Aubert Marston (pronounced “Ah-bear”)
27 (born August 14 1807)
Scottish-French Lycan.
6’2” 185 lbs
Color/Hair Color: Hazel eyes. Dark hair with a single streak of silver that
appeared overnight.
Sexy Lowdown: Aubert is a wealthy orphan who’s been alone in life too long. Until
the final day of his transformation he has no idea he is of Lycan lineage or
Old World “Loup-Garou” (Loo-Garoo) and feels tortured by his heightened senses
and the many changes taking place in him.
also a moral, hard-working man who is used to putting the needs of his
plantation first. He treats everyone on the plantation with respect and views
them as extended family, so it’s absolutely horrifying to him when he begins to
change and becomes a possible threat to the only people he knows. All at once
he finds himself facing a ton of harrowing problems, but the most difficult
part of his mysterious transformation is the increasingly insatiable sexual
desires, which he fears will lead to him harming someone.
of the sexy lowdown:
is tall for a man of his time, powerfully built and fills out his tight riding birches
quite nicely. He’s a gentleman with a quick smile, warm hazel eyes and a rakish
dimple chin inherited from his Scottish father. He wears his dark
shoulder-length hair brushed away from his face and tied back with a satin
ribbon, which is used against him in a very erotic scene. By nature he’s a bit
territorial and tends to take full possession of what’s his and hangs on tight.
This includes the woman who ignites his desire. Once Aubert becomes aware of
Corrine, no other can tempt him. He’s lonelier than he cares to admit and when
the dire necessity to take a wife is presented to him, he fights for it.
Bayou Country, 1834. Aubert
Marston awakens on the eve of his twenty-seventh birthday to discover he’s
undergone some disturbing physical changes. His body is bigger, stronger and
hairier than it’s ever been, and burns with the lust of a beast. To make
matters worse, a hundred guests are about to arrive for the plantation’s annual
A mysterious young woman
named Corrine appears in his home, temping Aubert to unleash the inner lycan,
and family secrets from a medieval past surface. Corrine lures Aubert to a
bayou camp of Cajun Loup-Garous—werewolves, But Aubert’s wealth and good looks
are no advantage here. He must surrender to his feral nature and fight tooth
and claw against another male pack member to claim Corrine as his own.
Inside Scoop: This story contains mild bondage, southern
hospitality, consensual sexual torment, f/f, m/m, anal play, cage fighting and
unfettered animal lust. Enjoy!
A Romantica® historical paranormal erotic romance from Ellora’s
Excerpt: (In this excerpt from chapter two, Aubert is corned by a
long-time family associate Mister Aldridge and given some bad news.)
…Aubert’s heart hammered in his throat as he forced himself to
stop and turn. He was confronted by the cold gray gaze of Mister Aldridge, the
family’s solicitor-trustee. Mister Aldridge was the sort of man who could
incite vexation with a glance. The last thing Aubert needed today was more
provocation. Corrine had fled the ballroom and he was no longer free to pursue
her. He hated Mister Aldridge for it and fought a rising snarl. “Our obligatory
annual meeting is tomorrow, Mister Aldridge. You’re a day early. Why?”
“Tomorrow might be too late, lad.” Mister Aldridge stared down
the bridge of his hatchet-sharp nose. He stood in the doorway of the drawing
room, slender and straight, attired in an elegant charcoal riding coat paired
with a somewhat wild head of platinum hair. “I’m here a day early to enforce
the conditions of the Marston family will and head off possible disasters
before they occur.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Aubert padded
toward the drawing room. He drew his broad shoulders back and stood at his full
height, which was taller than anyone else on the plantation by a considerable
margin. “I’m not a lad, Mister Aldridge, so stop treating me like one. I’m the
master of this plantation and it’s never been more profitable. I’m not afraid
to work hard and make my own decisions. I’m a grown man. I’m twenty-seven. I
shouldn’t have to endure these annual meetings with you or the added insult of
being called a lad.”
Mister Aldridge frowned. “Correction—you’re twenty-six. You
won’t be twenty- seven until midnight and your stubborn refusal to take my
advice is what makes you a lad.”
Aubert passed close and gave Mister Aldridge’s shoulder a
deliberate nudge as he entered the drawing room and headed toward a sideboard
set with breakfast. He picked up a teapot and poured a cup of strong black tea.
