Friday, October 18, 2013

Giveaway and Release Day Party with Regan Black and her newest book: Bullet Proof

It is an absolute delight to be back here – thanks so much, Nikki! And it's even more fun to celebrate my brand new paranormal romantic suspense series with a release party (complete with books, prizes, and your choice of guilt-free virtual cupcakes or guilt-free virtual strippers).
I brought some cupcakes and finger food Regan!!!
Bulletproof is the first novel in the series of adventures featuring operatives from Unknown Identities, an alternative program for elite soldiers and spies facing criminal charges... if they can survive the training.
To avoid a dishonorable end to his decorated military career, John Noble made a deal with the devil. He gave up his name, endured harrowing training, and accepted every mission thrown at him for one purpose: redemption.
When he accepts his latest orders, providing personal security for a reporter in trouble, he bargains hard to guarantee it will be his last job for the shadow agency he knows only as Unknown Identities (UI).
An ambitious reporter, Amelia Bennett, is about to break the story of her career, if she lives long enough to tell it. Caving to her boss's demand, she hires a bodyguard and soon it is obvious John Noble is the only obstacle standing between her and certain death.
Just when John believes he has found someone he can trust and love, who loves him unconditionally for who and what he has become, his orders are amended: Amelia Bennett is to be terminated.

The following excerpt features Amelia's first meeting with her new bodyguard, John Noble:
With his coat covering her like a nun’s habit, she hurried to where she’d parked. In those few seconds she had decided this guy was really quite strange. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, she reminded herself he was in the business of personal security. In her opinion, that occupation probably required a certain level of peculiarity. Kind of like being a good reporter required a person to be a little crazy.
She hit the clicker to unlock the car and reached for her door, but he beat her to the handle. Water slipping down his beard-shadowed jaw, he opened the door and waited as if he had all the time in the world and could care less about getting soaked without his coat.
Definitely odd. She slung off his coat and passed it to him. “Thanks.”
He gave her another of those negligible nods.
That instinct she trusted above all else railed at her to snap out of it. “Just a minute.”
She hesitated before getting into the driver’s seat and dug around in her purse. Didn’t matter that it rained steadily on them both. She pulled out her cell and snapped a photo of John Noble.
She flashed a perfunctory smile and dropped behind the steering wheel.
While he closed her door and then walked around to the opposite side, she sent the photo to her boss with a text explaining that this was the bodyguard, John Noble.
She shoved the key into the ignition and started the engine while Noble settled into the front passenger seat. Placing her cell on the console, she got a look in the rearview mirror. Her hair was a mess. Make-up, too.
“Damn.” She swiped at the smudges and finger combed her hair. Best she could do. It would dry a bit on the drive.
Her bodyguard watched every move she made.
She faked another smile. “It really sucks being a woman when it rains like this.”
His smile was delayed a bit and seemed stiff when it came. Probably fake like hers.
“Why did you take a picture of me?”
Amelia fastened her seatbelt and checked the street before shifting into Drive. “The truth?” Might as well see if he could take her straightforward approach.
“If I disappear and they find my body,” she eased out of the parking slot, “the authorities will have a description of you to go on.”
His attention remained fixed on the street ahead of them for endless seconds before he responded. “If I made you disappear,” he said finally, his tone dark and ominous, “your body would never be found.”
Do you have chills? I hope so. I still grin when I read it, just picturing John's stoic face as he delivers that line.
Bulletproof, the entire UI series wouldn't have made it out of the idea file without the encouragement, guidance, and editorial expertise of my friend and mentor Debra Webb. The story concept sprouted from the image of a quiet, green-eyed hero with dark hair. Several brainstorms and 'what if' chats later, John is here for readers: a sexy, dangerous hero with a deeply buried good-guy nature who's lost everything due to circumstances he couldn't always control.
I had so much fun delving into John's past and future while crafting this novel and looking forward into the series and I hope readers will enjoy the ride – and the adventures that follow in subsequent stories. (Double Vision is out now and Sandman will be available later this month).
Since the cupcakes and virtual strippers are optional – lol – we have plenty of prizes to celebrate today! To enter, just leave a comment and share your favorite cupcake flavor or which actor you would find worthy of John's dark, sexy, and dangerous look.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Craves the Angst said...

