to the First Group Addition of The Rack!
I’m so happy to have you all here visiting and sharing your newest work. Don’t mind the noise from the prison… err
guests, they get noisy during their…treatments..lol. I had one of the older racks cleaned and
brought down so we can use as a table. The claw marks are still there but that adds
to its charm. Besides we have automized
ones installed now, where a button does all the work. I keep these around for
when I am feeling playful and need a good…workout.
Leigh: I’ll take a glass of blood red wine.
Leia: Great to be here. *cringing at screams in the
background* Uh, I think
Caris: Uh, I think I’m going to need a couple
of tequila shots. *gulp*
Deborah: I'll take the blood of a young blond male virgin, shaken,
not stirred, please. And with ice.
Nikki: That’s Marcus’ favorite!!
Amanda: Absolutely. I love a good cocktail.
scoot Marcus out of the way, he is still getting used to visitors, and I know
his size can be intimidating (Marcus is one of my spiders). It’s too early for him to feel frisky enough
to play. That’s AriaJ And then of
course their offspring are around here somewhere…lol.
tell us ladies, are you excited about the conference? I am!! When I’m topside I can look for
new…additions to add to my….collection down here. Muahahah J
Leia: *shudders* My god! He’s big enough to ride!
tell us ladies, are you excited about the conference? I am!! When I’m topside I can look for
new…additions to add to my….collection down here. Muahahah J
Leigh: I’m so excited I’ve already started
collecting all my goodies to bring to the conference J
Caris: So, excited about the conference!
Tell us a little bit about the genre you
write in.
Leigh: I write erotic paranormal romance.
I write BDSM erotic romance. I mostly write contemporary but I’ve got a
couple of historicals too. Oh, and a couple straight erotica titles, no
romance. Oh, and this year I also published a “vanilla” (non-BDSM) novel under
the pen name Molly Joseph. So basically, I’m all over the map!
Caris: I do vamps. Wait a minute! That didn’t sound right! Uh, okay, I write hunky warrior vampires,
world in jeopardy, women with emerging powers…
Deborah: I write fantasy romance with lots of erotic scenes. Oh, and
it features gorgeous male elves as the heroes. In my debut book, "Bound to
the Prince", an elven prince falls in love with a human woman and abducts
her to become his pleasure slave, although she will become so much more to him
and he'll need her to save his throne in the elven realms. Personally, I call my genre H.E.R. (Hot Elven
Romance). *lol* I also write erotic romance, YA mystery novels and historical
I enjoy reading and writing erotic paranormal romance. Supernatural men...need I
say more?
Who is the character that in your opinion
everyone is going to fall in love with?
Leigh: This is a hard question I know
mostly everyone would choose one of their male character’s but I feel that the
females that read Angel of Death will love the strong kick ass Mika Shadow
who’s a day walking vampire and works as a
hired assassin Mika finds herself facing the kidnappers who shattered her world
as a young girl by abducting her from her mother. Soon, her past comes roaring
back to life, and, as she is dealing with those demons, Mika also finds herself
falling for her target. She has only four strict rules for either selecting a
mission or dismissing it - and the fourth and final one: no emotions allowed -
falls flat the minute she meets Domonic...
Leia: Geo from my most recent PNR book Destiny Bewitched. He’s a
demon trapped in the Underworld trying to get home. He meets Samantha, a feisty
witch who’s looking for her younger sister. They make a deal to help each other
with their goal and, of course, fall in love along the way. Geo is the ultimate
alpha hero. Strong, protective, tender and romantic, but commanding and
dominant when he needs to be. And Samantha is a trip. She’s a funny,
down-to-earth, brave, loyal chick with a curse that makes her magic out of
control. Together they are an adorable pair with sizzling chemistry, witty
banter, and of course, hot, rough sex.
Eve: Yeah, that would be the non leading man in several of my books, Lucifer. Damned demon keeps stealing the spotlight. You can meet him yourself in my Welcome To Hell series. But be careful, the last thing you want is for him to notice you. He might try and make you a victim in his matchmaking schemes otherwise.
Eve: Yeah, that would be the non leading man in several of my books, Lucifer. Damned demon keeps stealing the spotlight. You can meet him yourself in my Welcome To Hell series. But be careful, the last thing you want is for him to notice you. He might try and make you a victim in his matchmaking schemes otherwise.
Annabel: I did a poll on my site a few months ago where I pitted all my various
dominants against each other and the two winners were Matthew from my book Mercy and Jeremy from my Comfort series
(Comfort Object/Caressa’s Knees/Odalisque).
