Monday, February 6, 2012

Romancing the Valentine Giveaway Hop

Romancing the valentine giveaway hopThe Romancing Christmas Giveaway Hop is being hosted by Reading Romances!
What you can win here: $10 Amazon Card
Number of winners: 1
Open to: Everyone!!
How to enter: Fill out the Rafflecopter and answer my question in the comments section
Hop and enter the other giveaways!

Welcome to CEWTNK Romance Lovers!!! A great big thank you to Nat@ Reading Romance for putting another awesome giveaway together!!  Thanks Nat!! Romance novels will always hold a special place in my heart.  The first romance novel I ever read was entitled Windswept Passion.  I was 11 years old and my mother had no idea that I had broken into her stash...LOL.  I was hooked from that moment on....
Cathelen was young, innocent and totally unprepared for the flood of overwhelming need that the tall arrogant pirate aroused. He came into her life, swept her into an endless wave of ecstasy and left with the morning tide. And though the lovely blonde beauty was bound to another, she was possessed by an uncontrollable passion that could not be denied. Unknowingly, he had unleashed the fires of her heart-and only he could satisfy her desire...

Adam was wild, worldly and totally unprepared for the insatiable need that the tempting vixen aroused. Her honey-sweet lips beckoned him, her sparkling violet eyes seduced him and her soft silken flesh promised him a night of reckless love. But one night would never be enough, one caress would only be the start-one kiss would forever spark the flames of a lifetime of raging Windswept Passion.

I still have this book to this very day!!  I then moved on to the late but totally amazing author Kathleen E. Woodiwiss' The Wolf and the Dove:
The Wolf
Noble Aislinn grieves as the Iron Wolf and his minions storm through her beloved Darkenwald. And she burns with malice for the handsome Norman savage who would enslave her. . .even as she aches to know the rapture of the conqueror's kiss.
The Dove
For the first time ever, mighty Wulfgar has been vanquished—and by a bold and beautiful princess of Saxon blood. He must have the chaste, sensuous enchantress who is sworn to his destruction. And he will risk life itself to nurture with tender passion a glorious union born in the blistering heat of hatred and war.

And of course I feel in love again with Johanna Lindsey's Warrior's Woman and this was the first series to steal my heart :) :
Resilient beauty Tedra has devoted her life to the art of combat, and no one has ever been able to pierce through her rigid armor of single-minded purpose. When political upheaval forces her to flee her homeland Tedra finds, to her dismay, that her only hope of survival lies in the arms of Challen, a fierce and powerful soldier.

Romance books have given me such joy, and a lifetime of hope for my own happily ever after.  As you see from my blog I love ALL types of Romance from erotic to paranormal to historical and all the in-betweens.  For my giveaway, I am offering a 10 Amazon card so that you may purchase your personal have-to-have romance.  Just fill out the rafflecopter and be sure and answer this question in the comments section:  I have shared with you the books that began my love of Romance novels.  What was yours?  Good Luck and be sure to visit these other great blogs!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Arianne said...

Nora Roberts hooked me first... I'm reading one of her books now :)

Anonymous said...

Spur of the Moment by Candace Bowen Early is a fantastic time travel romance set in present day New York and 12th Century England. It is a great read.

If you want a hot new vampire book check out Icarus by J. S. Chancellor. I couldn't put the book down.

Michelle Brack said...

These blog hops are great! Thanks so much!

buddyt said...

I first strarted reading romance when I discovered Georgette Heyer.

I still think she is one of thew all time greats !

Thanks for the giveaway.

Carol T

buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

Mary Preston said...

WUTHERING HEIGHTS would be my first. We read it at school.


Gigi said...

My first romantic was Kiss an Angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillip but in historical romance was Mine till Midnight by Lisa Kleypas!

miki said...

I don't remember the title but it was the story of a roman soldier and a christian girl ^^. I received it from my latin's teacher

i'm really emotional so romance with happy end are something i love. At the moment my favorite are the paranormal romance from Nalini singh with teh serie psichangeling

all the best and thanks you for the international giveaway

Anya Millar said...

Honestly, for the longest time I didn't like romance novels, but my first exposure was to my moms (very poorly written) ones that had a lot of heaving bosoms but not real story.
I love vampires so my first actually liked romance would be (forgot the name) a paranormal romance :D


Veronika said...

I started reading again romance books after reading the twilight series years ago!Since then I adore romance books and I became a bookworm :)

Unknown said...

PNR got me back hooked on romance. I love everything by Michelle Rowen. I also love the Sookie Stackhouse series, Anita Blake series, and Night Huntress series. Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I think my first was Twilight which got me hooked on romance and paranormal romance. Awesome giveaway!! :)

Sandy said...

The first romance book that I read and got hooked on the genre was The Ring by Danielle Steel.


Andrea said...

I can't remember the exact book but I'm sure it was a Danielle Steele. My mother and grandmother both read them and they were always around. I remember sitting in study hall in 7th grade reading book after book.

Sharon Stogner said...

First was the Anita Blake series by Laurel K Hamilton. :)thanks!

Unknown said...

