Giveaway and Tour Kickoff of Tickling Daphne by Veronica Frances
Happy Monday Everyone!! Today I am kicking off a tour for Tickling Daphne H. by Veronica Frances. This is an unusual fetish book and I had to know where the idea to write it came from. This is what she had to say:
The Inspiration Behind Tickling Daphne H.
By Veronica Frances
An inspiration is but a tiny flicker inside, a little tickle, followed by another and then another, and then, a story spills onto the empty page as if it had been there all the time.
For a writer with a tickling fetish, there is lots of smiling and laughing, all day, all night, whenever the imagination decides. I sit down at my computer, a slave to my tickling fantasies, trying to remain focused, composed and in control.
But tickling is not about being in control. It is about laughing uncontrollably, twitching as wiggling fingers find every sensitive spot on your body. It is about a silent feather causing such a loud response. It is almost ironic if you think about it. A feather moves around in whispers, playfully, tauntingly, and a person laughs and giggles, often loudly, until they are overwhelmed with pleasure and sometimes agony.
It is so arousing, so inspiring, as my fingers type my novel. My imagination comes alive, and I come alive, and then my novel is born.
I get this question all the time. How could I actually write an entire story about tickling and how could it have a plot that could be sustained throughout an entire novel? Well, when the characters of a novel are passionate about something, especially a fetish as powerful as tickling, the characters feel so deeply and the more deeply they feel, the more the author gets pulled into their world and the more there is to say.
One of the things that made me begin writing Tickling Daphne H. was my disbelief at the lack of tickling material out there. In movies in particular, there is so little about tickling. Tickling scenes are usually short, and tickling in the media is generally sparse. I felt the erotica and tickling community needed a real juicy story that was based primarily on tickling. There are a few other fetishes that make their way into the story as well,but there is tickling throughout, along with lots of romance, sex and some very ticklish disputes between the characters.
I had also wanted to write about a delightfully unusual group of people, who do not always live by everyday standards and who sometimes behave in ways that some might even find inappropriate. I wanted my characters to be unique, vivid, real, sensual, inwardly tortured and alive.
My other motivation behind writing Tickling Daphne H. was to inspire and encourage people not to be ashamed of their fetishes. Fetishes are a part of life. I think people should stop hiding who they are and just enjoy the things that excite them and make them feel more alive. People are so busy hiding their deepest desires and it is causing so many unhappy and unfulfilling relationships.
I want people to understand that tickling, like any other fetish has a darker side, but so do people. I wanted to show the struggles that people face in the grip of the very thing that excites them. I wanted to take my characters to the very edge of their desires and make them experience pleasure and sometimes, some of the more difficult and darker sides of life and themselves.
I also wanted to show how wonderful and exciting tickling can be and how some people need it in their lives to be happy and completely fulfilled. I wanted to make the point, that what one person finds unpleasant, shocking or inappropriate, another person might find pleasurable and exciting.
People ask me how much of my actual life is related to my novel, other than my tickling fetish. Though Tickling Daphne H. is fiction and not really related to my actual life, Daphne’s romantic nature lives inside of me and I admit that I found myself peeking out through her eyes many times as I wrote Tickling Daphne H. Daphne is also slightly Rubenesque and I have struggled with body image issues throughout my life. I could relate to Daphne’s struggles to let go and love her body, allowing herself to be tickled.
My inner ticklish self jumped out at me more times than I can mention, as I wrote my book. That is one of the joys of writing fiction. Finding oneself through the maze of the untamed imagination is delightful, sometimes scary and a definite road to self-discovery.
I have had a tickling fetish for as long as I can remember. Writing has been a wonderful way to channel my fetish and use it to make my readers happy. I hope to continue writing more tickling stories and other erotica as well.

About the Book:
Tickling Daphne H. follows the ticklish journeys of Daphne, Dave, Carol and Harold, exploring how tickling deeply affects the lives of these four people.
The story deals with the many different faces of tickling; the addictive and torturous, the pleasurable and erotic and the humorous and romantic.
This is the very unusual love story of Daphne and Dave, two people facing their tickle-demons together. It is primarily the journey of Daphne, a 21-year-old very ticklish woman. Daphne finds herself in a world where every important person in her life has a tickling fetish, including her boyfriend Dave. She finds herself constantly surrounded by feathers and wiggling fingers, unable to escape the taunting sounds of her own laughter. She is also unable to escape her own mixed-up feelings about tickling.
As Daphne’s relationship with Dave grows, she must learn to face her fears and deeper feelings about tickling, for the sake of their relationship and herself.
About the Author:
Veronica Frances is the pseudonym for a creative writer, residing in New York City. She has had a love of tickling for her entire life. She enjoys singing and writing songs. She also writes non-fiction and poetry.
Her latest book is Tickling Daphne H.
I was intrigued by the premise of this book and really wanted to know more about the fetish itself. Being extremely ticklish myself, I was deeply curious about the subject as a whole. There really weren't too many books on the subject. I didn't really care Daphne at first, she comes across as a bit spoiled and bratty. But as the story progresses you discover her actions are overlaying deeper issues. There were intensely erotic scenes in this book and it wasn't hard to follow how tickling can lead to to other things. I enjoyed the story as a whole and would read from this author again!
And now for the GIVEAWAY!! Fill out the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win a Kindle Fire HD!!
(Ends May 31, 2013)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Great concept, I like the cover too. Best of luck to ya!
Love the simplicity and colors of the cover. Great synopsis
I love the cover. Thanks for the giveaway.
Sounds interesting. Thank you for the giveaway chance.
Congrats on this new release!
What a delightful topic!
I never knew that there was a fetish on tickling. You learn something new everyday. It has taken me years to feel comfortable myself about tickling as I had a stepfather who thought it was funny to tickle you until you were crying or wetting your pants. I came to understand over the years that he used it a torture behavior expressing his power over myself and and my siblings.
Now it doesn't bother me at all. I have a very understanding and patient DH...*S*
Thank you for sharing this, and I wish you all the best, and look forward to reading Tickling Daphne.
Sounds fabulous!
Excited to read this book! Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway...
I'm very ticklish - I want to read the book and explore the possibilities!
Sounds delish...thanks for the giveaway
Sounds yummy! Definitely have to read this one!
Cool cover. Sounds like a fun read. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Great cover!!
would love to win and read
thanks for the giveaway!
Interesting topic tickling and relationships.
skye4774 at yahoo dot com
Always fun to find a new blog... some interesting articles here
Sounds interesting. Congrats on the release.
Your concept has definitely heightened my interest...intrigued me, actually. I can understand the erotic element. Congrats on the release and wish you many more successes;)
Sounds like an interesting story! I don't think I have ever heard of a book quite like this one.
thompsonem3 at aol dot com
Such a unique concept for a story! Congrats on the release! I definitely have to check out Tickling Daphne H.
Awesome contest. Your book sounds great! Thanks!
Sounds really interesting.
I have got to get a copy of this sounds wonderful.
your fan,
Tickling as a theme? I am definitely intrigued by your unique premise.
I am very anxious to read this book :)
I added it to my to-read list :)
Loving the unique concept of the story!
Crystal Guidroz
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