68. The number inked upon my skin, marking me the sixty-eighth pixie to be stolen.
87. The number of days I’ve been wrongfully imprisoned.
88. The first day the faeries will regret stealing me.
Healthy. Cheery. Vivacious. All traits Rosalie has before becoming enslaved by the faeries to make an endless supply of pixie dust. Now that Rosalie has been traumatized by slave labor, extreme desolate conditions and multiple deaths, this hardened pixie is anything but. When this rebellious teenager attempts an escape, she’s isolated in cramped quarters until she learns her place. Just as she begins to let go of all that hope, she finds an unlikely friend in Jack, the faerie assigned to guard her. Interspecies dating is forbidden in the fae world, so their growing attraction is unacceptable. And even if Jack can find a way to free her, they know the prison is the only place they can truly be together.
My Review:
I have had the pleasure of reviewing several of Devon's books, and I must say I have enjoyed each and every one of them! She can feed you emotion like no other. Even though this book was full of pain, it also has a lot of hope within the pages. Her name on the book guarantees an exciting a fast-paced adventure!! Excellent Read!!!
This book sounds amazing, thank you for the review...
Sounds great. Thanks for the review.
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