Happy Wednesday my Naughty Nibblers!! We have quite a packed day today, so lets get started. Right now I have Eryka Wyck with me, and we are going to be talking about her newest short Night of the Doms. Take it away Eryka:
First I wanted to say thank you for hosting me today.
Glad to Have you!!!!
How old were you when you first realized you wanted to
write? I was probably about 16 when the
writing bug hit me.
Most authors have an unusual story or way that they come up
with their ideas for books…Do you have one? Traffic
Lights…no I am serious most of my ideas come to me while I am sitting at a
traffic light. Probably because it’s the
only time when I am forced to sit and do nothing for a few minutes.
What was your biggest influence that steered you towards writing? Oooh that’s a tough one. I think reading Anne Rice interview with a vampire seemed so different when I first read it so long ago that it made me realize that I didn’t have to follow the writing guidelines all the time.
I have
to ask, what are the hardest scenes for you to write? Really it’s the sex scene isn’t that funny.
Are sex
scenes difficult for you to word? If you
asked my editors they would say yes. The Problem is that you can only say cock
so many times and when you say velvet sword it just sounds too cheese. Once you
get past the terms its not too hard, no pun intended.
Do you
see yourself writing in another genre? Actually
I do under another pen name… neither of the two shall meet.
Has your family been supportive? Very. Although I do keep this pen name more hush hush.
Are any of your characters reflective of you? Only that I am also a submissive.
What do you like to do when you're not writing? I love to watch movies, action films are my weakness. And I love to read.
Who is your favorite book heroine? Hermione… I just thought she kicked butt.
Do you
have any unusual habits that revolve around writing? I do, I have to write the End at the end of my books and then I erase
it from the final MS.
What is your favorite mystical creature? Dragons, not sure why but I just love them.
What were some of your biggest challenges at the beginning of your career? I am Dyslexic that is and will continue to be my biggest challenge.
How do you feel about reader comments? I love them, it’s nice to know what someone thinks of your writing.
Do you have any advice for new authors? Never give up, but be prepared to bend, Editors are there to make your book better. List to them they usually know what they are talking about.
Where are your books available?
Publishing http://www.decadentpublishing.com/advanced_search_result.php?osCsid=6c1232251c1e45744bd0b3ee7262f414&categories_id=&inc_subcat=1&pfrom=0&pto=999999&dfrom=&dto=&manufacturers_id=133
B and N
All Romance
What can we expect from you in the future? I hope to write the next three in the Dom’s of Club D’s Series very soon.
Where can we reach you and become informed of updates?
Now, Let's take a look at Night of the Doms:
Take one submissive with separation anxiety.
Add one Master who has never wanted to settle down.
Mix in three Doms with specialties that make peoples toes
And you have a recipe for Sex, Bondage and release.
Can Reyes heal and restore ???? Or will the night of the
Doms prove too much for her to endure.

My Review: This was an incrdiably hot Dom/submissive scene, where she takes on a few Doms. But can Gina coquer her fears and claim the ultimate prize her Dom has for her? Lol..we shall see! Great Short!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I think one dom at a time would be enough for me...LOL!
I think one dom at a time would be enough for me!
Thanks everyone for stopping by :)
I don't think I could handle more than one at a time but I do love to read about more than one! Night of the Doms sounds really good!
I would definitely have to say one Dom.
I would love multiple Doms but I could probably only handle one(pouts)! I can't wait to read this book, it looks so delicious!!
susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com
This book looks fantastic.
I would only like one dom at a time :)
In my fantasies & dreams, 2-3 is nice. In reality, I would probably have all I could handle (or be handled by) with 1.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
I´d be happy just to encounter one *gigglesnort* but i´d be willing to try more, maybe three.. . *happy sigh*
best wishes, Linda xo
one is good, 2 is better, 3 is...overwhelming? LOL I would try it though
I think one dom is about all I personally could handle.
kesummer69 at gmail dot com
I think I'd like to start out with one and work my up to two or three. Just imagine all that pleasure. *sighs*
Hmmmm....definately two
I would say one Dom for now with the option so get more later. :)
I think one it's enough, if he does his job properly :)) :D
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