I say we won because there is no way I could have done it without you. Although our contest was ruined by a bot that attached itself to both mine and Dani's poles, I can't tell you how proud I am at all the support my little blog got during this contest. You guys totally rallied up behind me and pushed my butt all the way to the top. Even though the numbers aren't correct, I'm going to post them because a lot of them are real voted that came from my real friends and fans!! I need to give an Extra Big Thank you to Leanore Elliot, Natasha Blackthorne, Amber Scott and our fellow Hottees, Rhonda better known as Mrs. Queen Tutt, Rachel Firasek, Nay Nay, June, Mel B, Lauren,Wanda, Tammy, Kristen, Ava, Renae, and yes Dani who runs The Book Whore. These ladies took the extra effort to pimp me out and Dani brought out all my lovely support troops by giving us something to run up against!! Dani, you rock and it was a pleasure splitting with you! Even though I have singled these ladies out, I appreciate every tweet, post, comment, and love that all of you sent my way!! There is no way I could possibly convey how happy I am to have all of your support!! So let's see those final numbers and announce our Amazon Card Winner!!
This is the link to Lizzy's post: http://www.guerrillawordfare.com/2012/04/results-from-rhyn-trilogy-tour-poll/
First: Nikki and Danielle
$100.00 Visa Gift Card
Rhyn Trilogy, signed
War of the Gods series, signed
2012 paperback subscription
Second: Readers Edyn (Kendra)
Rhyn Trilogy, signed
2012 paperback subscription
Poll results:
Close Encounters of the Night Kind - 1,749
Book Whore Blog - 956
Readers Edyn – 10
Tana's Some of my Favorite Books – 5
Love of Books 409 - 4
Rainy Day Ramblings – 3
Literary Lunes - 3
Cambria Hebert - 2
EC Writes – 2
Tricia Kristufek - 1
Babbling About Books and Stuff - 1
Indie Designz - 1
That number is phenomenal, even if some of it was faked!! I never really expected to get over 300, and I know when we hit 776, those were all real votes. It went down hill sometime after that. I can't thank all of you who were involved enough!! So I have learned that rafflecopter makes you lazy:) I did all the configuring by hand and ended up with 124 entries in the drawing. And the lucky number was:
True Random Number Generator 59 Powered by RANDOM
And the comment was: night owl in IL said...
Lea Ellen {night owl in IL}
Dance with a Millionaire winner is.....Gena!!!!
Blind to Men winner is....Marla Calalo!!
Thanks so much to everyone once again!! You are all winners in my book!!!!
Thanks so much to everyone once again!! You are all winners in my book!!!!