Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Giveaway and Interview with author Heather Long and her book Jacob's Trial

Hello and welcome to this stop on Heather's tour!!  I was lucky enough to catch Heather and ask her some questions.  Here is what she had to say:
I want to thank you first of all for having me here today and I wanted to take a moment, particularly on September 11th to remember 9/11 and all the lives lost on that day and every day since in Afghanistan, Iraq, and around the world to terrorism.  Romance is a gift of the happily ever after and in the last eleven years, when the world veil against that which was dark and ugly in our world was ripped away--romance reminded me that happily ever afters exist and that we have to find our heroes and our heroines to make that happen. 
How old were you when you first realized you wanted to write?
 I think right about the same age that I realized real people wrote books. I loved reading so much, that the idea of writing something that someone else would read thrilled me.

Most authors have an unusual story or way that they come up with their ideas for books…Do you have one?
 I developed an urban fantasy series based on a drive I used to make daily when I lived in Virginia. I commuted via this one stretch of absolutely beautiful road, lined with thick verdant trees--some of which were quite old. One morning I drove into work and the trees were there. That afternoon, I drove home and they were gone -- sheered to the ground leaving only these naked stumps against a barren landscape, stripped or tracked down by the equipment that went through.
My heart stopped. And the character of Chance Monroe was born - a character readers will get to meet again when Earth Witches Aren’t Easy releases in December.

What was your biggest influence that steered you towards writing?
 Hmm - probably my grandmother. She always believed I could do whatever I wanted if I set my mind to it and I wanted to write - so I kept listening to her and didn’t give up.

I have to ask, what are the hardest scenes for you to write?
 The ones where I am emotionally invested in the characters and they are going through something painful or traumatic -- that can be hard.

Are sex scenes difficult for you to word?
 No. They can be fun to edit especially if I got too attached to one turn of phrase or one word.

Do you see yourself writing in another genre?
 I love to write in a number of genres. I am as eclectic with those choices as I am about what I read.

Has your family been supportive?
 My daughter knows the name of every single book I’ve written and most of the time she knows the characters and she is hugely supportive.

Are any of your characters reflective of you?
 I think they all reflect a piece of me - perhaps a glimmer of my sense of humor or my interests, but for the most part - I try to write characters that are entities unto themselves because they interest me tremendously and I don’t think I’m all that interesting.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?
 I’m sorry -- is there a time to not write?

Who is your favorite book heroine?
 Um - Mercedes Thompson in the Patricia Briggs series.

Do you have any unusual habits that revolve around writing?
I write in my garage - away from the Internet and other distractions.

What is you favorite mystical creature?

What were some of your biggest challenges at the beginning of your career?
 Paying the bills. Writing is a passion and devotion and it doesn’t always pay immediately. I have to support my family and provide for our day to day bills and dealing with those stresses and still writing every word that I needed to get from where the story began to it ended.

How do you feel about reader comments?
 I love them - because it means they are reading.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Don’t give up. Ever. Keep writing. All the time. Take classes and learn. But write like you mean it. Write for yourself. For me, writing is a lot like working out, the more you do, the stronger you become.
Where are your books available?
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, All Romance eBooks, Siren-Bookstrand, Kobo and iBooks - a number of my links are up on my website http://www.heatherlong.net
What can we expect from you in the future? More books, more characters and hopefully more great romance, one couple at a time.
Where can we reach you and become informed of updates?
 The best ways to keep up with me are via:
 Now let's take a look at the book details:

New alliances are threatened…

 Wizard Jacob, Fae Helcyon and their paramour Cassandra have set up a household together. Jacob and Helcyon have accepted the other in Cassie’s life, but they must work to realize that they need each other too in order to become a true trio.

Dark pacts are revealed… 

The Fae are trending world wide, but the arrival of many dangerous beings, old foes and new friends bring about charges of treason for Jacob and a new danger for Cassie.  Intrigue closes in on all sides as factions jockey for power in the divided Wizard Council.

One legacy may unite them…

Helcyon and Jacob are determined to keep the woman they love safe, but danger lurks at every turn and the old ways threaten their future.
Heather is giving away a copy of her book!!  Just fill out the rafflecopter for your chance to win!!!  Good Luck!! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway  


Lisa Cox said...

I haven't read a good menage in quite a while. It's actually been so long that I can't remember the name of it.

Booklover Sue said...

This book looks really good and I will be putting it on my wishlist!

susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

Kerry said...

I havent read a good one lately, but...I am always looking for one :)


Anonymous said...

Just finish Cara Covington. I love her Lusty TX series.


Nicole said...

This looks excellent

My all time fav is the Wolf Tales Series my Kate Douglas and her Demon Lovers series rocks too.

Carin said...

Summer Solstice by Eden Bradley
Thanks Carin
MAWmom at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I haven't read any lately but I would love to read this one. It sounds hot. Thanks for the giveaway. Tore923@aol.com

Cassandra said...

None lately so I think I'm past due lol

Holly Letson said...

No, I have not.
bookaholicholly @ gmail .com

Shadow said...

Not lately. Now i really want one! ;)

Dustykatt said...

It's been a really long time since I've read one I really don't remember the name. I know Morgan Ashbury is the author.

Disqus for Close Encounters with the NIght Kind


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