Saturday, September 1, 2012

Finding Autum: Tour Kickoff for my Amazing Blog Designer!!!!

Welcome Back Autum!!  Hat’s off to the genius that help me create the dungeon I now rule over will 12 levels of divine yumminess, where each guest is chained and awaiting your personal tort…err pleasure.  After all what do immortals just have to do? That’s right, absolutely nothing, so they are so happy (with extreme amounts of persuasive means) to join my extensive collection!! And you built me the perfect place to store them!! I let the humans go of course…they are so…fragile.  If I had kept them, I would have had to hire a medical staff and I just don’t like sharing J  But visitors, well, they go home!!! LOL!! 
Would you like to hold Marcus?
I have no idea who Marcus is, but if he has a beard and a chiseled body… ummm yes!
LOL....He is my pet spider...I told you she might not want to curl up with you :)
So do you like what I have done with the place?
I do! After I broke it at least 14 times, the site looks very delicious. I couldn’t ask for a design to be in better hands.
Tell me, what was your inspiration behind the design?
Well as you know, we had no idea what we were doing, so I think the inspiration came from that really. It was kind of a put something together and I hope Nikki likes it. You did! So I was super happy. I just love how it got progressively more kinky the more we worked on it lol.
I love my border, what made you decide to put those two completely different pictures together?
I remember you said that you wanted the moon in the picture. I couldn’t make it fit well in the header, so I put it on the side. Of course the spiderwebs are from that oh-so-kinky dungeon of your.
Do you see any room for improvement?
No, everything is fantastic!
Was this your first 18+ blog design?
It was! And I loved every second of it. It was freeing! Knowing I could do anything was awesome.
What are your favorite types of blogs to work on?
The ones where people say: I like green, purple, and coconuts--- make me something. (Please no one ask for green, purple and coconuts lol!) But I like when people are completely open to the design. It takes on a life of its own when I have no idea what I am gonna do.
Well its time for your tour of my …err….establishment…but you certainly cannot go dressed like that!!!  We are going to have fun, no do a girls night out on the couch!!!  Let’s get you suited up:
Wine, mixed drink, or straight up?
Mixed drink! Please some Captain Morgan Spiced Rum w/ Dr. Pepper. After a couple drinks it will just be the spiced rum straight up lol
Leather straps or chains?
Hmm… I think chains would be heavy, so I will go for some leather straps with buckles!
Cat-o-nine, braided leather, or chain length whip?
Is it pathetic I had to look up Cat-O-Nine??LOL I don’t get out much :D I guess I would do the braided leather, that looks cool.
Collar and Leash or Ordornment?
Leather studded bodysuit or corset top?
Oh I love some corset tops! I love the ones that lace up. I love the idea of being unwrapped!
Fishnets or garterbelt?
I say both. When I am feeling frisky I will do fishnets, when I feel feminine I will do garter!
Leather pants, mini, or a long skirt slitted up both sides?
Can I just wear PJ’s??? lol… j/k I say mini.
Lace up boots or high heels?
Definitely lace up boots. I am not girly enough for heels.
Ball gag, manacles, or blindfold?
Oh I love blindfolds. I love wearing one and using one on my husband. Seriously it’s amazing.
The rack or the whipping post?
 The rack! That’s so 1554!
Candle wax or clamps?
Owww lol.. Why can’t I stop thinking of Ricky Martin’s La Vida Loca video?
Blonde, red-head, or Brunette?  He is my personal favorite.  I have a thing for dark haired tattooed guys.  And the nipple piercings just add that little bit of kink J
Oh man. My idea of a hot guy
OH!!  We had him in here for a little while...I dig his music but the inmates started going a little soft in all the WRONG places.  So my designer is on tour.  You can check out her other stops:
Waste My Time Sept. 4
Susan Griscom Sept. 6
Talk Supe Sept. 14

She is also giving away a header and matching graphic to one lucky tour stalker!!!  Just fill out the rafflecopter!!  Good Luck!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Read Between the Lines said...

Nikki thank you for all your help putting together this blog tour for Autum she is a FANTASTIC DESIGNER.

Autum said...

Thank you for having me Nikki! You and Anna have been amazing to me. I like spiders so I think me and Marcus could get along. I just hope now that he doesn't have a beard and abs. That would be REALLY weird on a spider lol

Anonymous said...

Autumn I would love to read your books. They sound very good. I can't wait. Thanks for the giveaway.

Carin said...

Autumn you have done a fantastic job. I sat and tried to picture what you could do with purple and green and coconuts LOL! Carin

Natasha Blackthorne said...

Hello Autumn,

Thank you for the giveaway. :)

Unknown said...

TY for this great giveaway your awesome!!!

Daph said...

Autumn!! Thank you for the giveaway!

Kim D said...

Autumn!! Thank you for the giveaway!

June M. said...

This is such a lovely blog! Can you please keep Marcus away from me though, not a fan of spiders, sorry. I would love to learn how to do blog designing, just as a hobby.

Anonymous said...

Autumn love the design of the blog!

Theresa Haywood Donbroski Johnson said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Disqus for Close Encounters with the NIght Kind


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