He knows his business and he knows
Let’s take a peek at a class he teaches
on Tuesday to Male Escorts…..
she walks with a powerful stride and sits with her legs crossed, what does this
tell you?”
all looked puzzled.
tells you she is in charge and she wants you to win that pussy.”
gasps echoed through the room.
do it by any means you think will work—a soft touch, a good licking or even by
getting down on your knees and letting her fuck your face if that’s what it
were gasps and chuckles in the background.
she’s shy and seems hesitant and insecure…?” he asked and again, gazed around
the room.
skeptic of before raised his hand. “She wants you to overpower her?”
shook his head. “No! You moron.”
in the class shifted in their seats while others laughed.
“She wants to be the boss. You will be her
slave and beg for that sweet pussy.”
gasps resounded now.
you cannot know what is really inside her mind. You will never know.” He tilted
his dark head at them. “Let’s say you guessed and you’re ready to proceed?”
all kept silent.
use everything you have to get her mindlessly hot first. Fingering and sucking
both clit and tit, before you think you’re really a stud and try to cock fuck
her.” He walked around the tables and looked at every young face. “Make her
want that cock more than life itself, and then when you do give it?” He turned
and went along another row. “Hold your climax.”
were some guffaws.
flipped around and stared at a small group in the corner of the room. “Fuck her
hard and don’t come, never come until after she does. Think about gardening or
how many socks you have in your drawer at home. Think of anything until she
gets off.”
all sat in their seats looking stunned.
you’re done? Kiss her feet and be grateful.”
openly gaped at his statement.
to be lucky enough to experience one woman or one hundred is more than you
bastards deserve!” He laughed at their astonished expressions. “We’re demons
and we were put on Earth to fuck it over. Women are the angels and they are—our
only salvation. Our only way to a real heaven.”

us what you want us to do and we will do it,” Samantha added.
blinked his eyes. “You are the ones who paid to be pleasured.”
his answer, they sighed lovingly again.
must be the sweetest, sexiest man we have ever met!” Sebrina chimed.
really like to be directed, you know?” Samantha added.
did pique his interest. “I want to make sure we are clear, because this is to
be your night. Are you like…submissive?”
nodded their heads.
you like it forceful?”
affirming nods.
both flushed pink. “Oh, yes!”
both visibly shivered with needy expressions on their faces.
stood upright and looked down at them. Oh,
wow, he thought, while attempting to keep his cool. “Sit up on the couch,” he
excited obedience, they jumped up and did as he instructed.
open your legs.”
twins did so immediately; both of them opened their lovely thighs to his gaze.
want you to get yourselves really hot.” He grabbed his already stiffened cock.
eyes focused on his movement as their chests were already showing their
accelerated breathing.
your folds and show me some sweet skin.”
girls shivered and reached down, opening their snatches to his eyes.
cock did a jolt while standing higher. “Mmm, double plush velvet.”
gasped at his purring, sexy comment.
that sweet button for me,” he ordered.
immediate compliance, the twins lowered their fingers and caressed their own
told himself to pace this opportunity, knowing it was too glorious to waste. He
stepped forward and grasped one of Sabrina’s nipples and with his left hand, he
grabbed Samantha’s. He pinched, caressed and twisted them with his fingers. “No
coming until I say.”
tandem, the girls licked their lips while panting and fingering their sweet
buttons as they nodded.
twins looked at his long bulging cock with need in their expressions.
Steady, Rex. His hard-on got
to the point of painful. Two women. Both
shapely, womanly, horny submissives? To go the distance, I will need fucking
ice water to pour over my dick. The idea suddenly hit him; reaching down,
he tore the rubber sheath from his cock. He took the champagne bottle up while
their entranced blue-eyed gazes followed. Rex poured the pink liquid over his
In honor of Release Day: Three
commentors will win a free copy of Dirty As Sin. Just comment or ask a question
of Leanore, and check back, because she will be answering all your posts too!
Dirty As Sin At Amazon for the Release
price Of $1.99>>> http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009700KCM/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B009700KCM&linkCode=as2&tag=kindkornexposed-20
So What's a Party without prizes? In honor of Lenores celebration I am giving away a ten dollar amazon card plus 3 copies of the book!! All you have to do is ask Leanore a question!!! Good Luck!