Mercy is about a rich businessman who
falls for a troubled ballet dancer, making her do sexual stuff way outside her comfort
zone. It sounds scary but it’s pretty hot and they do find their way to a
happily-ever-after. In Comfort Object,
Jeremy hires a professional submissive to travel around the world with him to
movie sets, and hmm, what’s a nice way to say this? He makes sure he gets his
money’s worth out of her! Of course, with these books being romance they end up
in love.
I think my
readers like Matthew and Jeremy so much because they’re hardass, wild-type
dominants. Somehow it’s more fun and exciting to see a really bad boy get tamed
by love.
Caris: Ethan,
blood-starved mastyr vampire, looking for his blood rose, a woman who can
satisfy his needs, all kinds of needs. She turns
out to be half-fae, half-human. When her
fae-power suddenly goes wild, he’s the only one who can calm her the hell down
long enough to get her energy headed in the right direction. Together they save the world and get tangled
up in bed…a lot!
Deborah: I already mentioned
him above - Elathan, my elven prince and hero of my novel "Bound to the
Prince". He's a multi-layered character. Although he's very iron-willed
and dominant (both sexually and in life - after all, he's royalty and used to
all the Fae succumbing to his wishes), he is suffering from unbearable
loneliness, and still hurts from a terrible loss the humans inflicted on him
centuries ago. You could say that he's not exactly fond of humans when he meets
my heroine, Igraine. Here is my book blurb:
Some people believe
that beneath our own world, separated only by a thin veil of human disbelief,
there is another one - an ancient land of myths and legends, a place where
magical creatures dwell. What would happen if one of them walked the streets of
London at night?
Once a proud warrior,
elven prince Elathan was living in exile, fallen from grace and separated from
his own people. He wanted the mortal woman the moment he saw her standing on
Blackfriars Bridge, staring down into the darkness with unbearable pain in her
eyes. This strangely compelling female also happened to have luscious curves
that made his body ache with desire. Naturally, he decided to hunt the woman
down, drag her to his lair and command her to become his slave of pleasure. But
would her frail human body survive a night of untamed passion in the arms of a
After a devastating
breakup with her fiancé, Igraine Chandler was spending her honeymoon in England
all by herself, her life utterly bereft of meaning. For who could ever love a
plain, slightly overweight nurse from New Jersey with nothing left but a broken
heart and her lost dreams of a home and a family? But she never imagined that
she would soon set out into a world beyond her wildest dreams, and help a
prince reclaim his throne...
I have book set to release in January, Caressed by a Crimson Moon (Rulers of
Darkness #3) and I think the leading man will claim many paranormal romance
fan’s hearts. He is a vampire king with some very dark secretes and tortured
memories.Hadrian is considered a beast amongst the vampires, most fear him but
any smart woman, like the heroine, would know Hadrian just needs a
How would you rate the sex scenes
throughout the series?
Leigh: So hot you might want to make sure
that the all batteries are working in your toys before you start reading…you
have been warned.
Eve: Um, hot, to scorching, to OMG. Lol. I like the door wide
I’ve been told my sex scenes are
pretty intense. Sometimes I don’t know if that’s good and bad. I guess it
depends on how kinky you are, lol. When I write a sex scene, I try to give it
an emotional depth as well as erotic thrills. I also like to mix it up within
books and series. If I have a really intense, serious scene, I’ll try to follow
it up with something more playful and laid-back. There are so many ways for
people to connect sexually, so there’s never any reason to write boring or
repetitive sex scenes!
Caris: Super-hot
and lots of them, but mostly *scream*…get Marcus the hell away from me! Whew, okay that’s better. Yes, super-sexy and always based on the
couple, what they’re into, who they are, their backgrounds…
Sorry About that Caris!!! He
loves the Ladies!!
Deborah: Much hotter than in
mainstream romance, and more frequent, with a touch of kink. After all, the
book is called "Bound to the Prince". ;-)
The sex scenes are getting more and more...heated as the series progresses. On
average, I would rate the spice at 4 out of 5.
Do any of your books contain some of
these? (passes around a toy box filled to the brim with all manner of sex toys,
lubes, ropes, and lotions)
Leigh: Not at this point but one of my favorite scenes in Angel of
Death is where Mika goes to Domonic’s office
wearing nothing but her rain coat and some high heels…I’ll leave the rest for
you to find out.
Eve: Not usually. My heroes prefer the hands and
tongue-on approach.
Ooh, tons of sex toys in my
books. Dildos, butt plugs, rope, cuffs, harnesses and chastity belts and all
manner of spanking implements of course, from plexiglass canes to plain old
kitchen wooden spoons (which really sting, by the way!) Several of my heroes
are into tingly-type lubes also, which is always fun when the submissive isn’t
allowed to come.
