Happy Tuesday my decadent delights!! Today I have Susan (Regan) visiting with me and four other blogs to bring you this fantastic giveaway and a sneak peek inside the second book in her series: Reflections. Let's take a look:
Whisper Cape is Book 1:
Chapter 1
Cucumber Salad
juice splattered everywhere as the bottle hit the gray tile floor. Maia gasped
at the shattered glass, unable to tear her eyes away; the thick red liquid
pooled at her feet like a stagnant river of blood.
sorry, Manny, the jar just slipped out of my hand,” she said, sensing the old
man’s presence at her side and half-wondering how he’d gotten across the aisle
so quickly.
you worry, sweetheart.”
“I’m so
clumsy lately. I can’t seem to hold on to anything these days.”
you hurt? Did any glass cut you?” He took her by the elbow, leading her away
from the debris.
“No, I’m
fine. Let me help you clean up.” She glanced back at the slimy red liquid mixed
with pieces of sharp, ragged-edged glass, making the aisle resemble a murder
scene from some B-rated detective show on TV.
no. I’ll get Jeff to clean up. He’ll be here in about five minutes. Now be
careful where you step.” He placed a large orange cone near the edge of the
area to ward off any unsuspecting customers from the slippery mess.
Manny. I am so sorry—I’ll pay for the juice.”
“Not to
worry. A bottle of juice gets broken in here at least once a week.” He winked
and managed to bring a smile to her fretful face.
old genial Manny, the master of calm, owner of the small seaside grocery
store—the only food store in Whisper Cape—and everybody’s grandfather. He had a
particular soft spot for pretty women. Except right now, Maia didn’t feel
pretty. She felt fat and clumsy. Determined to stay out of maternity clothes
for at least another month, she tugged at the waist of her once loose old gray
sweat pants and rubbed at the indentation the elastic etched on her tummy. Even
the normally beautiful, long, golden-brown curls she’d tucked up in her green
wool hat refused to cooperate this morning as they constantly slipped out and fell
in her eyes. She walked with Manny toward the other end of the store, and as he
veered off to the checkout area, Maia continued on to the deli section.
small store was quiet except for a group of teenage girls giggling over the
cover of a DVD. A group of young men hung around outside, looking in at the
girls. School would start soon and they’d all be on their way. Maia MacKenna
glanced at them and smiled, remembering what it was like to be that age—innocent,
not a care in the world. She placed her hand over the small bulge in her abdomen.
Life would never be the same for her.
At this
time of the morning, Manny’s Beachside Market—aptly named as one could hear the
pounding of the surf whenever the front door opened—was often the main attraction
of the kids from the nearby middle school and high school. The small-town
grocer managed to carry all the essentials, from sunscreen to meats and produce,
even a small variety of wines and beer. The refrigerated glass case Maia
perused housed a few selections of prime cut steaks and marinated pot roasts
and the deli department consisted of popular cold cuts and cheeses; nothing
fancy, just the basics. The produce counter offered a variety of heads of
lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, some apples, oranges—enough to get by for residents
and families visiting the area for a few days. Almost too small for the word “market,”
Manny’s place happened to be the closest
grocery store within five miles of the cozy cottage where Maia lived with Gerry
Briden, the love of her life and the father of her unborn child.
to finish the shopping before her doctor’s appointment later that morning, she
stood facing a cleverly stacked display of tomatoes contemplating how many
she’d need as something in the corner of the adjacent deli case caught her eye.
A billow of steam escaped from a small crack at the bottom, and she found
herself mesmerized as the dewy cloud rose and dissipated, rose and
A voice,
a soft whisper, came from somewhere behind her. “A precious cargo.”
turned at the sound and looked into the face of a sweet old woman examining a
head of lettuce. She didn’t recall ever seeing the patron before, and yet …
there was something familiar about her. Her long black skirt, with a delicate
pattern of purple swirls, hung several inches below her dark gray coat. The old
woman’s hair, like strands of silver silk twisted into a braid, hung down the
center of her back. Her eyes, though old, were brilliant, a rich shade of brown
with little specks of gold.