So What's a Party without prizes? In honor of Lenores celebration I am giving away a ten dollar amazon card plus 3 copies of the book!! All you have to do is ask Leanore a question!!! Good Luck!
OOh I loved this! I can't wait to read this.
Leanore---How did you come up with this sexy tale?
Nikki Prince
I am ready this right now and I can't put it down. I'm literally buzzed on Rex and coffee. This guy is brutally hot! Love it!!!!!!
Omg Shewww Is it hot in here or is it just me. Wow I broke out into a sweat over here that is so hot. I really want this book. Lenore what is your idea on the perfect date and is any of your characters baised on anyone you know personaly.
Wow! That man sounds so hot! If only he was real! How do you come up with your ideas? I loved the excerpt with Rex giving a class to young male escorts!
suzi1811 (at) fsmail (dot) net
Ditto WOW! Very steamy excerpts!
Leanore, are there any more sexy scenes in this book with sexy men other that Rex?
ehaney578 at AOL dot com
Hi Leonore!
What inspired the cover...love it!
Yowzers! Sounds yummy! Leanore I was wondering if you had a favorite character to write?
Mmmm Mmmmm Is all I have to say. Love this man's attitude. HOT DAMN!!!!
How do you keep the creative juices flowing when writing so many different love scenes?
OMG This book sounds so funny and hot!! I loved the classroom scene, he was fantastically funny! Rarely do we find a book from a man's point of view in a romance/erotica...unless it is m/m. What is next on your writing agenda?
susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com
Hi Nikki and Leanore!!
I read Dirty As Sin and loved how dirty it really was ;)
I know your writing Leanore. But who/what do you enjoy reading in your free time?
Maybe your all time favorite author?
Love it. Sounds like a great book. She is a new author to me. Thanks
I probably shouldn't have read this when I am trying to sleep... My mind is racing... HOTNESS!!!
Will there be other stories... Does he have friends?
O.M.G--I'm so glad I made it over here. I'm in awe of both excerpts.
Your talents are limitless!
I really enjoyed the classroom scene! You've written the male POV perfectly. Do you ever ask the men in your life if a scene or dialogue sounds right?
Congratulations on this book! It's a winner!!
Good Lord - while reading that excerpt, all the moisture in my mouth evaporated and went went south, lol. My tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth and I can't sit still *fanning myself and wishing the hubs were home - it would be his lucky day!*
I love your books, Leonore. They never disappoint! How do you manage to keep coming up with fresh ideas and heroes that keep us readers coming back for more?! I love it!!
Gena Robertson
Wow! You all beat me here! LOL The answer to most questions about my writing and inspirations? I have a muse, I cannot take credit. My imagination for Dirty scenes knows no bounds.
I love the ones about how to keep it fresh! My characters do what they are hot to do!
The cover? Rex was so exhausted after his'Shift' That I used the image of him lying asleep! LOL The idea of having some other sexy gigolos in the book never occurred to me! Dang it!!!
There were moments where I wondered about the all male POV from his viewpoint. Like would a guy say this or that? Rex did all his own speaking. He really seemed to enjoy his life.
What do I read? My days are filled with other authors as I (Bonnie) Edit and help authors with their manuscripts. I have found some winning books this way!
Gosh, I 'm so teary eyed from the support Leanore ALWAYS gets here. Nikki is a REAL Babeolious wonder!
Oh my! I have no choice I MUST read this now! Will you next books be this hot? :)
Have you ever thought about writing another genre, and if so what?
shannonromein at hotmail dot com
Whoa - very hot.
Shannon Ro: I've written Historical Romance, Erotic Paranormal Suspense, Three Erotic Paranormal Westerns and now straight contemporary Erotica. I have been cruising for a new genre. I am thinking to have a series with Curvy full figured Heroines?
But, I have to write HOT, no matter what the genre? So, I will always be in the HOT category, I suppose!
April Levy. Hot date? Bubble bath, Pink Champagne, candles and NO clothes! LOL
Susan MP: I am now writing the Third book in The Nowhere, Arizona Series(Because of demands from Nowhere fans)
Cassandra? Yes, Nowhere Three is halfway done and I had to breathe through my nose for most of the scenes! LOL
Um, you might not answer this, but I always want to know if any of a book is based on first-hand experience. LOL
Congratulations on the new release! That excerpt was hot!
bas1chsemail at gmail dot com
Oh, I will so answer... bas1chs
MMM, never had a Man of The Night though! LOL
But Sex scenes...yes, two of them inside this book? I have so done! WOOT!
