Monday, September 17, 2012

Giveaway and Release Day Party for Gabrielle Bisset's Blood Spirit

Welcome to Gabrielle Bisset's Release Day Party for her book Blood Spirit!!!  To celebrate the Release Day of Gab's third installment to this series, we decided to throw a a little party.  So let's take a look at the book details:
Title:  Blood Spirit (Sons of Navarus #3)
Author:  Gabrielle Bisset
Sub-Genres: Paranormal, Erotic, Vampire



I am everything you seek. I am vampire.
Blessed with the gift of telepathy, Terek always knows what a woman wants. His gift has afforded him nightly sensual pleasures and exotic treats for centuries, but beneath the surface he yearns for much more.
Ilona can give him what his soul craves, but only if he trusts his heart. One fateful choice made out of desire puts all he cares for in danger. With a civil war and the threat of Archon hunters at every turn, this Son may lose everything if he can't find the balance between heart and mind.


Terek held his wrist to her lips and waited for a sign that he hadn't been too late. Seconds grew to minutes but finally she opened her eyes and looked up at him in the darkness. As a new vampire, she wouldn't be able to see him, but he saw her.
"Remain still."
Reaching for a match, he lit a candle on the nightstand next to the bed. In the pale light, he was struck by the frightened look on her face, and he reached out to tenderly caress her cheek, as any good sire would for one of his vampires.
"Where am I?" she asked as she flinched from his touch.
"My home. What's your name?"
"Am I still in Cocentaina?" she asked as she sat up quickly, immediately falling back onto the bed.
"Remain still. You're not ready to move yet. What's your name?"
For the second time, she didn't answer his question, and Terek wondered if she could be in shock from the attack. He didn't want to upset her, but he needed to know her name. Carefully, he listened to her thoughts but heard nothing.
Finally, she whispered, "Ilona."
"Ilona, I'm Terek. Do you remember what happened?"
Brown eyes stared up at him, wide with fear as tears welled up in them. "No...yes..." Her hand reached for her neck. "What did you do to me?"
She attempted to roll away from him, but Terek held her fast to the bed. Eyes that had just been so full of fear flashed rage at him. "Let go of me! What have you done to me?"
Never before had one of his vampires looked at him as if he were a villain. "I've done nothing to harm you. You asked for my help, and I gave it willingly."
"You've made me a monster."
"No, not a monster. Vampire."
Tears rolled down her cheeks as Ilona sobbed uncontrollably. "Vampire! No!"
Terek brought his wrist to his mouth and pierced his skin. Holding his arm near her mouth, he watched her anger turn again to horror. "Ilona, take from me. This is who you are."
Closing her eyes, she shook her head.
"I may not have chosen you, but I'm your sire now. I won't let anything or anyone harm you, Ilona. I promise."
Sounds yummy!!  So what's a party without prizes?  Fill out the rafflecopter below to enter to win!  Good Luck!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Lona said...

How many books do you plan to write for the series? Thx for giveaway and I love this series.

blinkysthebest at aol dot com

lavendersbluegreen said...

Gabrielle, what was your favorite book (or series) as a child and again as a young adult?
Thanks for the giveaway ladies!
- lavendersbluegreen(at)yahoo(dot)com

Unknown said...


I am new to your work so I have to ask: VAMPIRES: Fangs or no fangs??


Cassandra said...

Who or what inspires you?
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Dovile said...

Have you ever written fanfiction? For what fandom?

Unknown said...

Do you plan to add more than just vampires to your series?(shifters, deamons and so on...)
thanks for the giveaway!

wyndwhisper said...

Hi Gabrielle,
Congratulations on the new release.
i love the cover, it's gorgeous and the book sounds wonderful. i can hardly wait to see what happens with these 2 next.

Did you design the cover yourself?

tammy ramey

Elizabeth H. said...

Hi Gabrielle!! The cover is very sexy! I was wondering how many books you had planned for the series?
Thanks for the awesome post!
ehaney578 at aol dot com

Linda said...

Congrats on the release of your latest book

I've not read the 1st 2 books so hope this can be read as a standalone?

Kaylyn D said...

Gabrielle, which Sons book was the hardest for you to read? Congrats on the release!!

Anonymous said...

Who's your favorite character to write?

Unknown said...

Congrats and best wishes on your newest release!

Do you do your own covers?

Thank you for this chance to win!!

dragonlady 029 @ aol . com

heather said...

Congrats on the new release, it sounds great. I'm curious, do you need to start with the first book or does it matter? Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Hi Lona! There are eight Sons and each one wants his story told, so it looks like I'm going to be busy for a while. Thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said...

