Hello and Welcome to The Dungeon! I’m so
happy to have you here visiting and sharing your latest adventures. Don’t mind
the noise from the prison… err guests, they get noisy during their… treatments...
lol. Let me clear a spot so you can have a seat. Would anyone like some
refreshments before we get started?
*Two males enter
the main chamber, both decked out in black leather and nearly knee-high
executioner boots. One is a ouch over six feet with eyes the colour of
Caribbean water and shoulder length auburn/blond hair and the other is an inch
or so shorter but sapphire blue eyes and short cropped hair. Oh the back of the
blue eyed one is a set of hooked swords while I can see sai’s strapped to the other.
Behind them is a girl almost as tall with waist length red hair, emerald eyes,
and a beatific smile. For all the hard the males seem to be, she’s the exact
opposite in her silver slip dress and not a weapon to be seen.*
Thank you for having us, Nikki. Feel
free to ask anything you desire.
Tell us a little bit about your unique
I don’t know that our
relationship is unique, though it does seem to confuse many. Let me start by
introduction my two mates. To my left is Declán. *Anya motioned to the blue eyed hunk with
the swords*
He’s a Guardian and soon to be architect. J *She
jestured to the one with auburn/blond hair and fangs peeking out from between
his lips* And
this is Nicholas. He also protects us and the humans in the area, but is, of
course, not a Guardian. ;) Part way though Blood
Bound you will also meet my servant, or see a change in our relationship to
that of Mistress and servant, at least.
It was the easiest thing for
the three of us to make a life together, once I got over fearing I’d kill
Declán that is, lol. Nicholas never feared that but he has much better control
than I do ;)
What was it that first attracted the
three of you to each other?
For me there was just something about
her that drew me and when Skye, my twin sister’s girlfriend, befriended Anya, I
was lost. She’s smart, funny, sexy as hell . . . what’s not to like? Nic was a
little frustrating for me. I had only a passing interest in any guys I knew,
but he was both hot and, at first, potential competition. He also didn’t act
overly interested so I didn’t pursue him until “that night” . . . I know you
read Blood’s Voice so you know all
about our first actual night together, LOL.
I fell for Anya sixty years ago, not
when you first see us meet in Blood’s
Voice but we were friends first and while we shared something very special
and private, we never became intimate in a marital way until Declán asked me to
help him convince Anya that it was okay to move forward in their relationship.
Declán though, I don’t know. He was so innocent yet strong but I did not
consider him until he kissed me because he was Anya’s. Simple as that.
If you read out first book, you know
that I never stood a chance against either of my loves. They were both so
handsome and strong, and gods was the pull to know Declán enough to nearly
drive me insane.
Short trip ;)
Ignore him. And with
Nicholas it was the comfort and solace I found only with him. I love and need
them both, though Declán will stay human!
Tell us a little bit about all of your
budding abilities.
I can command with my voice and if upset
enough, seem to be able to kill with it. I also seem to be able to mimic
combat. I am still working on learning to control both though so I have to be
very careful not to hurt the humans I am around.
We don’t really know what mine are or
will be yet. I only recently got my Guardian tattoo. I know it makes me more
entrant, kinda like a vamp, but without the whole silver allergy or fangs
thing. My trainer disappeared and until I can find him, I’m not sure what I
will be able to do.
I can read surface thoughts if I focus,
but that’s about it. I’m more curious to see what both Anya and Dec will be
able to do in time, especially Dec. He’s a Guardian that is fully soul bound to
both Anya and me, so who knows what the future hold!
What are chances of staying away from
those that hunt Anya?
Believe me, Nikki, if I
could manage that, I would. Even with my power, I still have to deal with
normal reality and cannot always avoid coming into contact with those that seek
either my destruction or to control me. You will see in Blood Bound more about why I hate Marcus and his House. * Pausing to shiver, Anya closes her eyes
for a moment. When she resumes speaking her voice is a little huskier and has
an odd lilt to it* You will also meet some new monsters from my past but between Nicholas
and Declán, few stand a real chance of harming any in my House.
Ha! If it was a matter of her
staying away, we would be fine. That’s not the prob. They hunt her, poisoned
her and Nic, send others to cause problems, and well, I think Nic and I are
making a lot of them nervous about continuing to harass her. Watching Anya show
off the House crest ring from a now stakes Master, was sweet and made a lot of the “traditional” ones not want to piss her
How many unique positions are you able to
come up with in the bedroom J?
Oh, no you don’t missy! *Nicholas scowled at Nikki* We don’t share
our intimacies like that, not even in the book. These two probably would be,
no. You want to talk biting, fine, but sex . . . no.
*Declán put his hand on
Nicholas’ arm* Be
nice. Nikki brought us to her dungeon for an interview and you’re surprised she
wants to know about our kinks? Seriously?