What I will never tell, is which ones!
Very hot scenes, I will have to look get the book for sure. Who is that gorgeous man in the video? He's positively yummy :)
Pink Champagne will never ever be the same for me after reading this excerpt.
So can't wait to read this story Leanore, you write some of the most hottest stories I've ever read so far. Amazing!
My question for you is this:
Is there something that you would like to write about in one of your stories that might be a bit too risky for some but might end up being real hot for others to read?
Much Love!
Jamallah Bergman
Dang it, Jamallah....I knew you were clever enough to ask something wild! Yes...Um... Wow! Well, there is this story...of a woman who yearns for a certain man, she knows she can never have him and she fantasizes and well... She plays them out in a self pleasuring way for months. Then, he shows up. He seems to know all her secrets...So, the book would be full of...Erotic self play and then some scary, daring revaluations...Whew...I may write this one!
Wow! This is such a great giveaway. Thank you. Do you have any input on the cover art? Is there someone specific you are using as inspiration for the characters or just imagination?
amotherway @ aol (dot)com
Sounds great! Definitely TBR!
Hello Leanore! I am still playing catch up with the other books I have to read. This one looks just as hot!
Are you going to take some side characters and have a story from them as well?
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com
“We’re demons and we were put on Earth to fuck it over. Women are the angels and they are—our only salvation. Our only way to a real heaven.”
This quote is amazing! I loved it and the excerpts were sinfully delicious!
I think everyone asked my question/s and there's only one thing left to do.
*runs around the room wildly* Pick me! Pick me! I need to read this book! LOL
Thanks for the chance to win :)
Ooo hot & steamy! Do you have a Rex in your life?
Lenore is a new author to me and I wanted to know how many books does she have published?
That was an extremely steamy excerpt!
mcv111 at hotmail dot com
Leanore what suggestions would you give a person who is interested in writing a book? Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book. Tore923@aol.com
Wow, more awesome comments and questions.
MEL! How are you? This is a side character from MORE SEX the novel before this one. Rex was in Satisfaction Guaranteed! lol He was so popular? I gave him his own book.
Theresa? Yes, I have one like him though not as young! He is the man that inspired me to write erotica for women!
MCV: I have 15 published novels and number 16 due out Halloween week. Release party will be right HERE with NIKKI! I know how... can I have so many and no one ever heard of Leanore Elliott??
Tore, learn all you can and get help from someone who knows how to write...ME for instance? I am also a pro Content editor, formatter, bookcover artist etc and I help newbies for free! My email is litemdbear777@yahoo.com Write me, and if you are REALLY serious? I can help!
READ OUR LIPS: Yes, he has a few good sayings in this book about women! Thank you for the gushing compliment! It made me feel so good to see you quoting it!
Do you prefer, blondes, brunnettes, black, or red-heads, or nothing at all? sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com
I almost missed this! So glas I didn't...lol
Congrats on your new release Miss Leanore!
I love your stories as they are the easiest to just fallen into. Your characters are so fine and. I love each and every story and your books are on top of my forever keeper collection for re reads at the drop of a button. I love them!
Wishing you all the best and continued success! And of course many many sales...*S*
pommawolf @hotmail.com
My favorite excerpt was the one with Rex giving the class. I am wondering is this going to be a series or is this a standalone? Sorry if someone else has already asked.
Oh and Leanore...
I love the video! The music is so spot on for the visual! I've been replaying that trailor like crazy the last 20 minutes...LOL
Thanks again!
Oh! You all just make me feel like...? I am Rex's main squeeze or something and that would be a trphy 'position'! LOL
SDY LION: I have to say dark hair and dark eyes, tall, smiling and nude! LOL
SHAN, it is already the second in The Erotique Series, however they all read separate. This character came from Book ONE: More Sex and that book is possibly hotter than this one!
POMMAWOLF? You floored me with all those compliments, someday a lot more will possibly say this stuff about Leanore's stories? I hope. The trailer? I am guilty of watching it when I need a pick me up. I made it, but I do go and watch it to feel good and get a smile on my face!
