Friday, September 7, 2012

Giveaway and Intro to the F.U.C by Eve Langlais

-If you're in need of some furry help...
-Your cat (also known as your infant) is up a tree...
-An evil mastermind is looking to experiment on you...
Then there's just one agency to call.

Furry United Coalition is there to serve and protect shifters.
No matter your species, official FUC gents are waiting to lend a helping paw/claw.
Don't let the evil mastermind's of the world get you down.
Be proactive and get F.U.C.'d.

It started with an energetic bunny and a grumpy bear.

What’s a poor bear to do when all he wants is some sweet, bunny pie?

Bears and bunnies aren’t supposed to mix, or that’s what Chase keeps telling himself when his bouncy new neighbor won’t stay out of his business—and his mind. However, the more he gets to know his overly perky neighbor, the more he craves her—naked in his grasp—a desire worse than his addiction to honey and pie.

Miranda’s on a mission for the Furry United Coalition, and it involves secretly guarding one grumpy ol’ bear. Staying focused on the job isn’t easy when all she can think about is turning his frown upside down, a task made harder when she gets a glimpse of his passion. When she hears about his theory on woodland creatures and predators not mixing, she thinks all is lost, but she didn’t count on a bear’s curious nature—and possessive need.

When an evil force abducts Chase, Miranda unleashes her bunny in order to save him, but the revelation of her shifter side puts her in danger. Is one ornery bear enough to save her from a mad scientist? And if he does, can a bear forget her woodland creature status long enough to love her and make her his mate?

Warning: Pies were harmed in the making of this story and naughty references made about honey that might offend some readers.

It continued with a geeky swan and her playboy bear.

Screw honey, this bear craves chocolate.

Mason, a true ladies man and a big teddy of a bear, is on a mission to protect the shifter community. Who is he to complain if that task requires him to guard FUC’s tech wizard—a curvy mocha hottie who knows how to bring him to his knees.

Jessie has no patience for a bear who flirts every time he breathes. Despite his appeal, and smoking good looks, she refuses to give in to his charm. She can’t because this swan princess is already promised to another.

When an evil mastermind sets his sights on her, will one playful bear be enough to save her feathery tail from danger? And if Mason manages to steal her heart who will save him from her daddy—the not-so-nice swan king?

Warning: Giggling is a strong possibility as are snickers, snorts and full out, belly laughs. This humorous, erotic romance also contains scenes of extreme hotness, titillation is expected so make sure to have spare underpants on hand. Please note, a poor unsuspecting playbear was turned into a monogamous husband during the making of this story.

And then we encountered an ornery croc who couldn't help falling for a foxy lady.

Warning: An ornery croc discovers he does have a pulse when a hot to trot fox decides to latch on, and never let go. Tongue in cheek humor, sizzling moments and a tiny, evil villain await.

A career military man, Viktor lives for the next mission – and his collection of weapons -- but a raid on an experimental lab makes him an unwilling protector, mostly because he can’t peel Renee off. A cold blooded croc, he never intended to settle down, but he didn’t count on a foxy lady warming his heart.

The world outside the laboratory was a big scary place. Unsure of how to deal with it, Renee latches onto the biggest, baddest, and sexiest, warrior around. Sharp toothed and with ice in his veins, Viktor’s violent side should have sent her running, but instead, she finds the courage to face her fears –and tame the lizard.

When danger comes knocking, with the intention of turning her lizard into a high priced fashion accessory, will Renee embrace her foxy side and show a croc she’s got what it takes to be his mate?

And will they finally vanquish the evil known as mastermind?

Click on the Links below to get a sneak peek inside

  • Bunny and the Bear
  • Swan and the Bear
  • Croc and the Fox
    Isn't it time you got F.U.C.'d? lol. Find out what has readers giggling and get your Furry United Coalition stories today.

  • Stop by and see the rest of Eve's Great Books or just say hi!!
    Website is
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    Eve is offering up the full series so far in e-copy!!! 
    a Rafflecopter giveaway  


    Unknown said...

    wolves and bear i think, lol
    thanks ^^


    LadyVampire2u said...

    Maybe a Tiger and a Wolf? Thanks for the giveaway.
    Ladyvampire2u AT gmail DOT com

    Unknown said...

    I love the sounds of this series. How about a combination of an Eagle and a Panther. I just see a bad ass crime fighting pair.

    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

    Irene Jackson said...

    Not entering the competition as I have already bought all 3. Just wanted to say I loved them all!

    Unknown said...

    Hmm. I think a great shifter combination would be a fox and a panther.

    kesummer69 at gmail dot com

    Unknown said...