I really don't remember, but it was probably something from Meg Cabot. :) thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

Sherrilyn Kenyon got me hooked :D

Tricia Schneider said...

The very first romance I read was The Romance of the Rose by Claire Delacroix. I've been addicted ever since!

Krystal Larson said...

Christine Feehan got me :)

Nora Weston said...

My favorite romances are the ones that have lots of action/adventure mixed in too. After reading "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas, I knew romance fiction would be something I'd always enjoy. Thanks for the giveaway...great post! :)

books4me said...

Judy Blume books got me into romance. The romance was tame (except for Forever), though.

books4me67 at ymail dot com

Unknown said...

Victoria Holt -- I recall picking up one of my Mom's Gothic novels and liking it. Whatever happened to her? Hmmmm ...

throuthehaze said...

The first romance I read was The Paper Marriage by Bronwyn Williams

Joanne said...

I don't remember the name of my first romance novel. It was a long time ago and it was a Harlequin romance. I read all kinds of books now, but Harlequin still has a special place in my heart. Thanks for participating in the blog hop.


Anne said...

I don't remeber, but Kathleen Woodiwiss was big back then and was probably the hottest author I read when I started. I remember being very into Barbara Cartland when I was in jr. high (mid 70's).

test3s said...

My first was Devil in disguise by Linda Davis.(I actually read it in romanian) and was a harlequin-type of book.

rallu.93 (@)

Reviewing Shelf said...

Nicholas Sparks Books

Na said...

The Masquerade by Brenda Joyce :)

Liese2 said...

Gone With the Winf in high school.

Unknown said...

I had read a bunch before hand but the one that got me hooked was A Quick Bite by Lynsay Sands.

Cayce said...

It was a long time ago, but I think the Jane Austin books were my first romances :)

JeanMP said...

Don't really remember the exact book, but it was a Barbara Cartland book.

skpetal at hotmail dot com

CrystalGB said...

Harlequin Presents were my first romance novels. Thanks for the giveaway.

Sophia Rose said...

The first romances that got my attention were Victoria Holts, Phyllis Whitney, and Mary Stewart all purloined from my mother's book shelves. (-;

Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

Savannah said...

My first romance book was
All night with a Rogue by Alexandra Hawkins!

mamabunny13 said...

I don't remember my firts romance novel but Jane Eyre (does that count?) got me hooked.

Maritza Robinson said...

When I read the Twilight Saga I was hooked. After that I read not just romance but all kinds of books. Thanks for this great giveaway!
-Maritza R.

vadeluna07 said...

Actually the book that got me hooked on romance was Twilight. I had not really read a book since I was younger, but that book got me started all over again. Now I'm an avid reader and I love it!

Veronica W. said...

I don't think I've ever read pure romance before... I've just read some adult fantasy and the like.

Diane said...

Julie Garwood was one of my first and Linda Howard

pandalovesyou said...

I read some Herlequin when I was younger and then I branched out to Christine Feehan, etc.

donnas said...

VC Andrews and Danielle Steel were my first ones.

In Julie's Opinion said...

I can't remember the first romance book I ever read, but the first book that really stayed with me was Diana Gabaldon's Outlander! I still hold all romance books up to that standard:D

Lexi said...

Kiss of the Highlander by Karen marie Moning. Not my first romance, but I blame it for sucking me back into the genre. Now I am an addict =)

Mariee said...

I read a ton of Harlequin in the beginning and after that I was hooked.

Aik said...

The first romance book I read? I think it's Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost.

aikychien at yahoo dot com

jessica said...

I can't remember my very first romance book but I know that the first romance authors that I read included Johanna Lindsey and Elizabeth Lowell (Granite Man and Outlaw pops into my head).

Cathy C said...

i would sneak a copy of my mom's Harlequin romances and read them when i was a teen but i can't remember what my first one was :)

catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Aside from random Harlequin romances, the first specific title I remember is Captive Bride from Johanna Lindsey.

Thanks for the giveaway!

elizabeth @ bookattict . com

Unknown said...

Another great giveaway Nikki! For me it was Harlequin Romances...geez wish I could remember a book name...I'm ;)

DANIELA said...

It was Pride and Prejudice by jane Austen.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Shane R. said...

My first romance novel would have to be Twilight. It's not the best romance though. I'm more into erotica type novels but there isn't always romance in those.

Patricia's Particularity said...

It would have to be Romeo and Juliet... if I can remember that far.

Jana said...

I think it was some book from Nora Roberts :)

Jessie @ Jessie's Random Place said...

I think what got me hooked was The Wedding Escape by Karyn Monk.

Hillary said...

Dark Lover by JR Ward was my very first romance book and it totally got me hooked.


Krista said...

I don't remember the title but it was a vampire book my Linda Lael Miller

Rachel V said...

My first romance book was Shanna that got me hooked.

Sara Kovach / Dare to be Different - Teach! said...

I don't remember the name of the first romance I ever read, but I know it was a historical romance. These are my favorite kind, although I do read all kinds.

June M. said...

The first was a couple of Avon teen books in the mid 80's that was one of my aunt's books. I think they were called Sooner or Later and Waiting games. A few years latter, I got really into VC Andrews and devoured her books during my teen year.

