Well I have teamed up with the talented new author Morticia Knight to offer a wonderful giveaway!! The winner will receive a $10 Amazon Gift card and their choice of one of these titles:
Mia is a very naughty girl, she just doesn't know it yet. In the first part of the Bound by Pleasure series, the delicate and innocent Mia is instructed in the ways of erotic submission, public exposure, and multiple partners when she meets a dark stranger in an old bookstore. Will she give her young flesh to her new Master, or does she need more severe training?
Need some afternoon delight or a midnight snack? This is a stand-alone story that is approximately 7,500 words, 1st part of a series.
From the corner of her eye she noticed a tall, well-built man with jet black hair. She tried not to be too obvious; it would be so humiliating if he were to catch her looking at him. But something about him made her curious. Maybe it was that he was so untypical of the bookhounds she usually saw in these types of places, or maybe it was just that he was so striking. Stealing more glances, she was able to put together a complete picture of him. His jet black hair was slicked back, and cut short in a very contemporary style. He had thin rose lips set in a severe expression, dark blue eyes that were an amazing contrast to his white skin and dark hair. His jawline and facial features were what one would typically refer to as chiseled.
He was holding an old leather bound book, and she couldn't help but notice the long tapered fingers that adorned his elegant hands. Lost in thought, absent-mindedly picking up books while simultaneously acting as if she weren't following him, she suddenly noticed that she was wet again. She audibly gasped, drawing his attention her way. Instantly blushing hot, she turned away so quickly, she dropped the book she had pretended to be looking at.
She bent down to pick it up, and he was there in an instant to help.
"Mmmm," he said, his voice deep and resonant, "This has always been one of my favorite titles. You are a bud that is aching to be coaxed open I see."
Completely confused and flustered, Mia stammered, "Wha – at?" before looking at the title of the book she held. It was an old reprint of the Marquise de Sade's Justine. Even as innocent as Mia was, she was very knowledgeable of literary history and was mortified that she had managed to pick up this of all books.
The dark stranger smiled a secretive smile at her, and handed the book back to her; his knuckles gently brushing her nipple as he did.
Book 2:
Mia is an even naughtier girl in the second installment of the Bound by Pleasure series. Since meeting the dark stranger in the first part of the series, the delicate and innocent Mia is now ready for the next phase of her training in the Dungeon. Little does she suspect the debaucheries she will be commanded to endure through public display, multiple male and female partners, whipping, restraints, and her first introduction to sex toys. Will Mia truly please her Master, and become his ultimate love Slave? Or, does she need a lot more training?
Need some afternoon delight or a midnight snack? This is a stand-alone story that is approximately 12,450 words, 2nd part of a series. Be sure to get Part One, Bound by Pleasure: The Newbie, to find out how young Mia could be lured into such depraved behavior. Watch for additional installments, and learn along with Mia.
Cover Design: Larisa Vicente
This ebook story contains fictional depictions of consenting adults over the age of 18 engaged in acts of explicit sex. When you purchase this book, you understand that you are purchasing adult-oriented material that describes hardcore sexual acts and uses explicit language that some may find offensive. Enjoy!
Looking in the rear-view at a stoplight, she checked her lightly applied makeup, and fluffed her bangs. According to the directions, Mia guessed she would be there after the next two turns. She was shaking, and took deep breaths to try and calm her nerves. There was still time to change her mind. There was no reason she had to go through with this; he had no idea who she was, or where she lived. Looking at the digital clock in the car she saw it read 7:45; right on time. She couldn't wait to get there.
As she slowed down on his street, searching for the address, her nerves made her feel as if she would come unravelled. It was so dark, and all of the homes were large and older looking. It was obviously a nice part of town, as everything was beautifully maintained and landscaped, and she could see a Mercedes, some luxury sportscars and large expensive SUV's
Book 3:
BDSM club in Los Angeles that boasts a live theatre that only the wealthiest clients can afford. They know it is worth it though; Donovan's stage shows are renowned all over the world. When Donovan decides that his Slave Mia and the tough Asian beauty Kim would make an amazing pairing for his show, he knows he's going to have to push the boundaries even further than ever with the newly trained - and sometimes timid - Mia.
