Sunday, July 21, 2013

Caption This Tour with Danica Avet's Primal Series

Welcome to my stop on Danica Avet's book tour of her newest sizzle to her cajun spice series!!  Let's take a look at Primal Flavor:

Being a human in a parish filled with shifters, Colette Robicheaux has learned to be tough as nails. She’s a hunter with the kind of lethal skills that make most men nervous, but all it takes is a single hot look from Zachary Trahan to make her melt into a puddle of goo. And this tiger shifter doesn’t fight fair, using his hot body and his many skills in the kitchen to melt her panties. But there’s a danger in the swamps that threatens to tear them apart, an evil that could turn this hunter into prey.
When chef Zachary Trahan took a break from work to hunt, the last thing he expected to find was his mate. A human huntress with a hot temper, a quick trigger finger and the kind of body destined to keep him up at nights, Colette makes his tiger purr. He’ll have to fight his stubborn mate, her impossible family and the threat hiding in the swamps before he can finally claim her for his own.
Buy Links:
Ellora’s Cave-
The loaded rifle cradled in her capable hands didn’t waver once while he stared at her. The muscles of her arms stood out as she took the weight of the weapon, but she didn’t seem strained. This was a strong, dangerous woman. She didn’t seem afraid to be faced with a tiger that outweighed her by several hundred pounds. If anything, she seemed almost bored.
“You’re trespassing,” she said suddenly, her voice calm and collected. “And don’t try to act like you don’t understand me. Tigers aren’t indigenous to south Louisiana.” She lifted the rifle up to align the sight with her eye. “So why don’t you tell me what you’re doing here trying to steal my kill, furboy.”
Zach was in love. Well, no, not in love. He didn’t do love. He did lust. His tiger, on the other hand, wanted to knock her to the ground and lick her from head to toe. Idiot fucking cat. It liked the fact that she was threatening him. Shifter females didn’t do that. They all rolled over way too easily, giving in to him before he’d even decided what he wanted from them. This human, who should have been pissing herself in fear, wasn’t scared of him, wasn’t intimidated by his size and looked as though she couldn’t care less if he walked out of the swamp or was carried out in a body bag. Strike that, she was a Robicheaux. She probably knew exactly how to skin and dispose of his body in such a way that no one would ever find his bones.

The picture you will be captioning for extra points in the drawing is this:
and a little bit more about the series:
Deputy Daisy Picou is not impressed when Ram Reinhardt prowls into town all rock star swagger and big cat ego. She’s been burned by a lion before and has no intention of playing the fool twice. But with one scorching glance the mating frenzy ignites and passion trumps reason. An intense first encounter levels Daisy’s reservations—and most of her living room. And she’s not so sure she minds.
Ram Reinhardt has burned through and brushed aside just about every adrenaline-inducing thrill life’s thrown at him. But Daisy sets the gold standard for a premium rush. Her combative personality should turn him off, but every time they fight they end up in bed, or on the floor, or against a wall—and the sex is always more combustible than the time before. He’s not about to give that up. Ever.
Buy Links:
Barnes & Nobles:
Ellora’s Cave:
Again, as though she felt his stare, she glanced over her shoulder straight at him. This close she wasn’t beautiful, or even pretty. Her jaw was too strong, her chin too stubborn, and her nose a little too long, but she had the most gorgeous eyes. They were wide and slightly slanted with thick eyelashes surrounding irises so dark they were almost black with gold specks around the pupils. Ram’s heart slammed faster and it had nothing to do with being on stage.
Her eyes lightened slightly, her animal moving through her as though checking him out for itself before it disappeared and she turned away again. Feeling as though he’d just had a life-changing experience, Ram almost missed his cue to return to the stage. Only Clint’s frantic shove reminded him he was there to work, not to think sappy shit like maybe he’d been looking for her for a long time.

Fashion designer and bear shifter Kitty Chambers thought fifteen years was enough time to get over her first love, Monk Badeaux, but when she sees the sexy cougar again, her mating instincts return and it’s all she can do to keep her paws off him. Despite her wariness, Monk unearths a part of her sexuality she’d never known existed, using it ruthlessly to win her back. Monk is hazardous to her well-being and her heart, but Kitty isn’t sure she stands a chance against all this heat.

If you love something, set it free. Monk Badeaux did that and suffered the consequences. When Kitty comes home, he falls head over heels in love with the independent, no-panty-wearing woman his childhood sweetheart has become. And she hates him. Luck is on his side when he discovers his mate has a streak of exhibitionism he’s more than happy to exploit if it’ll bring them closer. Alleys, school gyms, cars…no location is sacred when a cougar is out to win his mate.

Buy Links:
Barnes and Nobles:

Ellora’s Cave:


Monk couldn’t find his voice. Standing there in front of the entire town of Maison Rouge, he lost all powers of speech because of the woman sitting in the front row. Kitty Chambers here in the flesh and what beautiful, perfect flesh it was.

He hadn’t recognized her at first, only noting a beautiful woman sitting between Daisy and Nick, but the more he stared, the blanker his mind became and the harder his heart pounded. There was no mistaking the sleek cap of black hair, although it was much shorter than it’d been in high school. His cougar mourned the loss of the long tresses, but Monk had to admit it showed off her petite face and long, slender neck to perfection. It also helped display her wide-spaced, dark eyes, making them the focal point of her dusky face.

Had he ever paid that much attention to how gorgeous she was? Or had he taken her for granted because he’d grown up with her, had seen her with acne, with braces, with mud smeared all over her face. But he was looking now and God, how could a cougar get so lucky?

His cock threatened to lift the fly of his slacks and the applause had died out a few seconds ago, leaving an awkward silence behind. Someone coughed and another person let out a nervous chuckle. But he couldn’t stop looking at her, staring into her dark eyes. Even when those eyes went cold and hard, the surprise fading away beneath the ire of furious predatory female.

Danica Avet was born and raised in the wilds of South Louisiana (that would be somewhere around Houma) where mosquitoes are big enough to carry off small children and there are only two seasons: hot and hotter. With a BA in History, she figured there were enough fry cooks in the world and decided to try her hand at writing.

Danica is the lucky pet of a compulsively needy dog and two cats. The pitter-patter of little feet has been known to make her break out into a cold sweat.

Writing is how she gives the voices in her head a way out. When she isn’t writing, working or contemplating the complexities of the universe, she spends time gathering inspiration from her insane family, reads far more than any sane person would want to, and watches hot burly men chase an oblong ball all over a field.


Tour long Giveaway: $50 gift card (Amazon, B&N or ARe) and set of 3 ‘Primal’ ebooks Dates: 7/2 thru 7/26/2013 Rafflecopter Code: a Rafflecopter giveaway


lisagkendall said...

I love all of Danica's covers but I think "Flavor" is my favorite. Thanks for the contest, hop. lisagk@yahoo

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I would love to read Danica's books. They sound very good.

Unknown said...

I do like this cover. As for a about...A little Flavor goes a long way!
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

Stormy Vixen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stormy Vixen said...

"What A Great Spot For A Little Primal Flavor"

Thanks for sharing the fun giveaway. evamillien at gmail dot com

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