Pam said...

I read very few books (just for fun) up until a couple years ago so I don't recall if I had read a romance novel back then. However, what got me very interested in reading just happened to be the Twilight saga books. Yep, until then I did not like reading. Now that I love it I wish I'd found something back when I was in school that would have fueled my passion for reading.

Thanks for the giveaway!


Mary @SweepingMe said...

I just remember taking one from my step mom and reading it. It was a harlequin romance novel and I was about 16. Thanks for the chance!


Angie Adair said...

Wow, that was many years ago, LOL But I imagine it was one of LaVyrle Spencers books....I fell in love with her books.

Shadow said...

Thats so long ago. I think the first book i ever read was Savage Surrender by Natasha Peters. It was so sad and i hated it! I started reading Johanna Lindsey (I love the Mallorys.), Catherine Hart (Summer Storm). Thanks for the giveaway!

Filia Oktarina said...

My first romance book was Secrets of a Summer Night by Lisa Kleypas. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anne R said...

I remember sneaking a peak at my mom's Jackie Collins books. I would hide from her and just devour reading them.
Great giveaway, Thanks.

Reading Mind / The Loyal Book said...

It was something by lisa Kleypas, but I don't remembert what!

aliasgirl at libero dot it

LadyVampire2u said...

I was hooked on fantasy books at the time and I was at a train station when I realized I'd forgotten my book at home. I ran into a nearby store for a book and ended up picking Warrior's Song by Catherine Coulter. I thought the books cover looked fantasy like but found out it was a romance book. I was almost done reading the book by the time night came that day. I've enjoyed romance books ever since.
LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

desitheblonde said...

since i am death and got the book that talk i got hook on nora robert one

Unknown said...

I don't remember my first romance but somet books that I've read over and over again are Jane Eyre, The Bride, and all of Kresley Cole's book! :) allicat0818[at]yahoo[dot]com

Andrea I said...

Victoria Holt and Mary Stewart were some I read at age 13 -14.


Anna (herding cats-burning soup) said...

Hm. Sherrilyn Kenyon I think. And J.D.Robb. Love both of them and definitely got me hooked.

Lexie@BookBug said...

I started reading romances when I discovered Marcia McClure. She is terrific!
lexie.bookbug at gmail dot com

Sarah Meral said...

I started reading romance books, because I met some romance authors online a tried out their books :)

dv8 said...

It's a classic: Pride and Prejudice.

mcv said...

Woodiwiss's Flame and the Flower.

mcv111 at hotmail(dot)com

chey said...

I don't remember the title of the first romance I ever read but it was a harlequin. I remember reading Georgette Heyer and Cathrine Coulter later on.

Julia said...

My first romance was The Emerald Swan, but what hooked me was So Worthy, My Love.

Anonymous said...

I can't remember the first romance novel I read. I just remember reading alot of romance novels when I was younger. I love the Twilight series. Please enter me in contest.

Wild N Mild $$$ said...

My first romance was by Danielle Steele.

Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u (at) yahoo (dot) com

Julianne said...

I believe I started reading Karen A. Bale. She had a Native American Series that was really good. I also read a lot of Cassie Edwards books.
I do remember reading a book by Kathleen E Woodiwiss, it was also a series and I started about book 3 I think, Woodwind Peril maybe.
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

Linda Henderson said...

Well I actually started out reading Emilie Loring but quickly graduated to Kathleen Woodiwiss and The Flame and The Flower. That's the book that got me hooked on romance books.

seriousreader at live dot com

Barbara said...

Oh, gosh...I don't remember the first romance I read. But...I do know that Danielle Steel is one of the authors that got me hooked! Thx for this great opportunity...Happy Valentines Day <3

barbbattaglia @

Cathy M said...

First erotic romance was The Flame and the Flower by Kathleen Woodiwess.

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

JoAnna said...

That is kind of tough too. In high school, I started reading Sweet Valley High books. Right after college I read the Witching Hour by Ann Rice. Then I stopped reading for about 10 yrs and then my daughter had me read the Twilight series that got me reading again. The first adult romance after that would have been by Lynsay Sands.
beckerjo at verizon dot net

Jacqui Odell said...

any of nicholas spark books

Spav said...

I think it was It Had To Be You by Susan Elizabeth Phillips.

Cheryl said...

Danielle Steele

Pam S said...

Sweet Valley High and the classics (Gone with the Wind, P&P, etc.) were my very first.

pams00 at

Danielle West said...

Tamora Pierce got me hooked on YA romance and it spiraled from there :)

June L said...

It was a Nora Roberts book when I was in middle school. It was from 3 sisters island trilogy or something like that. My moms friend told me to read it lol

Juliana said...

I read A Knight in Shinning Armor by Jude Deveraux... I borrowed it from a friend who stole it from her mom! Now I almost always read M/M romances after years of historical M/F...

Deb PelletierC said...

I can't remember the name of the book, but the author was Barbara Cartland. Good book for a teenager.DebP

Nenna said...

I think Twilight was the first one :)

Juana said...

All that I remember is that I started reading Harlequins when I was around 15 years old (a very long time ago) and I was hooked for life.


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