Donovan arranges for a surprise visit from Kim, and sets the tone to unleash the animal in his young, petite slave.
More surprises await Mia when she arrives in L.A. and hears rumors of a big finale by two of her previous dungeon partners, Greg and Katarina. No one will tell her what's going on, or what debauchery they're planning on doing. After practicing her newly found sapphic desires on Kim, will Mia be convinced to show them off live on stage?
"So," said Justin, "Does she know about your professional dungeon in L.A.? Or the theatre?"
Donovan considered this. "I know we mentioned it last night, but I have no idea if she was paying attention at that point. What with all that was going on."
They both laughed lightly at that. Yes, there had been a lot going on with poor Mia the night before. With a lot of different people.
"She was a natural with Kim," continued Justin. "I could've watched those two together all night, and gotten my rocks off several times."
I agree, thought Donovan, although I doubt I would have expressed it exactly the same way. Justin's demeanor when he wasn't in his master role was a little of the good ol' boy, whereas Donovan had taken his natural dark somber personality, and just extended it into his Master persona.
"Yes," said Donovan, "I wouldn't mind working on an act with Kim. They're both about the same size, and Mia's baby doll look against Kim's tough Asian girl will be fantastic. Plus – there's the natural chemistry."
It could be tricky in the lifestyle to admit that there was a strong natural attraction between people that weren't your primary partner; part of the reason he had thought he wouldn't be able to find what he hoped he had with Mia.
Justin raised his eyebrows. "You've never had a problem with that before, buddy. Are you going to be okay – especially with those rules you guys have – having her on display, and doing it with someone she's obviously into?"
Donovan considered Justin's words. He had already been through all of that in his mind ever since he had met Mia. His Mia.
"I guess I'll find out."
Book 4:
Now that Mia is happily with Donovan, she realized she had to do the right thing, and break it off with goody-two-shoes Jeffrey. It was a terrible confrontation, and she needs the type of healing only Donovan can provide: a boundary-pushing session in his dungeon. But what happens when Jeffrey won't let go of his fantasy of a perfect life with Mia? And how will he handle the increasingly overwhelming urges he has begun to feel – for people other than Mia?
The tears didn't start until she made it back to Donovan's. Back to her home. She wasn't quite sure why she was crying, but it felt like she was mourning. Mourning her old life. Which meant it was time to heal and move on. She needed the type of healing only Donovan knew how to give her.
They had been in the large bedroom they now shared for fifteen minutes, Donovan cradling her, whispering words of love to her. "I need a session," she finally managed to get out. "Push my boundaries."
Donovan held her head in his large hands with the long graceful fingers she loved and looked in her eyes.
"Yes. Now go to the dungeon Slave, and await my orders."
Mia was still in her little sundress, just a bra and panties underneath.
"Yes Master."
The words were so comforting, so delicious on her lips. The tingles of anticipation that she always felt when they assumed their roles were building in her core, and moving throughout her body.
She had run past Greg, Katarina, Shannon and Justin in some sort of four-way orgy in the living room when she had burst in, but she was somewhat used to that now, so she hadn't paid it any attention. She had been intent on getting to Donovan, her Master, her other half. She needed his understanding and unique way of love. Now she wondered if they would be joining in.
Yummy!! So what do you need to do to win these great prizes? Fill out the rafflecopter!! And be sure to visit these other amazing blogs!! Good Luck!!
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Ok here's the entry comment:
Those are good and interesting when it is fiction... I'm not sure if it is real life though... I guess... I would choose Dom over BDSM in real life if I really had to choose.
Hey sweets, I loved the excerpts, wow they all sound really good. I was going to enter the rafflecopter but it isnt there - LOL
I tweeted for you - LOL
always up for new things...
and that is all I have to say about that question*wink*
You really expect me to speak coherently after those excerpts? Wow! Okay Dom - yes, Sub - me
Hope I did that right!! :D
Sue Sattler
Hey sweets, entered Rafflecopter. Now for my answer. You know at first I thought No because I would never want to be in a position to submit to anyone but then I got to thinking about how I wish I could be one of those Amazon Women and order men around and make them my slave so yes I would like to have one night where I was in control and the man had to submit. but it would only be once. After that I'd want my sex to be equal where no one was in charge.
