Happy Monday Everyone!! I know I know...what a contradiction, but my next guest is sure to cheer you up!! I was able to catch an interview with Riana about her series and this is what she had to say:
Hello and Welcome to my playroom! I’m so glad you could join us in the torture
chamber today, just slide the chains over and have a seat. I put Marcus in his cage for his nap. He gets cranky around this time and it’s
safer for my…guests…if he is preoccupied.
This is his mate Aria…and the babies are scattered about.
So tell us a little bit about yourself.
Well, Riana Lucas is our pen
name. There are actually two of us,
BFF’s since 7th grade. We
live about ten minutes from each other in Florida. We are both moms, chocolate lovers, True
Blood watchers, and Kim Harrison is both of ours favorite author.
Do you have any hobbies?
The obvious…reading J Both of us also have children so we spend a
lot of time with our families, weekend bbq’s, swimming, ect. And of course, SHOPPING!
What was
your biggest influence that steered you towards writing?
Well it all actually started with the reading. While one of us read occasionally, the other
never did. Then Twilight came out. Well of course that hooked both of us on
reading. We fell in love (as everyone
else did) but once the series was over, we both wanted more. So we set out to find more books just as
good, if not better. Of course we
started getting our own ideas…one thing lead to another. Now we not only read all the time, but we
write just as much.
Tell us
about Poppy.
Poppy is a warrior Fae of the Unseelie Court. She is sent on mission to retrieve Halflings
from the human world. She despises that
world, the humans in it, as well as the Halflings she is sent after. She is strong, confident, and fierce. But we find out that she is also mislead,
lonely, and not necessarily the Faery she always thought she was.
How many
books are you planning in this series?
We are working on the fourth and final book right
now. Hopefully will be released in
November of this year.
I see
your main character is from the Unseelie Court.
Tell us a bit about that darkness.
The Unseelie Court is pure
evil. The evil is so strong you can
sense it, you can even smell it. You
can’t trust a soul. For no reason other
than the pure joy of it, another Fae may decide to kill you as you pass him in
the hall. Torture and death are two of
their favorite things. The King
encourages this and takes great joy in it as well. They would all probably fit very well here in
you dungeon!
I have
to ask, what are the hardest scenes for you to write?
The fighting scenes are probably the hardest. Neither one of us are violent people, so that
really takes some imagination.
Are any of your characters
reflective of you?
No, not
really. I mean they all probably hold a
little piece of us somewhere just because we made them. But for the most part, they are completely
made up and all their own.
Who is
your favorite book heroine?
Well the correct answer would be my own, Poppy. However, Rachel Morgan from the Kim Harrison
series is the best heroin ever! She is
smart, cute, and funny, all while being totally kick-ass! Love her
sounded intriguing given her roots, but I’m more curious about the one who
foils her mission. Tell us a bit about
Reed is the unsuspecting Halfling Poppy is sent to
the Human World to retrieve. He is stereotypically
charming, funny, and gorgeous. But he is
also strong, sensible, and extremely intuitive.
Although reluctant, he takes Poppy at her word and reacts as only a true
Fae would in circumstances he has never found himself in before. He also see’s Poppy in a way no one ever
has. He is able to help her understand
things that she’s never even thought about before. There is a connection between the two of them
that is both amazing and unnerving.
Will we
be seeing these characters outside of this series? Maybe in a spin off?
We aren’t sure yet.
We have a plan, but as we write the story sometimes takes on a live of
its own. We’ll have to see where the final book ends and if any of Poppy’s
friends have any unfinished business.
What is your favorite mystical
there is so many! Pegasus’ are pretty
high up there on the list. Also Faeries,
whether they are ours or someone else’s have always been a favorite. Those are both probably pretty obvious
considering our books, but what can you do?
Where are your books available?
What can we expect from you in the future?
Hopefully a lot J
There are so many ideas already jotted down, we just have to decided
where we want to go next. Maybe
something more in the romance department or even in the adult genre.
can we reach you and become informed of updates?
Dungeon Fun
Wine, mixed drink, or straight up?
Leather straps or chains?
Leather straps
Cat-o-nine, braided leather, or chain length whip?
Collar and Leash or Ordornment?
Leather studded bodysuit or corset top?
Corset top
Fishnets or garterbelt?
Leather pants, mini, or a long skirt slitted up both sides?
Lace up boots or high heels?
High heels
Ball gag, manacles, or blindfold?
The rack or the whipping post?
The rack
Candle wax or clamps?
Blonde, red-head, or Brunette? He is my personal favorite. I have a thing for dark haired tattooed
guys. And the nipple piercings just add
that little bit of kink J
Eve, you can let Marcus out now…he’s up.
Ahh!! I think I know just the play area to take you
to!! Here are your tools and
clothing. I’m taking Riana with me to
get …suited up..but we will be here all night to answer questions.
Let’s go Riana…I can’t wait to introduce you to Jason! He was here last month!!
Now Let's take a look at the Book:
Poppy, a young female Warrior Faery from the Unseelie Court is sent out to retrieve Halflings from the human world to help build her Kings army. A seasoned warrior, she sets out on what should be a routine exercise, but not this mission. Suddenly Poppy's world is turned upside down. She meets an odd Halfling - Reed, portals between worlds close, assassin attempts, and much much more.
Just fill out the rafflecopter for your chance to win!! Good Luck!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

daisies are my favorite
I love lilies and roses.
white roses:)
I couldn't really say. I love red, though, so anything red.
I love wild flowers
Star Gazer Lillies are my favorite!
Lilies, by far, are my favorite!
Thank you :)
Red Roses.
Orchids are my favorite!
My favorite flowers are white snapdragons. I love them so much I had them in wedding boquet when we got married. I grow them EVERY year. They are gorgeous!!
Thank you!!!!!!
I love all kinds but my favorite would probably be peach roses.
Lily of the valley, the scent is amazing and it´s such a part of spring/early summer here, i love it! =)
Thanks for the giveaway,
best wishes, Linda xo
I love most all kinds of flowers, but my favorite are lavender roses
I have to go with Yellow Roses.. I'm a frequent visitor at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens and love to photograph them.
I have a set of photos on FB from my latest visit.
I love lilies. I think they are so beautiful. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love lilies best.
I like Daisies, because they always remind me of making daisy chains as a child.
I do love daffodils.
Daisies! I absolutely LOVE daisies!!
thank you for the chance at such a great giveaway. my favorite flowers are Lavendar Roses. not the ones that are dyed but the true lavendar called a Blue Angel.
after that i like Jonquils the best.
tammy ramey
baby's breath
i like jasmine :)
I'm such a flower ho. I love Lillies but Dahlias really are gorgeous. Having Primrose in my garden makes me swoon :)
I love SO many flowers. But my all time favorite is Sunflowers! They are HUGE, beautiful and the seeds are so yummy :)
dragonlady 029 @ aol. com
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