    I already have all 3 books so I don't need to win copies. But, to everyone who hasn't read them yet, what are you waiting for? You know Eve is always good for hot sex and lots of laughs. Get out there and get yourself FUCed.

    Booklover Sue said...

    I have only read the first one. The next two are on my wishlist. You need a lion! They are proud and arrogant and need a good mate to ruffle their manes!!

    susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

    Unknown said...

    Hmmm, a hawk and rabbit shifter I think! LOL

    This series sounds great, thanks for the giveaway! :)

    Kerry said...

    rabbit wolf is good, bear and cat...hmm LOL

    Sarah Elizabeth said...

    a duck and a walrus. that might be funny!

    Anonymous said...

    Unicorn and mermaid

    Amanda Ray said...

    I'm liking the bunny and wolf combo or bear and wolf or cat and wolf

    Unknown said...

    A lion and a wolf combination sounds like it could really cause some sparks

    Dragon Momma said...

    Ever see the yin yang design that has the dragon and tiger? Yeah, I like that combo. ;)

    Read Between the Lines said...

    Panther and Wolf

    Vanessa N. said...

    Hawk mated to a lion.

    Anonymous said...

    Chinchilla and a Hawk

    SdyLion said...

    Wolf and panther would be a good combination for me. sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com

    books4me said...

    Bird and a cat!

    Unknown said...

    Yeah Bunny and BEAR sounds good

    Cassandra said...

    I would have to pick something fierce like a tiger and wolf

    June M. said...

    How about a Wolf and a Panther? Actually, I think eve has already done that combo so I am going to go with something else a Polar Bear and Panther. I think this would be a weir combo because Polar Bears like cold and Panthers are from warm areas. Would be interesting to see how they compromise on this.

    I loved the first book of this series (and many, many more of Eve's books) and I am really looking forward to reading the other books in this series.

    Shadow said...

    Hmm. How about a Nightingale and a Lion? Thanks!

    Anonymous said...

    A hawk and a wolf. Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to read this book.

    Lisa Cox said...

    I think a cat and a mouse would be hilarious.

    laceyblossom said...

    A lion and a wolf would be awesome!
    -Lacey T

    Laurie said...

    Fox and a hound dog or any kind of cat and a wolf. These books look great, thanks!

    rubyswan said...

    I'd lovvvvvvvvvvve 2 C a NAM hero/dark dangerous HaWT Panther..ooohyessssssssss...delicious an excotic..yummmmmmm..& Heroine a wolf..((giggle))!!

    lavendersbluegreen said...

    Tiger & any other cat like a lynx or leopard

    - lavendersbluegreen(at)yahoo(dot)com

    Filia Oktarina said...

    Hmmm.... Lion and Tiger.

    Buffy Kennedy said...

    Well I'm a cat shifter to fan, so any cat combo has my vote. However, I don't know about specifics, but I kind of like the idea of a hunter/prey ironic relationship such as a bunny and wolf like your example.


    felinewyvern said...

    Awesome combo for me would be Squirrel and Dog. It would be so easy to hide what they are and as natural enemies they would have a lot of conflict to overcome :D (Besides I haven't come across a Weresquirrel before :D)

    felinewyvern said...

    Awesome combo for me would be Squirrel and Dog. It would be so easy to hide what they are and as natural enemies they would have a lot of conflict to overcome :D (Besides I haven't come across a Weresquirrel before :D)

    Unknown said...

    Wolf and raven :)

    Kassandra said...

    Read a book where a dragon mated a unicorn >.>


    mcv said...

    I read that book too, was excellent. Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison. I vote for dragon and unicorn also.
    mcv111 at hotmail dot com

    Pommawolf Emeraldwolfeyes said...

    Congrats EVe o this awesome wonderful series. I love it!
    I love Eve's books, and Bunny & her Bear was the funnest one I've read in quite a long time. Her stories rock, and I love her imagination and creative characters.
    Thank you Nikki for the invitation, and I always wish Eve the very best and many, many sales!


    wanda f said...

    wolf jaguar, dragon mouse ,leopard hawk,dragon lion are all combinations id like to see. Have a fantastic weekend .

    nurmawati djuhawan said...

    tiger and cat ?
    i think i'll love it :)

    Kelly said...

    eagle and a panther

    DANIELA said...

    Tiger mated to a Hawk!

    Emily said...

    Tiger and a dragon would be cool. That or a tiger and a wolf.


    Theresa Haywood Donbroski Johnson said...

    Werewolf & a panther

    Alina P said...

    Panther and jaguar?

    angie lilly said...

    hmmm that is a hard one...huge cat person here, so one would have to be some sort of cat...maybe a mountain lion as an homage to my WV roots...LOL...and mated with a never hear about them...its always wolves!

    Disqus for Close Encounters with the NIght Kind


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