Scent of the Roses
Oberon Book 1
Shortly after her sixteenth birthday, Scout found herself bound for Florida to live with a grandfather she hadn’t seen since she was three years old. It had not been her idea to leave Oberon, but by the time she’d boarded that plane, she was long past caring about much of anything. Her charmingly eccentric father was dead. Her beautiful step-sister had disappeared. And she had betrayed, or been betrayed by, most of her friends and everyone she loved. She would go where she was sent, do as she was told, answer whatever questions were asked her, and generally try to live life as best she could with her heart dull and dead within her.
A Sight to Dream Of
Oberon Book 2
Paige had first come to Oberon as a student at nearby UC Abraxas. She had stayed, at first, for all the usual reasons: because she’d been charmed by the climate and the scenery, the open-minded tolerance, and the laid-back, relaxed lifestyle she found there. When those reasons had all worn thin, she had stayed because she’d been spoiled by the big fish/little pond fame she’d achieved as a reporter here. And because she’d fallen in love.
Hopelessly, disastrously, unrequitedly in love.
Sound of a Voice That is Still
Oberon Book 3
“Have you been having weird dreams?”
Heather’s eyes gleamed with curiosity. “Do tell.” “Well, of course she’s having weird dreams, Heather,” Lucy said, as she waved over one of the waitresses and ordered two more lattes—one regular, one decaf. “She’s pregnant, isn’t she? It goes with the territory. But I’m confused. Was it a dream you had, Ginny? Or a vision?”
“Was it a vision or a waking dream?” Marsha recited musingly, “Do I wake or sleep?”
“Okay, and that’s a little weird, too.” Lucy turned to stare at her. “Since when do you recite poetry?”
PG will be giving away either a copy of Edge of Heaven or any LA Love Lesson books, winner’s choice, plus a set of Romance Trading Cards.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

I have not read any of PG's books before. The Oberon series sounds fantastic. I put it on my wishlist.
PG is a new to me author. I look forward to finding out more about the Oberon series. My tbr pile is still growing.
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com
PG is a new author to me as well, but I really want to read the Oberon series :)
jwitt33 at live dot com
Wow... what an amazing giveaway!! Following by email.
Love the signature Nikki. I need one like that over on Myseryniti!
Hmmm, haven't read anything by PG yet - not sure why though. Gonna check some of these out!
bas1chsemail at gmail dot com
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