The woman must be mumbling to herself. Maia shrugged and turned her attention back
to the tomatoes. Her niece, Addie MacKenna, was coming over for dinner tonight
with her boyfriend, the two having just returned from a well-deserved month-long
holiday. Maia smiled, thinking how happy they were, but her lips tightened a
bit as she remembered how they’d been in such danger going up against that sick
psychopath who’d murdered Maia’s older brother a little over a year ago. Maia
sighed, still in awe of Addie’s power, how she and Cael destroyed Eidolon,
torching him down to nothing more than a pile of ashes.
placed two plump red tomatoes—well as plump and as red as you could get this
time of year in Whisper Cape—in a plastic bag and placed the bag in her cart.
She stepped to the cucumbers and heard the voice again.
Whisper Cape is Book 1:
Cael stood, held out his hand for Addie, who
took it and stood. “Grab your jacket.” He wrapped his arm around her, pulled
her in close, cupped her chin in his hand, and tilted her head up toward his,
their lips inches apart. “Do you trust me?” His voice was husky, his breath
warm and her knees were about to turn to jelly.
“Yes, I think so. Do I have
a choice?”
“No. Close your eyes,” he
She did as he requested as
a weird sensation of air swept through every pore, every cell of her body.
“You can open your eyes
now, you’re safe.”
Addie opened her eyes. He
still held her in his arms, which was good because she almost fell over from
the shock. She blinked as she looked around, recognizing Cael’s rented beach
house, the red leather sofa and marble-topped coffee table from earlier that
afternoon. It was dark except for the moonlight trickling in through the large
window, giving the room a dreamy ambiance.
“How did we ...?”
Before she could finish her
question, he lifted her chin up to his face and pressed his lips down on hers.
Pushing away, she turned
her face from his. “How is this possible? We were just standing in my apart
Without answering, he
resumed kissing her. She started to pull away but then relaxed and tangled her
fingers in his hair, pulling him closer to her.
After enjoying the kiss for
a few seconds, Addie came to her senses and shoved her hands against his chest,
stopping the kiss. “Wait. You need to explain ...”
Cael ignored her, silencing
her with his lips once more. Addie lost herself in his tender embrace, unable
to focus on anything else, which she knew was completely wrong. Every instinct
told her she should be afraid, but she didn’t care.
His mouth traveled down to
her neck as she raised her head to accept the slight graze of his teeth and
titillating touch of his tongue just below her earlobe, sending quick pulses of
excitement though her body.
She sighed, “You can’t keep
silencing me with your kisses.”
“It’s working so far,” he
whispered, then brought his mouth
back to hers, attempting another kiss, but this time she managed to turn her
face aside.
“Please, stop. I need to
know what’s going on.”
They stood for a moment,
both lost in the sweet embrace.
He sighed. “If you insist.”
“How did we get here?”

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Lilian @ A Novel Toybox
old and loyal followers^^
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I'm an oldie but goodie follower. :)
Carol L.
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com
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Thanks for the giveaway!
I am an "oldie" but not really since I am still in my 30's ;-)
your1chef at aol dot com
I have been following for a while now and so glad I am!
I'm a new follower. Thanks for the awesome giveaway
I'm an old follower and an email subscriber. I love this post, both of these books sound so good!
Liz at fictional candy dot com
I'm a new follower! Cheers for this great giveaway.
I'm an inbetweeny. lol Not brand new but not super old either. Love the blog though and thank you for the giveaway! :)
I follow all over the place :O) Carin
I'm an oldie but super goody. LOL. Thanks for the chance!!
Im a oldie ;)
Thank you for the great giveaway:)
I'm an oldie! Thanks for the chance to win :)
raynman1979 at yahoo dot com
oldie! www.ismellsheep.com
thanks for hosting!
I'm an oldie! Thanks for finding me some more books to add to my ever-growing tbb list.
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I'm a new blog follower. Thanks for the giveaway!
junegirl63 at gmail dot com
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I think I'm a new follower. When I clicked the link to sign in on GFC it signed me up instead of logging me in. LOL
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I'm an oldie. LOL, that doesn't sound right. I think I'll put it this way, "I've followed your blog for a while now."
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Julene Jefferson
jewls634 at yahoo (dot) com
Hi there. I'm an old follower. Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm an old follower! Thanks for the giveaway!