Caris: Somebody
usually gets tied up, though often it’s with a clever dose of preternatural
Deborah: Well … there might
be some kind of rope … but it's magical. My elven hero, Elathan, is a
tree-former, so he's able to make roots and branches move and grow according to
his will. I don't want to spoil the fun for my readers, so that's all I can say
about it.
Amanda: Oh, yes. I don’t want to give too much away, but Caressed by a Crimson Moon will have a scene featuring the ropes and a few other bedroom goodies.
Let’s get you ladies suited up!!! It’s time to go exploring, but before we leave you will need a few things, and a drink is definitely one of them!!
Wine, mixed drink, or straight up?
Leigh: A nice sweet glass of red wine
Caris: Mixed drink, preferably margaritas, on the rocks,
with salt…
I will take a Grey Goose martin, dirty
straps or chains?
Leigh: Both ;)
Leia: Chains
sound cold! Leather
Eve: Um,
where’s the exit?
Annabel: I’d say leather straps. I’m a strap girl through and through. Chains are so heavy and cold. *shudder*
Caris: Both. Please!
Deborah: It'll be leather for me, please.
Amanda: I look damn good in leather.
Amanda: I look damn good in leather.
braided leather, or chain length whip?
Leigh: Chain Length Whips
Leia: Ack! *eyes the door* Umm…I think your spider’s calling you.
Eve: Braided leather on someone else J
Annabel: I cannot answer this. *runs away screaming*
Nikki: Marcus!! Go get Annabel back before she gets lost in level 9...She'll be chained up on a wall and begging me to never let her off!!! I want her to finish the questions!!
I’m a sucker
for braided leather.
Deborah: Braided Leather.
Braided leather, please.
and Leash or Adornment?
Leigh: Black Studded Collar and Leash
Leia: Oooh! Adornment sounds
lovely. Wait. What’s that you’re holding? No. No, no, no. Collar! I pick
Annabel: Ooh, collar and leash. I knew this guy who had the nastiest, most smutty fantasies of what to do with a woman on a leash. I tried to put some of them into a book once and my editor nixed them. She said they were too sordid for the masses and made me delete those sections. Haha!
Nikki: Good!! I'll just leave them on then...thank you Marcus..
Caris: Collar-and-leash…
Deborah: Collar and Leash.
Ooo, I like both...can’t decided.
or garterbelt?
Leigh: Fishnets
Leia: Now fishnets I can say unequivocally
yes! They’re sexy but most of all, harmless.
Eve: Garters
Annabel: Garter belt! I love garter belts, stockings, corsets, bustiers, all that stuff. Actually, fishnets too. If it’s lingerie, especially garter belts and stockings, bring it on. Lingerie has been a huge part of several of my books. In my novel Owning Wednesday, that was how the submissive heroine signaled to the dominant hero that she wanted to play hard—she put on a garter belt and stockings. He bought her an entire armoire full of sets!
Caris: Garterbelt…
Deborah: Garterbelt.
Ooo, I like both...can’t decided.
pants, mini, or a long skirt silted up both sides?
Leigh: Long skirt silted up both sides.
Leia: Hmm…Long skirt with slits. Gives me that Princess Leia look ;)
Ooh, gotta love a slit.
I love a cute mini with tights and boots.
Caris: Long skirt
slitted up both sides…
Deborah: I'm a pants girl, so I think leather pants and lots of
cleavage is very sexy.
A mini will go with my shoes better than a long skirt or pants. I am all about
up boots or high heels?
Leigh: High Heels
Leia: Boots! With lots of buckles. *eyes handsy cyborg* And maybe a hidden
Caris: High heels…
Deborah: Knockin' da boots!
Amanda: High heeled laced up boots - love it!
Amanda: High heeled laced up boots - love it!
gag, manacles, or blindfold?
Leigh: Blindfold
Leia: Don’t I get a safeword?
Eve: Still looking for that exit…
Oh, that’s tough. Ball gags are so intense and kinda humiliating, so
I’ll go with that.
Caris: Manacles…
Deborah: Blindfold.
Amanda: A silken blindfold is a lot of fun.
Amanda: A silken blindfold is a lot of fun.
rack or the whipping post?
Leigh: Whipping post
Leia: The exit!
Caris: Whipping post…
wax or clamps?
Leigh: Clamps
Eve: Ow!
Nikki: No Eve! Your not supposed to put them there!!
Caris: Candle wax…
Deborah: Sign me up for a waxing.
Amanda: Candles are perfect for ambiance, gives the room a great touch and the wax...very versatile.
Amanda: Candles are perfect for ambiance, gives the room a great touch and the wax...very versatile.
red-head, or Brunette?
Leigh: Midnight Black
I’ve written all three kinds of heroines. I have to say I love the
redheads the best because they tend to be fiery, but all my heroines kick ass,
so… When it comes to heroes I usually go with brown or blond. Writing a redhead
hero is on my to-do list though.
