All Rights Reserved, Ellora's Cave Publishing, Inc.
ran his finger down the pretty blonde’s arm, enjoying the flirting and easy
banter. He’d hit the bar after seeing his idiot brother off at his gate. They’d
flown the station helicopter to Sydney, leaving so early this morning it had
still been dark. Hunter had a couple of hours to kill while he waited for the
flight mechanic to refuel the chopper and clear him for takeoff.
you live on a cattle station?” the blonde asked. He’d forgotten her name the
second she’d said it. One of these days he was going to have to learn to pay
attention to details like that.
Farpoint Creek. My family’s owned it forever.
Established it back in the 1800s.”
woman feigned interest, but Hunter could see the disdain in her eyes. She was
clearly a city girl and the idea of living out whoop whoop
in the Outback was less than appealing to her. Lucky for both of them, he
wasn’t considering taking this game of slap and tickle out of the airport.
leaned closer, accidentally brushing the side of his arm with her
breast. They’d started their flirting at different tables. Then he’d joined
her. After a few minutes of sexual innuendoes, he’d given up his seat across
the table and moved over to share her side of the booth.
know, I’m a member of the Qantas Club.”
that right?” he asked.
was actually thinking of heading over there and freshening up before my flight.
They have showers in the lounge.”
eh? Bit bloody fancy.”
dragged her hand along his leg, starting at his knee and working her way up. He
liked a woman who knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to grab it. His dick
twitched when her hand crept closer.
I had someone to wash my back,” she purred.
started to offer his sudsy services, but something on the PA caught his
attention. “What did she say?”
did who say?”
PA announcement was repeated. Dylan Sullivan, please meet your party at the
customer service desk located at terminal one.
the hell? Dylan wasn’t here. At least, he bloody well shouldn’t be.
reluctantly pushed the woman away while silently cursing his brother. “Sorry,
love, but I gotta go do something.” Dylan would pay
dearly for costing him a shower with this beauty in the high flyer’s club. He
retrieved his hat from the table and put it back on his head.
nodded regretfully. “Yeah. Afraid it can’t be helped.” He threw enough cash on
the table to cover both of their drinks and a generous tip for the waitress.
walked toward terminal one, trying to figure out why Dylan wasn’t jetting away
from Sydney, getting closer to making one of the dumbest mistakes of his life.
He’d loaded his brother on a plane headed for New York over an hour ago.
had spent most of their morning trek to Sydney trying to convince Dylan that
taking off halfway around the world to hook up with some broad he’d met on one
of those stupid online dating services made him look pretty desperate.
also pointed out that precious little could come of this trip, besides getting
a piece of New York tail. Dylan lived and worked on Farpoint
Creek cattle station. In Australia. Trying to hook up with some American chick
wasn’t exactly practical.
ever the romantic idiot, seemed to think Annie had the potential to be his soul
mate. Jesus, his brother had actually used those words—soul mate—and was
supposed to be headed to New York to prove that asinine fact.
Dylan missed his plane? Hunter couldn’t figure out how. They’d made it to the
departure gate in plenty of time. And if so, why would he page himself
rather than ask the customer service rep to page Hunter? Maybe Dylan had given
his own name as well and the lady had fucked it up.
glanced at the crowd standing around the service desk as he walked toward the
terminal. He and Dylan weren’t lacking in the height department. If his
dickhead brother was around, he sure as hell wasn’t standing up; he’d tower
over these people. Add the fact he and Dylan hardly ever took off their bloody
hats and Hunter should be able to spot him a mile away.
started to get in line at the desk to ask who’d paged Dylan when a woman walked
up to him.
here!” she said.
tried to place the woman’s face. She looked vaguely familiar. “I am?” His
mother claimed he’d been cursed with a sarcastic streak as wide as Farpoint since the day he was born. While his mum found it
annoying, Hunter had never found a good reason to curb that personality trait.
pretty woman smiled. “I was starting to worry.”
he could tell her she had the wrong bloke and should go ahead and hang on to
her anxiety, she took a step closer and threw her arms around him.
hard-on Hunter had managed to batten down as he’d walked away from his
potential shower partner reemerged when her firm breasts brushed against his
chest. Bloody hell. Who knew the airport was such a great place to pick up
women? He might have to fly to Sydney International more often.
one to pass up an opportunity, he accepted the embrace, loosely wrapping his
arms around her back. The lovely lady was just the right height for him and had
some sexy curves. He liked a woman with meat on her bones.
pulled away slightly and he started to release her, but she kept her arms
wrapped around him and upped the ante, kissing him.
started as a sweet, friendly kiss, but Hunter wasn’t having any of that shit.
She smelled and tasted too good. He grasped her soft face and held her close.
He turned his head and deepened the kiss, pressing her lips open so he could
get an even better taste. He was thrilled when her tongue met his halfway.
Jesus. This chick could kiss.
Mari is giving away one signed copy of
Dangerous Curves.

Love Hunter & Annie.. Lexxie & Mari are an unstoppable team & their books are smoking' hot
This book sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it. Thanks for the great excerpt.
I need to get both of these books! I love the premise of these stories.
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com
These excerpts just suck me in so I gotta find out what happens.
sallans d at yahoo dot com
These sound like so much fun!
thanks for the excerpt and thanks for the contest
i think i haven't read yet. i read a lot of story, some was i like it :)
New reads for me. :) Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com
This new one sounds really good! Added it to my TBR list :)
bas1chsemail at gmail dot com
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