Hi Lavender! My favorite book as a child was Charlotte's Web. I remembering crying like a baby when she died. As a young adult, well, I'm in my 40s, so when I was a teenager, there weren't really YA books. I read what adults read when I was in high school, and I loved Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories. Thanks for coming by!

Unknown said...

Hi Mindy! Are there vampires without fangs? (If this is well known, forgive me. I live in the writing cave a lot. LOL) I can't imagine a vampire without fangs...all that sensual sinking in of the teeth until they pierce the vein. Mmmm...Thanks for coming by!

Unknown said...

Hi Cassandra! I think what most inspires me is the wonderful feeling I get from writing. I enjoy the actual activity of my pen in my hand and a notebook on my lap as I sit cross-legged on my bed writing. (I hand write all my books first before typing them. :) I enjoy plotting out a great story and then seeing it through to the end. Thanks for asking!

Unknown said...

Hi Dovile! No, I've never written fan fiction. In fact, I'd never even heard of it until I found out 50 Shades was originally Twilight fan fic. My friend who loves sci fi told me there's a lot of fan fiction there, but I'm not a huge sci fi reader, so I never knew. Thanks for coming by!

Unknown said...

Hi Miriam! That's a great question! I don't know yet. I have another series that's PNR about a race of beings I created called Aeveren. Sort of like vampires, they live 50 lifetimes to our one through reincarnation. It allows me to get a lot of my love of history in there. :)

Unknown said...

Hi Tammy! Thanks for coming by! I don't design my own covers because while I can weave a story, I can't seem to find the open button on graphics programs. My cover designer is Talina Perkins, and I love her work! You should see what's she's doing for my Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy novella covers. Stop by my FB for a look. They're as gorgeous as the Sons covers (oh, and you can see the next cover in the Sons series there too--Blood Prophecy).

Unknown said...

Hi Elizabeth! There are eight Sons, but I am planning to introduce a new character soon into the group, so... Thanks for asking!

Unknown said...

Hi Linda! Thanks for stopping over! Unfortunately, no the Sons books can't be read as standalones. Each builds on the previous ones in the non-romantic plot to defeat the Archon takeover, even though each book as a couple's romance that is interwoven into the plot.

Unknown said...

Hi Kaylyn! The most difficult Sons book to write was the second one, Blood Betrayed, which is Saint's book. That one put me through the wringer. By the time I was done, I needed to take a couple months off. Saint can be difficult. :)

Unknown said...

Hi Bboo04! My favorite to write is still Vasilije. I've been writing him since April 2011, and I never tire of him. His role in the Sons continues after his book (Blood Avenged) as all the others do, so I will be writing him for a while to come. :) Thanks for commenting!

Unknown said...

Hi ReneAva! No, I have little talent in the graphic arts, so my cover designer, Talina Perkins, handles all the covers. Thanks for coming by!

Unknown said...

Hi Heather! Thanks for stopping by! The Sons series is a true series, so none of the books can be read as standalones and really make sense. While each book focuses on one Son and his heroine, the non-romantic plot travels throughout the series, beginning with Blood Avenged.

rubyswan said...

1st of all I 've gotta say Congrats 2 U on UR series!!! Could U plezze tell me if there R any Native American with UR series? Would U consider creating any NAM heroes N the future..cause I lovvvvvve them..They always make 4 some awesome imposing standout characters! thanQ
I wish all the best Ms.Bisset :D

sherry fundin said...

Hi Gabrielle, Congrats on the book. Where did the idea come from?

Anonymous said...

Hi Gabrielle. Congrats. Where did the idea for the book come from?

Unknown said...

Hi Rubyswan! I don't have any Native American characters in my series as of yet, but you raise an interesting idea. There aren't many in romantic fiction. Maybe that's a future idea...Thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said...

Hi Fundinmental! The idea for the Sons of Navarus came from a discussion I had with a student one time after one of my classes. I wanted to write a vampire series that pitted vampire against vampire instead of vampire against human and he and I were talking about power and who has it and who doesn't in history. The idea came to me as we were talking and from there I began writing. Thanks for asking!

Carin said...

Gabrielle, what its your favorite flavor of hero the bad boy, the alpha male, the best friend turned lover
Congrats on your new release!
mawmom at gmail dot com

Joanne said...

Congrats on the new release. This book sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it. Will you ever revisit couples from the other books?


mariehahn13 said...

Hi Gabrielle!
Congratulations on the new release! I was curious, is there anything you enjoy (drinks, food, atmosphere) while you write? As a writer myself, I enjoy hearing what makes an author tick!

Thanks! :)

songbird1613 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

What is your all time favorite novel/book that you have read?

Anonymous said...

I am liking the look of Terek.

felinewyvern said...