Amanda: Does it matter? If he’s hot, he’s hot.
Amanda: Does it matter? If he’s hot, he’s hot.
is Damien, my personal favorite. He is
a shape-shifting demon that can turn into any fantasy you have at ANY time
while you are in any postion. The humans are kept on the upper levels even
though I’m slowly weeding them out. They
just can’t seem to handle our….services.
And of course, the further down you go the more of the paranormal comes
to light. So …what’s your poison? We also have a new level of shapeshifting
demons that can take on ANY form you want…Just like my Damien ……it’s actually quite amusing if you want to
switch during….you get the picture!!!
Nikki: Any Form...Azeral is better with impressions, I'll send him over
Eve: I’ll take a purple alien with an alpha complex
any day!
Deborah: Well, if he could switch between Alexander Skarsgard, Chris
Hemsworth and Benedict Cumberbatch appearance, I'll take one of those
shape-shifting demons, too, please! No, better send me two. Just in case I
break one after too much usage. I have a nice dungeon in my basement ready for
them. Here's my credit card number.
While I take these ladies on their.....tour, I leave you to look at the giveaway books!! Good luck!!
Roasted at the stake as a witch, while her lover watches, Ysabel sells her soul to the devil in return for revenge. A fair trade until her ex-boyfriend escapes the bowels of Hell and she's forced to team up with a demon to fetch the jerk back. Remy's seen a lot of things during his tenure in Lucifer's guard, but nothing can prepare him for the witch with the acerbic tongue--and voluptuous figure. Her mouth says 'Screw you, ' but her body screams 'Take me.' What's a poor demon to do when his heart makes things even more complicated by goading him to make her his, forever? Before he can decide if his demonizing days are done, though, he needs to catch the bad guys, save the girl and then find a way to convince her to love him and not kill him.
An elven prince without a throne.
A mortal woman without hope, stolen from her own world to fulfill his every desire.
A choice of love and death that could bind them together forever.
Some people believe that beneath our own world, separated only by a thin veil of human disbelief, there is another one—an ancient land of myths and legends, a place where magical creatures dwell. What would happen if one of them walked the streets of London at night?
Once a proud warrior, elven prince Elathan was living in exile, fallen from grace and separated from his own people. He wanted the mortal woman the moment he saw her standing on Blackfriars Bridge, staring down into the darkness with unbearable pain in her eyes. This strangely compelling female also happened to have luscious curves that made his body ache with desire. Naturally, he decided to hunt the woman down, drag her to his lair and command her to become his slave of pleasure. But would her frail human body survive a night of untamed passion in the arms of a Fae?
After a devastating breakup with her fiancé, Igraine Chandler was spending her honeymoon in England all by herself, her life utterly bereft of meaning. For who could ever love a plain, slightly overweight nurse from New Jersey with nothing left but a broken heart and her lost dreams of a home and a family? But she never imagined that she would soon set out into a world beyond her wildest dreams, and help a prince reclaim his throne...
Set in a medieval fantasy world of noble knights, monsters and magicians, honor, betrayal and revenge, Bound to the Prince is a romance influenced by Celtic mythology and Arthurian legends. But in its heart, it's a story of a woman's inner development to a new, strong, self; uninhibited desire, boundless love, loss and sacrifice.
A mortal woman without hope, stolen from her own world to fulfill his every desire.
A choice of love and death that could bind them together forever.
Some people believe that beneath our own world, separated only by a thin veil of human disbelief, there is another one—an ancient land of myths and legends, a place where magical creatures dwell. What would happen if one of them walked the streets of London at night?
Once a proud warrior, elven prince Elathan was living in exile, fallen from grace and separated from his own people. He wanted the mortal woman the moment he saw her standing on Blackfriars Bridge, staring down into the darkness with unbearable pain in her eyes. This strangely compelling female also happened to have luscious curves that made his body ache with desire. Naturally, he decided to hunt the woman down, drag her to his lair and command her to become his slave of pleasure. But would her frail human body survive a night of untamed passion in the arms of a Fae?
After a devastating breakup with her fiancé, Igraine Chandler was spending her honeymoon in England all by herself, her life utterly bereft of meaning. For who could ever love a plain, slightly overweight nurse from New Jersey with nothing left but a broken heart and her lost dreams of a home and a family? But she never imagined that she would soon set out into a world beyond her wildest dreams, and help a prince reclaim his throne...
Set in a medieval fantasy world of noble knights, monsters and magicians, honor, betrayal and revenge, Bound to the Prince is a romance influenced by Celtic mythology and Arthurian legends. But in its heart, it's a story of a woman's inner development to a new, strong, self; uninhibited desire, boundless love, loss and sacrifice.