own that hers trembled in response?
Rayvin’s stomach was still clenching in reaction to fear, and her fingers were
numb with shock; her instinct was tearing her in three directions. She wanted
to run back in and fight the creature. She wanted to run for her own life. And
she wanted to stay right here in the safety of this man’s arms.
She would never know who moved first.
Her eyes closed as his mouth covered
hers, yielding to the hand that cupped her face and tilted it back. Her fingers
touched his chest, exploring the contours of the warm muscle hidden under the
soft flannel work shirt. Heat blossomed between her thighs as she felt his
heartbeat quicken. He moved closer, settling into the space between her legs as
their kiss deepened.
Wind and Shadow
is available for sale on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Wind-Shadow-Talbot-Trilogy-ebook/dp/B00DYCH64Y
“During a
period of writer’s block on Wind and Shadow, I wrote a prequel novella
titled Mist and Midnight to help myself
find answers to questions about how my vampire was trapped, and why he had come
to the small town of Talbot in the first place. Mist and Midnight was released in 2011 as part of the Midnight
Thirsts anthology, published by Melange Books. It’s a stand-alone piece,
but it’s a terrific companion to The Talbot Trilogy,” said Ridgewood.
Blood and Fire: Book Two of The Talbot Trilogy will be released in February 2014.
About Tori L.
After her first heartbreak, Tori found solace in two things:
reading romance novels and listening to an after-dark radio program called
Lovers and Other Strangers. Throughout the summer and fall of 1990, the new kid
in town found reading fiction and writing her own short stories gave her a much
needed creative outlet. Determined to become a published author, Tori amassed
stacks of notebooks and boxes of filed-away stories, most only half-finished
before another idea would overtake her and demand to be written down. Then,
while on parental leave with her second baby, one story formed and refused to
be packed away. Between teaching full-time, parenting, and life in general, it
would take almost seven years before the first novel in her first trilogy would
be completed. In the process, Tori finally found her stride as a writer.
At present, on her off-time, Tori not only enjoys reading,
but also listening to an eclectic mix of music as she walks the family dog
(Skittles), attempts to turn her thumb green, or makes needlework gifts for her
friends and family members. She loves to travel, collect and make miniature
furniture, and a good cup of tea during a thunderstorm or a blizzard. Under it
all, she is always intrigued by history, the supernatural, vampire and shapeshifter
mythology, romance, and other dangers.
Tori is currently working on Crystal and
Wand: Book Three of The Talbot Trilogy. She lives in Kirkland Lake,
Ontario, Canada with her
husband and two children. She is a full-time teacher at a local high school.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ToriLRidgewood
Website: http://torilridgewood.wordpress.com/

Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Giveaway and Spotlight on: Taming a Gentleman
Beneath glistening chandeliers,
the dancers spun to the strains of a Handel waltz. Strathairn smiled down at
his partner, her slim waist beneath his hand as they danced. Lady Sibella
Winborne looked like a delicate flower in a gauzy pale gown covered in amber
blossom. White ostrich feather plumes adorned her luxuriant dark locks. He
enjoyed looking at her. Her serene oval face lifted and she smiled at him, her
mouth wide and full. Too wide for beauty some might say, but made for kissing.
She had inherited her mother’s famous eyes, a delectable mix of blue and green,
but her nature was quieter, lacking the vivacity of her mother in her youth,
who was said to have had men falling at her feet. He admired Sibella’s calm
beauty, but she was oh, so much more: practical, poised and intelligent. Yet
still unmarried, which surprised him.
“You arrived
late tonight. I wasn’t sure you’d come,” she said.
“I was tied up
with business.”
She tilted her
head. “Your horses, then?”
He grinned at
her blatant curiosity. “No.”
“You won’t
tell me.”
laughed with good humor. “Very well. Might I find you riding in Hyde Park
“I hope to.”
Her delicate
brows rose. “If business doesn’t keep you.”
He laughed.
The music
faded away. Strathairn escorted her back to her chair where her mother, the
Dowager Marchioness of Brandreth, sat fanning herself among the other dowagers.
He bowed, planning to slip into the rooms set aside for gambling. As much as he
might wish to dance with Sibella again, it would place them under scrutiny, and
faro was an effective release from the tension he always carried with him.
“Don’t rush
off, Strathairn,” her sharp-eyed mother said. “We have seen little of you of
late. You rarely frequent these affairs.” She waved her fan in an arc to
encompass the ballroom. “Where have you been hiding?”
“Not hiding,
my lady, merely visiting my estates.”
Lady Brandreth adjusted the silk shawl over her shoulders. “Did
you include that pile of yours in Yorkshire? I enjoyed the hunt ball, but it’s
cold as charity in winter up in those parts.”
“Not this
time, but I miss it. There’s a wild beauty to the dales in winter, quite unlike
southern England.”
“I daresay.” Her
purple turban wobbled as she nodded. “You are a fine figure of a man,
Strathairn. What are you now? Six and thirty? You should marry. You should be
setting up your nursery.” She gestured toward her daughter sitting beside her.
“Sibella will bear you healthy children. The Brandreths come of good stock, and
the Wederells even better.”
please!” He caught Sibella’s apologetic gaze and suppressed a wry smile. Her
plea would have little effect; the marchioness was known to be one of the most
colorful and outspoken members of the ton.
The dowager batted her daughter’s
protest away with her fan. “I am merely speaking the truth, Sibella.”
“Your daughter
is a credit to you, my lady,” he said with a smile. “She has inherited both
your beauty and intelligence.”
“Now you are
toad eating.” A roguish smile lit Lady Brandreth’s face. “You always were a
charmer. Sibella is intelligent. Walk with her on the
terrace to discover it for yourself.”
“I should be delighted.”