Thanks for the giveaway,
Yes to the first question and I think I'm a little of both......just depends on the night!;-)
my answer to the first question is no.
I'm intrigued by the BDSM lifestyle if it's in a book and I sort of admire the characters for the trust and love they have for their sub/dom to be able to participate in something like that.
I think I'm kind of abrasive in real life and more then a little rough around the edges sometimes,I might do something like that but it'd probably would only be for experimentation purposes only.
I'm not sure if I'd have the kind of trust as well as the physical and mental strength it might take to do that kind of thing more then once.
I will admit though the idea is rather intriguing.
I'm really not sure I could be in a position of power like that.
So a "definite maybe!" for the first question and a strong "I don't think so." for the second question.
Interesting questions. Well If I'm honest I'd say I'm a switch. Meaning I could play Dom or sub depending on the mood..but only ever done that with hubby. Hey, after 22 years of marriage ya have to spice things up. ;)
I think I would try at least once to submit to a Dom.
I don't think I could do it. I do like reading the books though.
To the first question: Absofrigginlutely! I would love to get a full experience just to see what it's like to have someone have my submit to them (if they can-lol).
For question two I'd go with a little of both. At the beginning of the relationship with my husband and I we liked to try everything!
Thank you for the great contest!
Always try a new thing once :) loved the post!
For one night?! Yes, I've akways wanted to try BDSM just to see if I like it but I think I would want to be dominated (being tied up and spanked is thrilling to me)!
I wouldn't be the one in charge, that's for sure! But if it came down to it... I think it's something I'd rather read than try in real life. :)
I would love to but I'm faith full to DH so would have to say no.
Thanks for the giveaway
I really don't like to let my guard down but I would definitely be a sub. I don't like giving orders. lol
I would LOVE to try that kind of stuff!! My hubby is not opened minded though :( I even let him be dom. An advice ladies in how to talk him into it??
THanks for the giveaway
Always open for new adventures!
Thanks for the giveaway.
skpetal at hotmail dot com
I think I'd be about ready to jump out of my skin, but yeah I think I'd do it...
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Why not try something different? I would choose to submit to a Dom, with certain conditions of course. It's the only way to see if you'd like it or not. I like reading the BDSM books, I don't really care for the SM portion as much though.
Thanks for the chance!
Sebrina_Cassity at yahoo dot com
If I wasn't happily married I would definately give myself over to a Dom just because I've always be curious about it. I would definately be more comfortable as a sub than as a dom although it does make me think about how that would feel too.
musicalfrog at comcast.net
No to the first question, and maybe to the second one.
Yes, I would try it, and I think I'm more of a sub, but I'd like to try the other way too. Thanks for the post and giveway!
No, I would be too uncomfortable with a stranger (and not uncomfortable in a good way).
Yes i would try it. And id like to be a sub. One of my fantasies is being dominated. :) Thanks for the giveaway!
NO!! I don't see myself ever doing this.
No, not me.
In a heart beat! hehehe, and I would want a drop dead sexy Dom to take control =)
Oh yeah, if I found a sexy enough Dom, one with compassion and a wealth of experience... mmm yeah. Course, that's fantasy land since I'm married to a not-dom!
That said, I may be a little bit of a switch bc I like to do the dominating too! hehe Love BDSM books, so this would be an awesome giveaway to win!
Blog Hopping! Woohoo!
I love blog hopping! What a great way to discover new authors/blogs and visit with old friends.
As for the question.... I'm a control freak so I would be a DOM, but only for one night.
Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win such a fantastic prize! <^_^>
If I truly trusted someone I would definitely be a sub for a night. I think losing completely control is kind of hot.
