Thursday, July 4, 2013

Giveaway with Wicked Leanore and her stop on the Close Encounters with the Wicked Scavenger Hunt


When the story came to me of Bren Plush, a big, wonderful girl working as waitress in a small diner in Flatonia Texas; I thought I would just write this funny little novella and then move on. However, I had no idea that readers would embrace these characters like they did. Soon after I released Double Plush Velvet? I was being bombarded on my Facebook wall by fans, calling themselves…Plush Girls! They convinced me that I had to set current projects aside and give these ladies their sequel books.

One reviewer cued me in on this unexpected ‘Velvet’ phenomenon:
{This series is unique, as it is erotica written with the BBW in mind, or what I like to call BBWW (Big Beautiful Wonderful Women). The books not only entertain and insight, but they empower females. We, as women, need positive heroines that we can relate to.}

In Double Plush Velvet, we met Bren Plush, a full figured beautiful young woman. 
Bren decided to go for it all and she went after the hot cowboy of her dreams. Only she found ‘two’ walking dreams and was thrown for a loop. 

“Good girls go to heaven, but bad girls go everywhere…”
Meet Bren Plush, shy, a bit heavy and tired of her dreary life— When an irresistibly hot cowboy starts coming into the diner where she works, her world started to shift. How could she get his attention? Follow Bren through her obstacle-filled journey to win the man of her dreams and jump-start her life.

Then, we got to visit Flatonia, Texas again with Hot Blue Velvet. We witnessed Bren’s further determination to keep Trevor with her. We finally met her Infamous Mama, Daisy Plush and we got to visit an actual Stud Ranch. Where we also met young Maggie and some truly hot male strippers.

While Bren was busy with her hard bodied cowboy, Trevor’s sister roped in a man worth having. Kanda Kincade never believed she’d find a man who could compare to prime rib. She did find him though, and right on her ranch too. She decides that he’s the one who will pop her cherry and she literally ropes him and ties him down to do it!

In Crushed Velvet, a few hot men may be easy to get but hard to hold. Kanda finds that her ‘Prime Rib’ Aussie man is more than he appears to be. Bren finally sees what all her cowboy can do while how her wildest dreams get more real by the day. Bren’s mama, the brash Daisy Plush, finds her past catching up with her in the form of a man who once owned her heart. 

We’ll get lost in a world where the women are curvaceously courageous while giving us accomplishments to cheer for.

Hang on for a sexy, velvet ride…

Kanda slid up and down over his cock. Her gasping was loud to her ears. “By all that’s holy—what is that glorious feeling?” The sliding was so delicious and all her pain had inexplicably vanished.

Wade let go of her breast with a breath of air. “That? That is fire, woman.” His accent sounded thicker than before and his voice was low and raspy. He raised his hips again and filled her all the way. “Pure—fire.”
Kanda was shivering and panting now. Her body came alive with tangles of nerve spasms like she was plugged into an electric body vibrator and she couldn’t seem to speak.

Wade gave her a slow, sexy smile. “But you just had to play with matches didn’t you, Kandy girl?” He raised and lowered his pelvis again and latched onto her other nipple.

Her skin was ablaze while her body sang with ripples of pure aphrodisia. It sang like an instrument that was in tune with a sensual song she’d never heard, never dreamed existed. “Oh—oh…” Her pants were cutting off her words. “Holy hell!”

He teased her nipple with his teeth and let go. “You took charge—like you wanted to break a bronco…” He was panting too now as he repeated the lifting and lowering of her body with just his hips alone. “But, you’re mine now and you’d better hang on if you wanna bust this beast.” He plunged up again, harder and with more force.

Kanda felt him touch her deep and he swelled up inside her pussy. The air left her lungs as her body grew rigid with a burn that made her dizzy. Then, she remembered the words to a song she thought was stupid when she heard it. Toby Keith sang it. I even think I saw a flash of light…  It was like the most glorious torture, as she wanted—needed—something she couldn’t define. Gulping for air, she squirmed with the sweetest pleasure she’d ever felt and looked into his blazing blue eyes.

His face was sweaty as he gazed back and then his eyes slid slowly and heatedly over her lush body as he watched her orgasm.

Her body seemed to have a will of its own as the undulating through her tummy increased and her torso was stretching out. Kanda gasped for air as she felt heat filling her. This ain’t like no bronc riding I ever heard of!
Wade groaned as his body tightened too. 

She knew by the way he shuddered that he was peaking too. Mesmerized, she gazed into his electric blue eyes while their bodies came together and lights danced before her eyes.

Wade was panting with her, but his smile grew as he watched her writhe in ecstasy.