“It’s cooled.” Mister Aldridge frowned with disapproval. “But
drink some anyway. It might clear your head.”
Aubert sipped the tepid tea. “I’ll admit I don’t look forward
to our yearly meetings. May I be so bold as to ask when they will end?”
Mister Aldridge smiled. “Do as I say, Aubert, and this meeting
can be our last.” He walked to the far side of the massive mahogany desk and
placed a chunky, age- weathered wooden box in the center.
Aubert eyed the box with dread. He hated Mister Aldridge’s
unending annual surprises.
Mister Aldridge drew a deep breath. “As you know, when I was a
young man I was apprenticed to your grandfather, the senior Aubert Marston. He
possessed a commanding spirit I respected. I learned a lot from him. I was
honored to be in his service and swore to carry out my duties with the highest
Mister Aldridge turned toward the far wall and pointed at an
imposing oil portrait of a handsome young man with a dimpled chin. “Your father
Graham and I were raised as if we were brothers. The night you were born, in
this house, I was present and promised Graham I would always look after you
until you were ready to look after yourself. What you don’t understand is that
our families—yours and mine—share a common ancestor and a bond thicker than
blood. You treat these annual meetings since your dear parents’ unfortunate
deaths as a great inconvenience, but I see them as a soul- honored necessity. I
also have it in writing from your late father that they must take place.
“I am here to enforce your late father’s wishes and act in
Graham’s stead. If you don’t like it that’s too bad. I do this out of loyalty
to Graham. You see, there are no more male Marstons in the world—you are the
last in your branch of the family—and I will not allow the noble Marston line
to flicker out in disgrace.”
Aubert balked. “I’ve done nothing disgraceful.”
Mister Aldridge huffed under his breath. “Not yet.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” An odd chill raced through
him. The fleeting thought occurred that Mister Aldridge had heard rumors of, or
even sensed, his inner turmoil and strange metamorphoses. He didn’t want anyone
to know about his personal troubles, and cringed.
“Aubert, why didn’t you follow my advice from last year’s
meeting?” Mister Aldridge’s bony fingertip tapped the tabletop. “You had an
entire year to act. I handpicked several eligible, wealthy young women from the
ancient Marston bloodline and you didn’t bother to contact any of them.”
“What the hell, Aldridge? An arranged marriage from the old
country? In case you didn’t notice, we don’t live in a feudal society.”
“Really?” Mister Aldridge’s gaze swept across the elegant
plantation drawing room, built on the labor of slaves. “You don’t see the
irony, do you?” He reached toward the weathered wooden box. “Do you have any
idea how much this pains me, to arrive today and confront you this way? Today
should be a day of celebration, not incarceration…”
Ellora’s Cave Publishing:
Romance eBooks:
or Treat bag prize info:
PDF of “Loup-Garou For You” plus a $10 Amazon gift card, so you can choose your
own treat!

A werewolf just for me! Happy Halloween! Thanks for sharing the giveaway. evamillien at gmail dot com
Butterfingers :)
Some books!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Something sweet yet tart :) I really like runts and nerds lol
mini chocolate bars
Give me all the kitkats! :) lol
snickers or milkyways.
Happy Halloween
I'd love to find anything chocolate and a big wad of cash. :)
Happy Halloween
I would love some peanut m&m's! A sweet nutty treat, lol!
since a wolf well not fit in a trick-or-treat bag..... Mounds candy bars are good.
Chocolates! Thanks for the giveaway!
I'd love chocolates, particularly Twix.
Any type of candy :DD
The cover model for Worth the Fight by Vi Keeland ;)
Reese's Cups! :)
A book. A kindle! An Amazon GF? Swedish fish.
If he'd fit, I'd like to find a sexy Highland vampire or werewolf. Since it's unlikely I'd have a bag that big, I'll settle for lots of dark chocolate.
A chocolate-covered vampire!
Mars bars :D
A new tablet!
I'd love mounds bar.
Since a Kindle Fire HD probably won't fit, I'll go with Butterfingers or Mounds bars.
Chocolates or small candles.. sexy guy too would be
Loads of chocolate
Depends on how big the bag is, lol. If small, See's candies!
I'm not picky.. I love most anything..;)) I was taught to be grateful for anything for which I don't earn myself. ;)
peanut M&Ms are always welcome
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