Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Giveaway and Guest Post with author Soraya Laneand her book Change

One of the most common questions I’m asked is where I get my inspiration. It’s a hard question to answer, because I find inspiration everywhere around me, and it’s hard to know where my stories come from. I certainly have an overactive imagination and I’m guessing that most authors do, but sometimes it’s just the simple things that help keep our mind stimulated…
Sometimes it’s my surroundings – not a day goes by that I don’t think how lucky I am to live on our small farm, surrounded by our gorgeous animals and with so many trees and plants around us. Often I’m inspired by television shows or movies, and I think that reading and watching television can be fantastic for any author’s imagination. And people are a huge inspiration to me too, from my own family and friends, to overhearing conversations when I’m out or just people watching. I think being out and about, just watching or observing people, can spark something in my mind that helps me keep my characters and writing fresh.
How about you? What inspires you on a daily basis?
As part of my promotion for my debut young adult novel, Change, I’d love to give away a kindle ebook copy. Just leave a comment to go in the draw! My only condition is that you post a review on Amazon or Goodreads once you’ve read it.
When her twin sister dies of a mysterious heart condition, Riley King is sent to her grandma’s ranch. But instead of the isolation she’s been aching for, she learns of a family secret that’s been deliberately kept from her, until now.
As if finding out she’s actually a leopard wasn't enough shock for one vacation, Riley meets Hunter Logan … the guy she’s promised to. For life. But Riley has no intention of being told what to do by anyone, certainly not some stubborn, dominant shifter. Even if he can make her purr, her claws are slicing out. Until Riley realizes that not fulfilling her destiny would commit her sister to a life on the other side without her ...
Sounds amazing!!   Just fill out the rafflecopter to win and don't forget to comment!!  Good Luck!!  
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Linda said...

Who? *hmmmm* any one i´ve read, i´d say. I read a lot, and other than the women of my family, i´d say i´m inspired by all the books i´ve read.

best wishes, Linda xo

Kerry said...

My inspiration is my mom - bad things happen and they happen to good people, but some people still manage to get up in the morning and find something good -

Anonymous said...

My mother-in-law. She has overcome a lot. She is caring and unselfish.

Soraya Lane - Romance Author said...

Thanks for your comments! Always interesting to read the different responses people have.

Looks like the entries close in 5 days, so good luck to everyone who has entered so far.


Buffy Kennedy said...

My Aunt has been an inspiration. She went from wild child to parent at 19/20 years of age and she spent 8 years in night school to get her Asso. degree while putting her son through private school. She decided on a dream and went after it by bartending her way through nursing school. She's strong, determined, and does whatever she needs to do to achieve her needs. She's my hero.


Anonymous said...

I would have to say my Mom. Single parent and worked her way through college.

Unknown said...

My grandmother :). The best woman I know!

SdyLion said...

My boys. sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com

Nay Nay said...

My mother was the greatest inspiration in my life. She left friends and family and moved us 3000 miles across country, bought a house and raised my brother and me without any help from anyone. she went to work every day and still made time to come to our school events. She taught me that it is ok to cry, but after you cry, put on your big girl panties and deal with life. There are NO GIMMIES IN LIFE she would often say. "Life is what you make it."

Shadow said...

My mom is my inspiration.

Booklover Sue said...

My mother has always been my inspiration.

susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

angie lilly said...

I know its going to sound like a hokey cliche, but my partner has ben an inspiration to me for going on 23 years now! He makes me want to be a better person than I feel I really am!

Disqus for Close Encounters with the NIght Kind


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