Another excellent book Leanore! You did good girl! Congrats!
Did you ever watch the show Gigolos on Showtime? This book reminded me of it.
What endeavor is next on your plate?
your1chef xoxo
HELLO MY CHEF! Did you finish DAS already? LOL I don't watch TV anymore and someone mentioned this Gigolo thing on TV, just yesterday to me, and I had never heard of it. I guess? My Muse Leanore knows what is IN even when I don't!
Nowhere three is halfway done and slated for Halloween release (so technically, it is on the table now) and I have 3 projects I want to do, but it will be up to my Muse entirely.
I think I should whisper to your Muse that since I started Roller Derby, I think a book about hot, fast, athletic fun on 4 wheels would be right up my alley :-)
your1chef xo
Oh My CHEF! I had an idea for that subject just recently!!!
Oh, Leanore, you never fail to impress! You always seem to have a book or two out...where do all your ideas come from? Do you write 24/7?! LOL
Congrats on another great book!
books4me67 at ymail dot com
Leanore, did you have someone you knew in mind when you created Rex Harris?
All I can say is WOW!!!! loved the excerpt! This one is going on my to-read list asap.
Congrats on the new book Leanore!! I'm loving this one. I really enjoyed the watching the trailer too. Will this book be part of a new series?
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com
Wow! I think we all just found our dream guy lol. That speech he did for his class was incredible, I had dreamy eyes while i read it and I was probly drooling ;) Thanks so much for the giveaway and I can't wait to read it!
Champagne anyone?
deb p
BOOKS4ME: Yes, and I am halfway through Nowhere Arizona THREE! lol Yes, if allowed I would write 24 hours a day! Thank you for posting!
PATSY: Mmm, I created him from a blend of men I really had the hots for!
Julianne: It is part of a Series! More Sex, Rex was in the story "Satisfaction Guaranteed" The Erotique Series,
Thank you all so much and Nikki too. I hope to come back and see more comments as well.
make me hot already ;p
chikojubile at gmail dot com
LOL, Nurma, This book will do that!
Thank you for a wonderful day, NIKKI BABE!
Great erotic story that ends up being an erotic romance!
Lea Ellen {night owl in IL}
P.S. Not posting to be in the contest since I've already read the story.
This book sounds great! Leanore, how did you come up with Rex?
Lenore do you plan to make this a series about escorts? I am going to Amazon right now to find other stuff you have written! hot hot hot!
mawmom at gmail dot com
I've read another books from Leanore and really enjoyed them, they're HOT!!!!!!!
Congrats on this new release.
dany7578 at hotmail dot com
Thank you for coming over Lea Ellen (My editor of the books)
EMILY: he came in a short story that is in my previous book MORE SEX. Where he really came from? My fantasies, lol!
This is a part of a series The Erotique Content Series, but...More about Escorts..MMm?
Dany! I haven't seen you in so long! Thanks for coming and commenting!
Renald: Pink Champagne is now my fave! LOL
This sounds great!! Id love to read it! Thanks for sharing and for the great giveaway!
hmmm, this looks like a stemy story:)
How did you come up with this one?
Thankyou for the chance to win a copy
Where does the inspiration for your plots and characters come from? The book sounds great!
Thank you Shadow, it has already received 3 Five stars in it's first day!
LORETTA LYNN: I had Rex in a short story anthology (More Sex) The readers loved him so much? that he got his own book.
Amanda: I have a real live muse! The stories seem to be channled? Strange answer, I know, but the stories are phenomenal.
Thank you all for such wonderful responses, keep them coming. It will be a Real DIRTY week!
What made you want to write a book about a male escort? Congrats btw...it sounds WONDERFUL!
14earth at gmail dot com
Angie Lilly: I've been asked this many times, right here at this site. I keep answering "I got him from a short story in my last book MORE SEX. Rex is in that book." However, that is not a REAL answer! LOL
While writing more sex? I was out to write...well Hot Sex...I thought, how about a man of the night who was drop dead sexy and wanted to please? The story actually had a woman who had never gotten hot before! Yes, Rex won out in the end!
What or who inspires your physical descriptions of your characters? Damn!!!!
Wow I wanna win!
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