New follower! Thanks for the loads of info on this page and the contest!
I'm a new follower. Whisper Cape sounds intriguing. It's definitely going on my TBR list.
Thanks for the giveaway.
New follower, but so glad to have discovered your books. Thanks for such a fantastic giveaway!
I have already read Whisper Cape. I enjoyed the book and would love to have Reflections.
I am a new follower of Regan Walsh but an old follower of CEOTNK.
mcv111 at hotmail dot com
I am a relatively new follower (within the last few months). I love this blog!
I love the covers if these books. They look even foxier on such a cool blog. Sooo excited to be featured on it in the future! Great post!
I'm an old follower.
Rafflecopter: Tara Woods
I'm an old follower and I'm also subscribed to your emails. I've got no blog.
am a newbie blog follower, loving the reviews tho.~
my blog is
am new to it all myself lol
I'm an old follower :) I already have Whisper Cape on my Kindle, I'll have to move it up on my TBR list though! Thanks for the Giveaway!
Of course I'm a follower. It's how I find new books and authors...*s*
Thank you for the delightful giveaway!
pommawolf @hotmail.com
I'm a newbie but am glad to join. I'm always on the look-out for new reads. Thanks for this amazing giveaway!
Thanks for the invite and the chance at a great prize. :)
Your newest follower.
Gorgeous covers.
Great new author to get into!
I am an old follower :D LOVE your blog!
I'm a new follower. The books sound great and I'm looking forward to reading them.
cms72023 at gmail dot com
oldie but goodie
I've been visitin' for a while
I've been following for a good while...I look forward to meeting you at the Indie Romance Convention 2013...and my blog is http://leighsavage.blogspot.com/?zx=5fb83e4578d5c694
Oldie :)
kerryjcj AT verizon.net
I've only been following for a couple of weeks. I really enjoy it. amberdcline gmail
Old follower.
kydirtgirl68 AT gmail DOT com
Blog is http://paranormalreadsreviews.blogspot.com/
Oldie but a goodie :)
Both. New/Old follower if that makes sense >.< Lol
Neyra @ Darkest Addictions
Sounds great!
Im an oldie but a goodie! :) Thanks for the awesome post!
Sounds like an interesting read. Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for sharing the excerpts. Reflections has a beautiful cover! Haunting, matches the excerpt.
Old follower =)
an old follower. Nice excerpt.Both covers are quite lovely. Thanks for the giveaway.
I'm an Oldie but a goodie. Thanks for the chance to win.
I'm an oldie but a goodie. I look forward to getting my posts from your blog. I have two:
old follower
I'm an old follower.
Thanks so much!
I am somewhat a noobie but have been doing allot of contests to say the least. I am doing them daily.
I am so a goodie....If I must be old then I will :)
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com
I've been following for a few months.
I am a new follower.Thanks for the contest. I already have the ebook and a signed paperback of Whisper Cape.
laura thomas
I am an old follower
thank you for the chance at such a great giveaway. i love the cover, it's gorgeous and the book sounds wonderful.
i am an old follower:
follow via: GFC/Goggle+/FB/Goodreads under tammy ramey. twitter under wyndwhisper and by email under trvlagnt1t@yahoo.com
tammy ramey
I'm a old follower.
I think I'm in the middle, lol. Not too old but not too new. Unique, fun and fantastic blog, fun reviews and questions and this giveaway is one of THE BEST!! "Whisper Cape" is Truly awesome. I'm reading it now in between illness relapse/roller coaster so I'll def read a second time, but NOT a book to miss! Cannot wait for "Reflections"!! YAY!! :)
Thank you, both! Good Luck ALL and win or not, highly recommend grabbing a copy of "Whisper Cape". Really great read!!
melissaiorio42@gmail. com
I'm an old follower.
I'm kinda in the middle, I have been following for several months now, and have been loving every minute of it
new follower!
Oldie...Thank you for the giveaway...
Old follower here! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!
Great Hop thanks so much!!
carol.byles at yahoo dot com
New follower
New follower
I've been following for awhile now, great blog!
malibu311 at gmail dot com
old follower
catherine0807 at hotmail dot com
I am relatively new but have been following now for a few months!
who won???
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