Why did you choose my name for the heroine (not complaining mind ;))?

Naturally curious as I don't find my name as heroine very often. Oh and can I have Terek please?

felinewyvern at googlemail dot com

Anonymous said...

What other paranormal creatures (if any) inspire you?

Trix, vitajex(at)aol(Dot)com

Unknown said...

Do you write any other type of romance? Or other type of books in general?

Kelly said...

Are you working on another book?

katsrus said...

Congrats on the new release. Love the cover. What is your favorite thing to do when you have free time?
Sue B

crystaley73 said...

Congrats on the new release.
Do you prefer to read on ebook or a paperback book

Unknown said...

Do you have any single friends like Terek?
tinyauthor at yahoo dot com

Daph said...

WOOF:) How many books will be in this series?

Holly Letson said...

If you were asked to write for another genre, which genre would you hope it'd be?

bookaholicholly @ gmail .com

Unknown said...

Hi Carin! I love the hero who's mad, bad, and dangerous to know. And he's usually an Alpha. ;) Thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said...

Hi Joanne! Great question! Actually, I'm writing a short with Vasilije and Sasa from Blood Avenged right now. It will be free on my blog and website early in October. And I have plans to write a short about the early days of Saint and Solenne from Blood Betrayed. And you'll find even though their stories are out, their story in the Sons is never really over. I actually deal with Vasilije and Sasa a bit in Blood Spirit, and Saint and Solenne will come back into play in Blood Prophecy.

Unknown said...

Hi Marie! Thanks for coming by! I always have to have a glass of iced tea or a beer with me when I write. If I'm having a good night, the drink gets pretty warm, but that's a good thing. I also have to hear music in the background as I write. I can't do the absolute silence thing. It's usually something classic rock and just background noise, but it has to be there or the mojo doesn't work. :)

Unknown said...

Hi Amanda! My all time favorite book? Edith Hamilton's Mythology. It's just the stories and myths from ancient Greece and Rome, but it's a great book to just sit back and enjoy. Thanks for asking!

erin said...

Congrats on the newest release! it sounds awesome and it's on my wishlist :) So.... Coke or Pepsi? (I say this cuz other people have asked the pertinent, good questions :) )_

Unknown said...

Hi EmmaMeade! I like the look of Terek too. ;) That is a very young Jimmy Thomas from a while ago on the cover.

Unknown said...

Hi Ilona! I chose that name because of two reasons. First, I love the sound of it. It's got a beautiful, lyrical sound. Second, I chose it for its meaning, "light", because she's the light that finally brings Terek out of the darkness he's lived in for centuries. :) I usually choose names based on sound or meaning. This time it was both. Thanks for asking!

Unknown said...

Hi Trix! I love vampires and the creatures I created, Aeveren, but other than that, I've had an interest in Sidhe/fae for a while now. I've had a story sitting in the back of my mind for a while about them. Maybe after the Sons series is over, I'll look into it. Thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said...

Hi Shannon! I have written three historical romance novellas (The Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy). I love history, which I guess is only natural since I teach it, but it's difficult for me to write them since I find I want to put far more history in the stories and that eats up the romance. LOL Other than romance, I do write other fiction, but that's under a different name and I haven't published anything of those books yet. Thanks for asking!

Unknown said...

Hi Sue! I have some free time penciled in around June 2014. LOL Seriously, I love to cook a great meal and watch a movie when I get free time. Or if it's nice out, I love to spend time outside. I wish I could do more of that. Thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said...

Hi Crystal! Shhhh....don't tell, but I still love the feel of a paperback in my hand. I know I write for an ebook market, but I love when I get the paperback copy of my book in my hand. I guess I'm just old-fashioned. I own a Kindle, but I still love a book in my hand. :) Thanks for coming by!

Unknown said...

Hi Stacy! I wish I had single friends like Terek. I'm a single woman, so I'd be on that like white on rice. LOL! I've never met a man like Terek or Saint, but Vasilije from Blood Avenged is based on a real person I knew. Thanks for coming by!

Unknown said...

HI Daph! I have eight Sons who all want their story told, but I am adding a new character in the next book, so I can't be sure right now. Thanks for asking!

Unknown said...

Hi Holly! I actually write in another genre already--historical fiction--but that's under a different name. If you mean in romance, I think I'd like it to be contemporary. Thanks for stopping by!

Cindy said...

I'm new to this series. It sounds really good. I'm looking forward to reading it.
How many books are you planning in the series? Do you have other series, if so what are they about?
Thanks for the giveaway.

Kerry said...

Gabrielle I have loved this series from the beginning - good luck

Deb PelletierC said...

Everyone asked the same questions I wanted to ask, so I'll say ,"Good Luck with the series." ;-)

magic5905 said...