Don’t mind either of them,
this is an on going argument when it comes to what Áine is allowed to include
in our stories. Though, the next book is with Lorccán and his love interest and
I doubt they’ll be quite as restrictive as Nicholas. But, consider . . . 3
lovers, 2 sets of fangs, and a passion that only seems to grow the longer we
are together. Oh, and now that I
have “play room” of my own . . . well,
it’s all fair, right? ;)
Are there any of these in your bedroom?
(Hands one of the toy boxes on the right which is filled with sex toys, whips,
body creams, lotions, lubes… and whatever else you can imagine ;) )
Ohh . . . a few, though I have more of
the toys out in my ‘dungeon’ than in
our private rooms. Though, I do love this suede flogger. Wonder what Louie
would think of it . . .
Can we expect any new characters to
arrive soon?
Hmm . . . In Blood Bound you meet many new characters, including Lord Lorccán
who is one of the key beings in the still-in-progress story our biographer,
Áine, is working on. He’s a nearly 1000 year old vampire who is more like Louie
was when we met him than a soulless one or one like us.
There’s also Jason. He’s a deaf
vampire—the only one we know of—and a Blood Mage. Anya collected him, like so
many others. He and I get along great and I get to use my ASL too. ;)
Interesting how neither of you mention
anyone from the new House Anya takes over and binds to her. Nikki, I think you
would have a great deal of fun with some of the vampires and their humans here
in your dungeon, lol! And no, I won’t explain why ;)
Outside of the three of you, who are you
the closest to and why?
The girls, I think. My sister Kayla, and
her girlfriend, Skye, have been my best friend for years. Even though they live
on campus, not at the House, we still talk and text every day.
Nicholas: I would have to
say my sire and father, Jonathan Young. He brought me over, taught me, and is
who trained me to help protect humans, even if we don’t discuss it much in the
Though it’s a major point in out current
story, Blood Bound, I would have to say Louie. He knew me in early years as a
vampire, knew my husband, and no matter what, I always feel safe with him. I
still wish I could remember him from before I awoke at Star’s home, but he is
*Declán fidgets,
eyes darting between Nicholas and a suddenly sullen looking Anya* That’s actually a
topic that is brought up and addressed in the next book, Glamour Blade. I know that’s not really what you want to hear, lol,
but you are just going to have to wait to find out more.
*Nicholas clears
his throat* I
will say that vampires are incapable of bearing children, but that is not the
end of the topic . . . I assure you.
I’m so happy you have made this a stop.
Would you like a tour of the… err… levels?
I can introduce you to the “guests”, if you just hand me that box back.
smiles, flashing a bit of fang* Are you sure we
can’t borrow this for a little while?
leans over, putting his lips near Nic’s ear* Don’t worry, love, we can stop on the way home
for some goodies and try them out on Anya. Though . . . I thought of a few I’d
like to test on you too. ;)
On that note,
I think I need to take my loves home before they get out of control ;)

Author: Áine P Massie
Publisher: Geas Publishing
Series: House Millar, #2
Genre: New Adult, Paranormal, Romance
Length: Novel
Can Anya
protect her lovers, find peace within herself, and lead the House Millar? With
her loves and guards, Nicholas and Declán, she sets out to do just that. If
only life, eternal life, were that easy.
Come take a
walk with our loving family and witness the strange turns and twists as life,
love, and passions collide with greed, politics, and evil..
Buy Links
eBook: Geas Publishing | Amazon | ARe |
Barnes & Noble | iStore
Print: Geas Publishing | Amazon
Signatures: Kindlegraph or Bookplate
Praise for Blood Bound
“Áine gave me even more reasons than ever to love her strong and
charismatic cast of characters. Each stepped up their game in the newest book.
I will be looking forward to the next installment of House Millar, which I
understand will not be from Anya’s point of view. Sounds interesting. If
you love a good vampire story…Blood’s Voice and Blood Bound are great choices.”
— Kristin @ Better Read Than Dead
“I love the way she made all of the characters work together in one way
or the other. Anya shows lots of important vampires that she is NOT one to mess
with. She claims her position as Mistress in more ways than one and she does so
very well. I especially liked the “letter” at the end! Definitely got me ready
for book three!” — Christina @ Intoxicated by Books
“Although it’s a book about vampires, there are some surprisingly well
thought out themes that play throughout the book. I loved the way Anya’s
personality has grown and she’s really progressed as a character since book 1.
Some of my favorite scenes were the tender moments between Anya and Nicholas
and the love story that really builds inthis book.” — Vanessa @ Boekie’s
Book Reviews
“I can assure you….. this book is like the first one.
