As the dust settles from the destruction of the Bloodstone Heart, a small scroll that had been hidden in the hearth of the altar room for hundreds of years, reveals a prophecy that seems to be about the Larsen family. While the group tries to unravel the riddles of the prophecy they also start to notice they've acquired some interesting new powers from the Bloodstone itself, some of which are going to take some getting use to.
Darby and Devon head to Ireland to set up house and get ready for their impending nuptials when Darby is asked to help cure the Summer Queen of the Everworld or the delicate balance of power between the Seelie and Unseelie courts will topple throwing the planet into a deadly ice age.
While at home, things take a turn for the worse when there's a tragic airplane crash, the Larsen vampires start dropping like flies, Bernard goes missing, and all the bad deeds dealt seem to point towards one person - the Dark Angel. What's so important about the altar room? Why are people dying in the name of this prophecy? Will the Larsen's survive these new tragedies? These questions and other deep seated secrets will be revealed in this final installment of the Blood Series.
My ReviewUsually I begin my reviews with defining the main characters in the book. Although the story is centered around Anton and Julianna, the story as a whole is sooo much more. I've read the series and I can say hands down that this book was worth the wait and in my opinion, the best of the series. T. Lynn, kudos to you girlfriend on having a wonderful wrap up of all the stories! And can I just say...WoW? You certainly had me in raptures with this book because I could not put it down. It was 5am and I was reading away oblivious to the fact I had to get up in 2 hours for work! Julianna is shrouded in mystery, quite literally, and I was blown away by the reveals of not only her past, but her present as well. You certainly seemed to enjoy torturing poor Anton :) My heart was bleeding literally for him, knowing how his dark past and history with relationships. I was heartened that in your previous novel, that he did not retain any bitterness because of the way his marriage ended. And Darby and Devon? My favorite couple almost took the lime light away from the developing relationships of the other character. This book was like a mass of 4 short stories going on simultaneously at the same time! I loved it! Not only were you completely entertained by what was going on while you were reading, a part of your brain was still trying to puzzle out the other mysteries brought out in the story and trying to unmask a horrid villain. Add to that the fact that all the main characters were dealing with an array of new powers that had been dumped on them because of the previous books ending and wham! It just sucks you in!!! You don't have to read the rest of the story to know the gist of what is going on but you will miss out on the delightful little details that shape these marvelous characters! I'm so sorry that this particular series is over but this book is something I will be re-reading! Thank you T Lynn!!!!

I have 2 giveaways going on for this book! Just comment below for your chance to win a copy! You must be a GFC follower and leave an email address!
This looks really good. Thank you for the giveaway!
gfc - Jessica
jbronderblogs at aol dot com
This is the first time I've seen this book but it definitely looks like a book I would enjoy reading!! Thanks for the amazing giveaway:)
GFC follower
jwitt33 at live dot com
I have started following this tour and having some real fun here. I have had the Blood series on my wishlist for a while and would love to win Deadman's Blood. I am a bit of a cover gal and when I first saw this one hopped over immediately to check out the book. Thank you for sharing in the fun and giveaway opportunity.
GFC follower
I've become very interested in DEADMAN'S BLOOD as I learn more about it in cyber space.
GFC: Mary Preston
I had seen something on this before and it got my interest - now it really has it! I'm in
Mybloodrunsblue (at) aol (dot) com
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