Don't have a question, but thanks for the giveaway.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new release! Your books are amazing :) Do you have any new series ideas after the Sons series is done?

SheriV said...

What is your writing day like?

vadeluna07 said...

Are vampires your favorite paranormal creatures? If not then what is?

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

What is your fav book and fav movie?

Anonymous said...

Gabrielle what other genres do you like to write or read?

divavixenqueen said...

Hi. Congratulations.
Would you ever want to have the "gift of telepathy" yourself?

Unknown said...

Hi Erin! Thanks for coming by! In the Coke vs Pepsi war, I'm a Coke woman. Pepsi always makes my teeth feel funny. LOL

Unknown said...

Hi Cindy! I have eight Sons of Navarus with each one wanting their own book, but I do plan to add a new character in Blood Prophecy (the next book). As for my other series, I have another PNR series, The Destined Ones series, with two books so far: Stolen Destiny and Destiny Redeemed. That series is about a race of paranormals I created, Aeveren, who live 50 lifetimes through reincarnation and have destined ones they're meant to meet across time. Some Aeveren also have abilities, like the ability to time travel and read minds. I also have my Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy which are historical novellas, one paranormal, one light BDSM, and one straight up historical (but lighter and funnier than the others).

Unknown said...

Thanks Kerry, Renald, and Joy! I'm glad you stopped over today!

Unknown said...

Hi Debi! I have to admit I have a lot of ideas for after the Sons series, but I have so many books to go that I rarely think on them. Witches have been bouncing around in my head, though.... Thanks for coming by!

Unknown said...

Hi Sheri! My writing day is actually my writing night since I home school my son in the morning and then go to my day job as a college history teacher until dinner. After eating, I settle in and try to get at least a few hours in each night. On Saturdays, I try to do at least 8 hours of writing, but sometimes life gets in the way. :) Thanks for stopping by today!

Unknown said...

Hi Vadeluna! I think my favorite paranormals would have to be either vampires or my own creation, the Aeveren. I like both a lot because the characters give me so much freedom to take the story in so many directions. Thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said...

Hi Seyma! I think my favorite book is Edith Hamilton's Mythology and my favorite movie would be Back To The Future. Thanks for coming by!

Unknown said...

Hi Tore! I like to read historical fiction and literary fiction, and in romance I've been hanging out with the BDSM books for a bit. They're starting to rub off on my stories, I think. ;) Thanks for asking!

Unknown said...

Hi Divavixenqueen! I'd like the ability of telepathy, but the power I'd really like to have is time travel. Now that's a power! Thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said...

Thanks to everyone who came by and commented! This was fun. :) I'm heading into the writing cave, but thanks for making this release party so great!

Laurie said...

Congrats on your latest release! Dark or light chocolate?

Unknown said...

Congrats you the new release!! Do you get inspiration from music? If so, who or what do you listen to?

bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

bas1chs said...

Do you have the whole series already planned out in your mind or do you let it take you where it goes?

Anonymous said...

I'm new to this series and will definitely start reading it soon. I was wondering if you listen to music while writing? What kind? Does the music affect your writing?

Best of luck with the new release.


knitrix29 at gmail dot com

Emily said...

Congrats on the release Gabrielle!

DANIELA said...

Hi Gabrielle
I just wanted to stop by and say "hi" and "congrats on the new release".

Can we expect the Son's women to play important roles fighting the Achons?

Dustykatt said...

Is it dress up and go to work or whatever is most comfortable?

Mary Preston said...


is there a genre you have not written in yet that you would love to?

Theresa Haywood Donbroski Johnson said...

Is vampires your favorite creatures?

Vanessa N. said...

Great post. Have you always loved paranormal stories?

LorettaLynn//Temprance said...

I dont really have a question. But i do love your work and would like to say thank you :)

Booklover Sue said...

What are you working on now? Planning a different series or continuing with this one?

susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

nurmawati djuhawan said...

d u have plan to publish this book to indonesian languange ?? it would be awesome !!
thx u so much :)

wanda f said...

What are your writing rituals music or quiet ? Wine chocolate what do you do to put yourself in writing mode?Thanks for sharing with us .Have a fantastic week

Unknown said...

Hi Gabrielle,

Which is your favorite book in the series so far?

Tobi said...

Hmm. I'm horrible at asking questions...... Why Vamps?? I've been obsessed since buffy not the show the movie and yes I'm showing my age! LOL

Linda said...

Love the blurb and giveaway, =)
most of my questions are already answered, so i´ll just wish you all a Happy Thursday instead!

best wishes, Linda xo

SdyLion said...

What is the inspiration behind your character's names? Or do they name themselves? sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com

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