Def wanna read this one.. sounds awesome.. favorite cupcakes are lemon.. Yummy ;) Thanks for the chance to win!

Sophia Rose said...

definitely chocolate, but spice is good this time of year too.

Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

Regan Black said...

Oh, Hazel, our bakery here makes a fabulous lemon cupcake.

Though, like Sophia mentioned, my husband has been on a pumpkin spice kick.

(He does most of the grocery shopping and frequently brings home cupcakes for dessert)

Good luck in the giveaways!

Regan Black said...

Thanks so much for having me here today, Nikki! You did a fabulous job on those pictures (I love finger food) lol

Goes great with eye candy, right?


JeanMP said...

chocolate cupcakes are a favorite.
Story sounds really good.

NoraA said...

I love that line.. my son used it when he was threatened by some of his "students" a few years back. He was a teacher at a school for kids who were kicked out of school.

It was attend there or spend the time on Riker's Island.

I have no idea who the actor should be but my cupcake of choice is Chocolate, chocolate chip.

Regan Black said...

Chocolate and good stories are a great combination, Jean!

Nora, well done for your son!

Good luck to you both in the giveaways!

Anne said...

Chocolate with fudge frosting.

Jason Statham would be a good type for a UI operative, but maybe not John Noble.

Regan Black said...

Anne, you are so smart. I forget about fudge frosting (and that might be a good thing - lOL) But it's my son's favorite, he always asks for it on his birthday cake.

Jason Statham is one of my favorite actors. It would be interesting how he might play the part of John Noble.

Good luck in the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I would be interested in reading this. I love chocolate cupcakes with bailey's irish cream frosting.

Regan Black said...

Hmm, all these cupcake frosting ideas are making me hungry! Awesome suggestion, Starla!

Good luck in the giveaway!

CBarton said...

I love Red Velvet cupcakes.....or any chocolate works too!!

cmucha319 AT yahoo DOT com

Regan Black said...

CBarton, Red Velvet cupcakes are very special! (and very delicious)

Good luck in the giveaway!

Amanda J. Greene said...

Those cupcakes look amazing!
Thank you

Regan Black said...

Thanks for stopping by, Amanda! Nikki brought out the best kind of finger food today.

Good luck in the giveaways!

angela0040 said...

Chocolate cupcakes and Hugh Jackman

Unknown said...

I think David Borneanz - curses, I can never remember how to spell his name! He plays Booth on Bones and was Angel on Buffy the Vampire Slayer - would be ideal to play the part of your hero. He's sexy, solemn, grim, tall, gorgeous, and did I mention sexy??

Theresa said...

Strawberry is my favorite!

books4me said...

My favorite cupcake is Pumpkin spice. Best dude to play your hero is The Rock...he just looks like a serious bodyguard!


Unknown said...

I like chocolate cupcakes and chocolate frosting and the rock would be great Nicholas cage if hr was younger

Regan Black said...

Angela, I like the way you think. :)

That's okay Michelle, I can never remember how to say his name when I see it in print. LOL But he is so delightfully sexy in every role, isn't he? sigh

Theresa, I haven't had a strawberry cupcake in too long. Might have to remedy that over the weekend.

Good luck to you all in the giveaway!

Regan Black said...

books4me, My hubby's been on a seasonal pumpkin spice kick, although no one is twisting my arm to join him. And The Rock would be killer as John Noble.

annie, a young Nicholas Cage would be a good choice. He can really pull off that wounded hero type.

Good luck to you both in the giveaway!

crystalguidroz1 said...

