Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Giveaway,Guest Post, and Review with Alicia Michaels and her book Child of the Sacred Earth

Love Triangles: Why I Love Them

Edward vs. Jacob. Peeta vs. Gale.
Why do we get so invested? Why do we care?
I like to think it’s because even though we should think of the heroine stuck between these guys as indecisive and a bit finicky, the truth is we can understand exactly how they feel. In fact, if we were in the same situation, we’d probably be just as unsure when it comes to which one to choose. And even if we did know who to choose, there is still the allure of that other guy, who is always the polar opposite of the man he’s fighting for the girl’s heart.

I think this is why the love triangle is such a common trope in Young Adult romance and why so many of us love it. At least, it’s why I love it. Because, no matter what kind of guy is ‘right’ for a girl, there is always that side of her that wants something else. The bad boy, the ‘wrong’ choice, the one that is so on the other end of the spectrum that you can’t help but want him to.

In Child of the Sacred Earth I introduce Rothatin, a Faerie General with a rigid personality and no time for tender feelings, and Eli, a Panther Shifter who shirks responsibility and live every moment through his feelings, good or bad. Between them is Jocylene, a girl on a personal journey to learn more about herself and come to terms with the responsibility thrust onto her. Each of these men has something she needs. Rothatin brings guidance, stablity and strength. Eli brings loyalty, fun and passion. Neither decision is right or wrong for Jocyelene, though I’m sure many of my readers who have already chosen sides would disagree. In the end I found myself as torn as Jocylene over who to ultimately choose, even though I started out with a clear idea of who she would end up with. It is my hope that as I write about these characters, they might someday become as memorable a triangle as Katniss, Peeta and Gale.  

The Lost Kingdom of Fallada Series
An epic Fantasy spin on the fairy tales as told by the Brothers Grimm
Child of the Sacred Earth is book 2 in the series

Title: Child of the Sacred Earth
Categories: Young Adult, Fantasy, Fairytales, Mythology, Paranormal, Romance
Length: 75,000 words
Release Date: June 15, 2013
Publisher: Anchor Group Publishing

Blurb:  Get a degree, get a job, save adorable foster siblings from the clutches of the evil foster mom …
These are Jocylene Sanders’ top priorities as she enters her sophomore year of college. The last thing she expects is to find herself the champion of an entire kingdom. However, that is just what happens when the mysterious Faerie, Rothatin Longspear, appears to her, tasking her with saving a parallel world full of creatures from her wildest dreams.

Jocylene journeys with him into the world of Fallada, hoping for answers about her birth parents and background. What she finds is a mystifying past, and an even more uncertain future, as her heart becomes entangled with the stoic, battle-hardened Rothatin, as well as Eli, the untroubled Panther Shifter with no loyalties and no home. With her heart and soul pulled in so many directions, can Jocylene find the strength needed to become the savior one nation so desperately needs?

Purchase links

Other books in
The Lost Kingdom of Fallada Series

Book 1: Daughter of the Red Dawn
Categories: Young Adult, Fantasy, Fairytales, Mythology, Paranormal
Length: 60,000 words
Release Date: September 15, 2012
Publisher: Anchor Group Publishing
Blurb: These are dark times in the land of Fallada, and I fear that they will only continue to grow darker. Only the return of those we’ve lost will even the score.
It will begin with first line of the prophecy, which foretells of a red sun over the desert sky…
--Adrah, Queen of the Fae
On the outside, seventeen year-old Selena McKinley is like any other teenage girl. Yet Selena has always felt as if she doesn’t belong and is counting the days to graduation and her freedom from the small town that makes her feel so out of place, when the arrival of a stranger turns her world upside down. Selena will learn just how different she is and the truth of where she comes from.
A lost princess, they call her, the catalyst for a war involving a world that Selena was taken from as a child. An evil queen obsessed with her own beauty with a plan to enslave the human race.…the notion seems so silly, yet Selena knows in her heart that it is true. Then there is Titus, the shape shifter whose blue eyes and claims of destiny hold her heart captive. Can Selena find the strength to do what she must while following her heart?

Purchase Links
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Daughter-Dawn-Kingdom-Fallada-ebook/dp/B009CH7XBG/ref=sr_1_4?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1369439720&sr=1-4&keywords=alicia+michaels
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/daughter-of-the-red-dawn-alicia-michaels/1113068936?ean=2940044233584&itm=1&usri=alicia+michaels
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/daughter-of-the-red-dawn/id628213296?mt=11
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/271190
Kobo: http://www.kobobooks.com/ebook/Daughter-of-the-Red-Dawn/book-vYhpJqS4iUuI8gf-CtXLQw/page1.html?s=TSYUcfA53UO7VDR5f0vTFQ&r=3

A FREE read!!!!!!