Tuesday, December 17, 2013
All things Paranormal, Especially the Awesome bundle for: $.99!!!!!!!!
All Things
Okay. Maybe not ALL things. How about the top TEN?
Hi there. Jackie Ivie here, swooping in from the dark
cold of Alaska to talk some heat with Nikki at Close Encounters with the Night
Kind! And I could just waste some
kilobytes making sure you don’t miss the brand new bundle PARANORMAL
(Out today! December 16th! 99 cents!
Eight fantastic stories! And it’s
hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! I mean, honestly, have you SEEN the
cover? Major swoon.)
Oh crap.
Where was I?
Oh…yeah. Talking heat.
In the middle of the winter. I
know! How about a top ten listing? Yes!
That’s it. The top ten paranormal
beings of all time (according to Jackie Ivie).
I should narrow that a little.
How about the top ten paranormal beings that belong in a romance? I mean, who’s going to want some hot and
heavy action with a swamp thing? In the mud.
All scaly and hard... Okay. Maybe me.
Bad example. How about a lizard man? Wow.
Think of the tongue action. Mothman? Seven feet of man-action with a huge
wing-span? Hmm. I’m losing track again. Let’s just say I’ll stick to the ten hottest
paranormal beings I love to read/write about.
In my opinion of course. And…what
the heck. I’m having trouble narrowing
it down. How about 11?
PS – I’m hoping
for some dissenting opinions out there.
What’s your top ten list?
#11 – Mermaid/Merman. If I’m putting a
character at sea, I’m thinking they need a bit of fantasy. And what could be better than a mostly unclad
hot-bodied creature who can hold their breath for like…ever? I mean, come on. Water sports takes on a whole new meaning.
#10 – Elf/Fairy. For the lighter/mischievous side of
magic: fairies and elves. I used to think writing about these creatures
would be a bit like going through 8th grade again, but then I saw
Orlando Bloom in LOTR. Long hair. Pointed ears.
As an elf. Well. I have changed my mind.
#9 – Mummy.
Okay. Work with me here. Add a half gallon or so of premium grade moisturizer. Some ancient words for reanimating and giving
flesh back. Some mood lighting, and
hey. I could work this. Besides, you have to admit, there’s not much better
than unwrapping this kind of present.
#8 – Zombie.
You gotta admit it’s kinky/cool. For
some reason. Maybe it’s because you get
to envision hot and heavy action with someone who wants to eat you. All of you.
#7 – Dragon.
I’m adding Mothman in here, too.
I mean. It’s large. It’s got wings. It can fly.
I’m sure we can put some fire-breathing action in there, too.
#6 – Wraith/Ghost/Phantom. Hmmm. Now
you see them. Now you don’t. Just think of the potential plot
entanglements! And you know, in Nordic
tradition, ghosts are stuck in this world because they were bad. Hmm…. A
hot Viking ghost who was a really bad boy.
How bad would he have to be?
Hmm. BAD.
#5 – Witch/Warlock. Oh yeah. Bring it on.
I’m envisioning all kinds of sexy creatures casting spells and working
dark magic. Changing destiny. What’s not to love?
#4 – (I might be
running out of numbers.) This has got to
be the Demon. Devil incarnate. Beelzebub. Belphagor (I love this one. He’s one of the seven princes of hell. And that does mean there are six more of
them. Can anyone see potential SERIES in
#3 –Incubus/Succubus. I mean come on. No list is complete without creatures who
arrive specifically to have hot and heavy action with a human. Usually in their dreams. And always out of their control. Oh.
And don’t forget the Cambion. Yes.
This is a real creature. It’s
what the half-human offspring of a Succubus or Incubus is called. Wow. I
think I feel a plot coming on…
#2 – Werewolf, Jinn, Shape-shifter. Okay.
Confess. There isn’t much hotter
than a buff werewolf, or a cat-person.
Or a batman. It’s just so wide
open. Imagine the possibilities. A human who turns into something else…and
maybe they can’t even control the change.
Oh. My. My.
(I’m going to need wine soon!)
#1 – VAMPIRE. Definitely the top of any list. Oh yeah.
It’s the cold, calculating, classy personae. No.
It’s the mystique. The redemption
part. No. It’s the wandering of the earth thing. The lips and fangs. The draining blood stuff. Hmm.
That could be it, especially when it involves the neck thing. They bite right into an erogenous zone that
shoots messages through their victim’s veins.
No. Wait. It’s the entire package. That’s it.
There is nothing like a vampire - and NOTHING better than fantasizing
and writing about them.
Trust me. Or check one out. The Vampire Assassin League is a series of
really hot novellas, featuring soulless killers who wander the earth…and then what
happens when they run across the one human mate who reanimates them. WHY THESE TWO, VAL #11 is included in the
Paranormal Nights Bundle! It’s one hot
collection! Out today! 99 cents!

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