A wonderfull read. Easy to get into and easy to follow book. You
get to meet some new characters, but also the characters I loved from book one
are back. … Awesome book!!!” — Kyanara @ Kyanara’s Mad Reviews
“This time around, I was pulled right into the story. This book starts
right where the last one ended. I enjoyed reading more about Anya’s back-story
and got to know some more characters and their back stories. Anya is head of
her own house now and she seems to be collecting more eclectic members this
time around. I recommend this book for paranormal romance fans for its sensual
scenes and titillating drama.” — Heather @ Earth’s Book Nook
About the Author
Áine P
Massie is originally from Florida, she now lives in Wisconsin where she works
on her House Millar series full time while raising four children (the term
herding cats comes to mind). Her major in College was Childhood Education (specialization
in ages zero to five) with a minor study in Deaf Culture/ASL. She is also a
Wiccan priestess dedicated to the gods, family, and love.
A lifelong
reader, Áine has always had a particular fascination with vampires, mythology,
and the unusual. When she can escape from her children and books, she enjoys .
. . oh yes, reading, playing, ritual, a good cappuccino, and working with her
healing stones.
Her first
published work came in high school where she was part of a writing and drama
group. But, she’s been reading the likes of Shakespeare and Poe since late
elementary school and enjoys most forms of fiction. Blood’s Voice has been a
long time in coming and with its publication (June 2011) Áine embarked on a new
chapter in her life.
Social Contact
Website – http://apmassie.com
Blog – http://apmassie.com/blog/
Facebook (Author) – https://www.facebook.com/apmassie.author
Facebook (Series) – https://www.facebook.com/BloodsVoice
Twitter – http://twitter.com/AnyaMillar
Goodreads – http://www.goodreads.com/anyamillar
Google + – https://plus.google.com/115857487824411469639/
eMail – anya.millar@gmail.com
Blog – http://apmassie.com/blog/
Facebook (Author) – https://www.facebook.com/apmassie.author
Facebook (Series) – https://www.facebook.com/BloodsVoice
Twitter – http://twitter.com/AnyaMillar
Goodreads – http://www.goodreads.com/anyamillar
Google + – https://plus.google.com/115857487824411469639/
eMail – anya.millar@gmail.com
Áine is giving away $5 ARe Bucks
or a $5 Amazon GC to 1 lucky commenter. Please, tell us what your favourite
thing is about fangs and being nibbled on... ;)

Should we go there this can get a little kinky. It would be pure pleasure to be nibbled on. Oh the thoughts that are running wild in my mind right now. Pure ecstasy. Can I deck the halls with Vampire Hotties For Christmas. There are a few I want to nibble on me.
My favorite thing about being nibbled on is how sexy it feels. I love that close contact
fencingromein at hotmail dot com
I like how intoxicating and addictive it is:)
spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
Nibbles on body is so erotic.
susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com
The sensation that runs down your body, the shivers of excitement, the breath against your skin.
Fangs can be so erotic...a little scrape, a little nibble, a little prickle to send shivers of delight. And there are the nips and nibbles that can tickle and tease for what can follow!
I guess it just the nibble, love bites, etc that make fangs so sexy
manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com
If anyones read the Cat and Bones books (Night HUntress series) Bones in the bedroom need I say more! lol thats my favorite thing about fangs :)
It's just so damned erotic. That's about all I can say without going Xrated LOL.
I love nibbles and love bites. Gives me shivers. As for fangs, well that's even hotter.
Miranda W
dustykattc at hotmail dot com
They are scary and thrilling at the same time.
it's so amazingly erotic!
sabrinabeilharz at gmail dot com
Nibbles or full on bites make me swoon!
I literally go into conniptions when my man even looks at my neck! Nibbles are incredibly erotic, besides a little toothy action never killed anyone . . .much! ;)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Wow, I'm not even sure how to answer. I've not had exposure to fangs,but I'm all for nibbling.
planterofhope at aol dot com
I love a little nibble every now and then. Not too hard, just enough to let me know you mean business! YUM! Thanks!
hschrock24112 at yahoo dot com
I love nibbles. And even harder nips they make me sigh. :)
smurfettev AT gmail DOT com
just a little love bite on the neck is very erotic:)
Happy Holidays!
I love nibbles and nips, but I bite on the neck just drives me wild!!!
Ashley A
I don't have any experience with fangs but nibbles are great. Thanks for the giveaway.
My email is:
Mostly it's sexy! And fangs do seem dangerous still (despite some very un-scary vampire books/movies in recent years).
nothing beats being nibbled. Thanks for the giveaway. Gale pgan427@yahoo.com
Fangs are so sexy! I especially love it when an added benefit of the bite is extra orgasmic!! And they are just so naughty!
It's that aspect of knowing you will be forever changed once you are bitten...
Nikki -
That was a very fun interview...I just love character interviews.:) And now, since the beginning of the House Millar Scavenger Hunt and Blog Tour, well, I have fallen for the, ahem, Boys here. Yes, I now have a smile plastered on my face from ear to ear...thank you because I needed a little spark to my day!
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