Prequel: Beyond The Iron Gate (A Lost Kingdom of Fallada Novella)
Categories: Young Adult, Fantasy, Fairytales, Mythology, Paranormal
Release Date: April 15, 2013
Publisher: Anchor Group Publishing

Blurb: In the year 1845, before the mystical land of Fallada was separated from the realm of men forever, the two worlds coexisted in harmony. Man could mingle freely in the world of the Elves and Faeries at will and peace reigned. In the hills of Shropshire, England, just miles from the gate separating the village of Ludlow from the world of mystical creatures, farmer’s daughter Zara Wells longs for answers.
It is not only the golden hair that trail feet behind her, or the strange hue of her violet eyes that separates her from the other girls her village. There is something inside of her, something touched by magic that longs to know more about what lies on the other side of the gate. In Fallada, darkness has begun to spread. As the youngest and most beautiful girls of her village begin to disappear, Zara comes closer to discovering the true circumstances surrounding her birth. Little does she know, that the closer she comes to the answers she so desperately desires, the closer she will come to being ensnared in the dark queen’s web of growing treachery.

Purchase Links

Coming Soon to other ebook retailers

I'm pretty selfish when it comes to love triangles....why not have both?  lol....but such is not regularly seen in YA.  There have been instances,  but they are few and far between..and I really don't see that as a happily ever after alternate ending to this epic fairy tale. But, one can dream.  In this story, my heart bleeds for Rothatin.  He is more logic driven and chooses not to delve to far into his emotions.  He considers that messy territory.  But if I were Jocelyn, I could never settle for something less, even though she believes that she needs something from both of them.  If truth be told, that sexy panther shifter needs HER and Jocelyn's role as the provider/ caregiver is already ingrained.  It will be interesting to see just how this plays out.
I loved coming back to this land for a visit.  It has such an endearing quality to it, that I can't wait to share with my daughter.  Epic battles, lost princesses, evil queens, and horrendous nightmarish beasts...Who could ask for more?  I have really enjoyed this tale so far and anxiously await another return.  Who will the next princess be?  And who will triumph in the end?
 GIVEAWAY!!!!  There is a tour-wide giveaway going on!!  Just fill out the rafflecopter code to enter!!  Good Luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

Snow White and the Huntsman, the movie, was a decent remake on the original fairy tale.

laurie said...

i adore beauty and the beast

Beautiful Disaster said...

I like Beauty and the Beast on CW. I also like an older movie called Cinderfella with Jerry Lewis.
Thanks :-)

lorih824 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I love fairytales and retellings. Snow White and the Huntsman and Beauty and the Beast. The one with Ron Perlman. Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me. Tore923@aol.com

Debby said...

I do enjoy re-telling. Beauty and the Beast comes to mind.

Stacey Smith said...

I liked the beauty and the beast tv show that I think came out in the 90's realy like that show a lot.

erin said...

I do like fairy tale retellings :) My fav so far has been RED by Kate Serine

nurmawati djuhawan said...

my fave remake movies is SNOW WHITE 7 THE HUNTSMAN
thx u :)

Anonymous said...

Yes I love story tale retellings, they provide nice twist to stories. My favorite retelling of a story is "The storyteller's Daughter" by Cameron Dokey.

Sophia Rose said...

I'm a fairytale retelling fan and I love seeing all the new ones out there. One of my favorites is Marissa Meyers' YA Lunar Chronicles.

Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

vadeluna07 said...

I love fairy tale remakes. Right now one of my favorite tv shows is Beauty and the Beast. :)

dv8 said...

I'm a fan of Once Upon a Time.

Mary Preston said...

I do enjoy Fairy Tale re-tellings. One of my favorites is Heart's Blood by Juliet Marillier. A BEAUTY AND THE BEAST re-telling.

Unknown said...

I love Beauty and The Beast. As for the re-telling book: Beauty Uncovered by Andrea Laurence and Seven Nights in a Rogue's Bed from Anna Campbell. As for the movie, I loved Ever After: a Cinderella story. :)

Filia Oktarina said...

SNOW WHITE 7 THE HUNTSMAN and MIRROR MIRROR....i like both movies.
Thanks for giveaway :)

Ashfa said...

Beauty and The Beast was great.

Unknown said...

Well I do like the show Once Upon A Time :)

Disqus for Close Encounters with the NIght Kind


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