I'm usually up for trying new things, so as long as it was my hubby, I would definitely be up to being his sub. I love it when he takes control, but I also love to be in control once in a while. ;)
I would have to say that I would actually give both a try provided I really trusted the other person. But then again, why would I be doing something like that in the first place if I didn't trust the guy, right?
So yeah, I would be willing to see what it was like.
I haven't yet participated in any of these myself but have read about them and like some of them. I would certainly not go 100% into the BDSM realm, but might try Dom...
Oh, I must admit I think i would try it and I think I would be a sub :)
Great giveaway, Thanks!
I would definitely give myself over to a Dom!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Ollie aka DarkBloodyVamp
I think it would have to depend on the situation ... I would be a sub but only if I truly trusted the person ... and even then my safe word would have to be APPLES ...
mimirose41209 at hotmail dot com
wouldn't mind a little submission, but not into pain
I like letting someone else to be in charge
Ooh if I had the chance to I'd want to, but I'm not sure I'd have the guts to. Thanks for the giveaway!
I wouldn't even know unless I was in that situation. Therefore, unsure.
my answer was no. but i never in that situation, so my mind was blank. LOL!!
Thanks for giveaway!!
Can I say Yes to all of them? I could totally use a Dom and I do enjoy the BDSM aspect. I don't live it 24/7, but am not opposed to the idea.
bournmelissa AT hotmail DOT com
only if it was with my hubby and I can't see him going all Dom on me.
I do believe I would ;)
*grins* I'm definitely a sub....at times a S.A.M. (Smart-Assed Masochist)!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com
I'm not sure. I find the books on BDSM wonderful but, not sure if I could do it in RL. :)
Great excerpts and be open to new things. Thanks.
I would try both sides of play once to see if I enjoyed either aspect! You never know!
I don't think I'd like to expose myself to a Dom.
Thanks for the giveaway!!
dany7578 at hotmail dot com
If it was someone I knew I could trust, I would definitely hand myself over :)
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
Just cruising through on the hop. Thanks for participating.
I think I'd give it a try :P
With a stranger no, with hubby yes. I definitely like someone else being in charge in the bedroom.
Interesting questions. I think that I would give them both a try. They sound great in books so maybe in real life? ;) I like someone else in control in the bedroom only. Thank you for the giveaway!
More of a submissive, I don't see myself ordering someone around.
(entered under Krysta B.)
If I ever had the chance to give themselves over to a Dom for the night - and no one would ever know - would I do it? ::
no... I think I wouldn't want to try anything like that with a stranger I don't trust at all...
thanks for the giveaway!
I don't think I could do it because I'm to much of a control freak.
I would be willing to submit, I've been reading about it and sounds very interesting to me, the whole giving yourself over...
If it was someone I trusted, I would give up control to a Dom.
Joanne B
:D Oh I would be willing to be a sub
Hello Morticia,
I saw you featured on another Blog Hop about a month ago & I thought your "Bound By Please" Series LQQked Amazing...but of course after I was done typing all night, I had a Bleached Blonde Moment lol & couldn't remember your name. But NOW I have it & I WANT this Series!!!!! I was just intrigued reading the excerpts, I wanted MORE! Your Series is definitely going on my "to buy" list Morticia.
As for your question....I am in Control in soooooo many aspects of Life. My Hubby has a job where always has to be in control & works many, many hours. So he prefers me having the control at home. It also doesn't help that he thinks because he's so much bigger then I am (I'm only 4'11" & he's a 6'0 body builder) he thinks he would unintentionally hurt me, that's another reason he prefers me to take control.
It would be sooooo nice to NOT be in control, to turn ALL Control over to my Husband, putting all trust in him because I know he would not hurt me, that's is just in the back of his head & I haven't been able to get him over it.
I would very much appreciate the opportunity to enter this wonderful giveaway to receive a $10 Amazon Gift card and a choice of one of the "Bound By Peasure" Books. Thank You.
Take Care & Stay Naughty,
PaParanormalFan (Renee’ S.)
Thanks to everyone for stopping by and leaving such wonderful comments! Good luck to everyone who enters, and stay naughty ;-)
Congrats, Lexi!
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