Crushed against his sleek chest while warmth seemed to seep out of every pore she owned, she knew this was like a sweet death. This must be what it means to die sweetly in someone’s arms. She knew her epitaph would be correct when they finally put her sorry body into the ground. 
Here lies Kanda, the cowgirl who foolishly played with matches.


Leanore is giving one lucky winner the entire set of Velvet Books!!  Just fill out the rafflecopter to win!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And don't forget the grandprize giveaway!!! a Rafflecopter giveaway


wyndwhisper said...

growing up I had a huge crush on John Wayne after I saw the Quiet Man. now my cowboys tend to run to Sam Elliot, Tim McGraw, Brad Paisley and even though he is gone I am in lust with his voice ~Hank Williams Sr..

as far as those I read about I love Stacey Espino's Ride'em Hard series and Becca Van's Slick Rock series too. I haven't read your series yet but it is at the top of my TBRN list.

thanks for the great contest.
Happy 4th and Happy Anniversary.
Tammy Ramey

Unknown said...

I love looking at cowboys but the only one I had a crush on was John Wayne. I loved watching his movies growing up and wanted to meet some one like him.

JeanMP said...

My crush was John Wayne, also had a crush on the character Trampas from The Virginian.
Happy Anniversary!
skpetal at hotmail dot com

Susan W. said...

My crush was Little Joe from Bonanza. But John Wayne and Clint Eastwood were favorites too.

Sheri Fredricks said...


My real-life cowboy that does it for me is....drum hubs. When I saw him swing up on his horse without using the stirrup, my heart was his forever.

Brenda said...

Happy anniversary!!!
The cowboy that does it for me is Clint Eastwood.

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary
I don't really have a favorite Cowboy

Gabby said...

I love reading about cowboys but growing up I didn't have a lot of tv or movie cowboys that I loved.

Now that I'm older I like Tim McGraw, I like his music. Billy Ray Cyrus when he played Doc Cassidy, and right now I share my mom's love of Adam and Hoss from Bonanza!

I so wouldn't mind having a cowboy of my own! *sigh*


Gabby said...

Oh and Happy Anniversary!

Christine A. said...

Happy Anniversary Wicked Leanore!

I have always been a fan of Sam Elliott. Wearing jeans, riding a horse and that voice of his.... ahhh.

CBarton said...

Happy Anniversary! Josh Brolin in the remake of True Grit def. does it for me. He is HOT!!

cmucha319 at yahoo dot com

Lynn's Romance Enthusiasm said...

I have to agree with Tammy. I also grew up watching John Wayne. There was just something about his take charge attitude and that swagger. Plus he could throw a hat and hit the weather vane.


divavixenqueen said...

Chuck Connors,Sam Ellio, definetely John Wayne, and
Clint Eastwood,not to mention Cleavon Little and Gene
Wilder and Jack Palance.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary. Tim McGraw. I love Kevin Costner, Richard Gere and Harrison Ford as cowboys. Thanksf or the giveawaya.

Laurie P said...

Sam Elliot in Tombstone...drool.
Sam Elliot in anything!
Laurie P

Mary Preston said...

A young Clint Eastwood for me thank you!!

Beckey said...

Happy Anniversary and thanks for sharing the great post..
Clint Eastwood or the ones in the Zane Grey books..


Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!!!

I love all cowboys!! I don't get to see too many where I live, so I love to look at all of them. But some of my favorites are Sam Elliott and John Wayne.
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

Stormy Vixen said...

My favorite cowboy: Michael Bien from Magnificent Seven. Your books sound red hot and sexy and I am looking forward to reading them. Thanks for sharing and for the giveaways.

Pommawolf Emeraldwolfeyes said...

Oh I love Tom Berenger in The Dog Soldiers. I love that movie, and his character is a classic cowboy.
Love the Plush series Lenore. Keep them


Unknown said...

Tim McGraw.Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

I'm having trouble with a couple of the entries.Follow @ on Twitter and I can't find Crystal Rider's answer.She posted that her web site is under construction.Can you find out when it will be finished.Thank You.

Unknown said...

John wayne, clint Eastwood Are my fav cowboys

Denise Z said...

Oh Tom Selleck and Sam Shepard always have to make the list :) Thank you for participating in the fun!

Unknown said...

Antonio Bendaras! Happy Anniversary!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!

I would take just about any cowboy, but I can tell you my first cowboy crush was Sam Elliott. His voice is enough to make me melt & I've got to say, he has aged very well.
Kathryn Merkel

Disqus for Close Encounters with the NIght Kind


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