I am a simple girl, well in some things,lol. Like cupcakes! I like a butter yellow cupcake NO icing. Yup, no icing, just the cupcake ;)
Thanks for the giveaway and loved the great post!

Crystal Guidroz

Regan Black said...

LOL, Crystal, simple can be sooo good.

Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway.

Kassandra said...

Big fan of spice cake with cream cheese frosting cup cakes.

Beautiful Disaster said...


Regan Black said...

Such a great combination of flavors, Kassandra.

Good luck in the giveaway!

Regan Black said...

Beautiful Disaster, there is nothing wrong with a classic. :)

Good luck in the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I recently tried a spiced pumpkin cupcake with cream cheese and cinnamon frosting. It was finger licking great!

Debby said...

I am still looking for the great gluten free cupcake. I can never match actors. Sorry.

Meghan said...

Well... I make cupcakes regularly actually and right now, I really like the Pumpkin Spice cake or a Mocha Espresso cake. They're both really good! Raspberry frosting is the best, too!
Thanks for the giveaway!

strawberryrose said...

I'm a Red Velvet cupcake person. And at this time of year it looks like blood cupcakes.

Filia Oktarina said...

Chocolate with whipped cream.

lavendersbluegreen said...

Fav cupcake flavor is mini-pineapple upside down cake. Gosh though, as to John... I am not sure just who I'd pick....
Anyways, thanks for the contest!

Regan Black said...

Laura, those are good. Something about the spices make the season that much better.

Debby, if you find that gluten-free option - share! As for actors, I'm almost as bad at that as I am with creating titles. ;)

Meghan, "Mocha espresso"??? This is something I NEED to try. :)

Good luck to you all in the giveaway!

Becky N. said...

✿❤✿ Thank Ya Regan, for the Chance to “Win” in the Giveaway!! I'm on Weight Watchers sooo I'm not into cupcakes, BUT my hubby sure is rockin' S'mores Cupcakes, right now!!

I see "The Rock" as John Noble ✿❤✿

Good Luck Everyone!! ♥//(*_*)\\

Regan Black said...

Strawberryrose, blood cupcakes... LOL seasonal and delicious!

Filia, that's a tasty combination. :)

lavendersbluegreen, I used to make pinaepple upside down cake all the time. Bet those would be yummy in cupcake form.

Good luck to you all in the giveaways!

Regan Black said...

Thanks for being here, Becky N! All this cupcake talk has fired up my sweet tooth - but I'm in editing mode, so I'm keeping it to Reeces Pieces (my secret weapon for edits).

The Rock is a popular choice, and I certainly wouldn't argue with it. ;)

Good luck to you in the giveaway!

Becky N. said...


I found this web address for GLUTEN FREE cupcake recipes, just paste in your browser....

~Becky☆.¸¸.•´¯`♥ //(*_*)\\

Anonymous said...



Unknown said...

I love chocolate and caramel flavor, yummy :D

Cindi said...

I will eat ANY FLAVOR of cupcake with ANY FLAVOR of icing!! Cupcake over hot guy any day;) lol

Anonymous said...

I love chocolate cupcakes. I would love to read this book. Sounds very good.

Not Everyones Mama said...

There's this place here called Scratch Cupcakes and they had a Bailey's Irish Cream flavor for St patrick's day. That is my official favorite!

Mary Preston said...

I like vanilla with passionfruit icing.

Unknown said...

Fav cupcake is cherry

Unknown said...

I like mint chocolate cupcakes.

oceanrebel333 @ gmail . com said...

Blueberry and mint!
-Rachel Mcf/oceanrebel333 @

Unknown said...

Chocolate.Thanks for the chance to win.

Maja Pezer said...

I love apple cupcakes :)

Perava said...

Chocolate cupcakes are my favorite!

Maja Pezer said...

Peanut butter cupcakes are my favorites.

Unknown said...

my favorite cupcakes are chocolate with cream cheese icing, thanks!

Disqus for Close Encounters with the NIght Kind


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