Sunday, June 10, 2012

TrueBlood Season 5 Premiere Giveaway Hop!!

Hello and Welcome to this stop on the Hop!! A Big thank you to All the Fun Starts After Dark and Literal Addictions for putting this on!! I'm here to help celebrate the opening of two of the hottest guys on any TV series:

Isn't that just yummy?  I would LOVE to crawl in between that!!  A vampire and were sandwich! LOL!  Anyway, to celebrate the opening I would like to offer a 10 amazon card!!  I'll make this simple, just fill out the rafflecopter below and don't forget to check out the rest of these hot blogs:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...


My Favorite Character from True Blood is ERIC!!! of course MMMMMMMM

Thanx for the hop and giveaway :)

Charity Costa

Emissary of Literal Addiction

Krista said...

Eric! I have loved him since he had ugly long hair!! Can't wait for the premiere! Thanks for the giveaway!

The Brunette Librarian said...

I'm an Eric fan with Alcide coming in a close second. :)

LOVE Sookie's world!

brunettelibrarian AT gmAil . c0m
The Brunette Librarian Blog

Unknown said...


Leannessf said...

Sookie of course!


Unknown said...

That is such a tough one for me because it means I would have to choose between Eric and Alcide and I don't think I could do it!! LOL
Thanks for the chance to win!!!

Gimme The Scoop said...

Female - Sookie of Course
Male- Have a hard time choosing between Eric and Bill

Anonymous said...


Though he totally turns asshole in the books, it seems like he's good ole Alcide based on the trailer!

-Bonnie Bliss

wanda f said...

I love Eric hes my absolute favorite

wanda f said...

I love Eric hes my absolute favorite

Sophia Rose said...

I like Sookie for the female and Sam for my favorite male characters.

Fun hop!

AmyS. said...

It's a toss between Eric and Alcide. They are both hotties. I can't choose.

Emily said...

I love this hop! That being said, Eric all the way for my fave male lead. For female, I love Sookie. How many other gals you know could go through the crap she did and come out swinging?

lavendersbluegreen said...

Too hard to choose just one... ARGH! Depending on my mood... but right now... Lafayette.

lavendersbluegreen said...

Oh, and in case you need... lavendersbluegreen(at)yahoo(dot)com

miki said...

To be honest, i haven't seen the series yet so i can't tell if i have a favorite charater or not ^^;;

Evie said...

Thanks a lot!

Megan@Riverina Romantics said...

ERIC!!!!! I love that man!

Jet said...

My favourite character is Eric! Holy vampire hot-ness ;)

Jennifer @ The Book Nympho said...

My fave is Lafayette cuz he is so funny. And I love Russell, he is my favorite bad guy. Can't wait for tonight.


Mmm, I'm down for that sandwich too!! :)
Thanks for joining the hop, we really appreciate it.
Happy TrueBlood Premiere Day.

LorettaLynn//Temprance said...

I love them all, but i would say sookie makes up a big fav of mine:)
Cant wait intell tonight!!

Nat (Lendo Romances) said...

That HAS to be Eric *.*

Kassandra said...

Alcide was my fave from the books ;)

Midu Hadi said...


Book Savvy Babe said...

favorite TB character... that's tough, I love so many of them... They cast Eric perfectly, I also love Pam, but my favorite character, that's Jason Stackhouse! He's funny, quirky, cute, and adorable on the slow side. I just love his character :) Book Savvy Babe

Tina B said...

Thank you for those HOT pics!!! This is really 1 of my favorite shows!
My favorite was Eric, but Alcide is creeping up on him. ;)
Thank you for this awesome giveaway and hop!

Heather (ShoeGirl) said...

AWESOME giveaway! Can't wait til tonite...I'm in True Blood withdrawal! ;)

Heather (ShoeGirl) said...

Oh, & my fav varies! Jessica, Rene (from season 1), Jason, Alcide, Bill. I <3 them all!!!

Unknown said...

I <3 Eric.

Liesa Manis said...

I LOVE Alcide!!

Anonymous said...

out of the ones still living: lafayette, tara, eric

Texas Book Lover said...

Much to my husbands dismay Eric is my favorite!

Di said...

Alcide! Sounds like he's going to have a bigger role this season.

Anna (herding cats-burning soup) said...

Oh Eric of course :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

molly.frenzel said...

My favorite character is Eric!

Cayce said...

Eric! :P

Sue Sattler said...

I love Lafayette.

slappylilly said...

I can decided from Sam and laFayette.

Lilian said...

ERIC! hands down, no questions.

Cherry said...

Desmond Cataliades! Yeah, I'm a sucker for demons! :)

Cherry Mischievous

Unknown said...

Eric! lol!
great giveaway Nikki

Anonymous said...

Pam! She has the best wardrobe and gets the best lines.

Geishasmom73 AT yahoo DOT com

throuthehaze said...

I don't have a favorite because I haven't read the books or seen the show yet

Persephone said...

Eric is my favorite one. Pam is a close second.
Thanks for the giveaway.

DBookWhore said...

Eric is my favorite.. I like to look at him.. I mean I love his acting! ;)

Anonymous said...

Alcide!! YUM

Gale Nelson said...

Eric Northman all the way!!!!!

Nay Nay said...

ERIC! ERIC!ERIC! Can you guess who my favorite is? LOL
Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win.

Shane R. said...

Eric is my favorite

Cathy M said...

Favorites are Sookie and Alcide.

Library Lady said...

My favorite is Alcide.

mimirose41209 said...

As someone who has only read the books (don't have HBO)I have to go by the books and what I read in EW. I love ALCIDE the best. He is HOT!!!

mimirose41209 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

My heart belongs to Alcide!!

JoAnna said...

Favorite character right now is Alcide! That is one hot wolf!

Amber Daulton said...


Unknown said...

Alcide all the way

mcv said...

I like Lafayette. He's hysterical!

Anonymous said...

ALCIDE is the MAN!!!!!

Vanessa N. said...

I love Alcide.

Anonymous said...

I can't join the hop!!!

Brenda Demko said...

My favorite is Sookie. :)

Mary Preston said...

Alcide is to die for!!!

Tiff Pull said...

I love Lafayette.

DANIELA said...

My favorite is ERIC!!

Psyche said...

ERIC NORTHMAN, my viking vampire!

ParanormalRomanceFan said...

My Favorite True Blood character is most Definitely Joe Manganiello who plays “Alcide Herveaux” on True Blood; that Ohhhhh Sooooo Ruggedly Handsome, Tall, Dark & GORGEOUS, Drool-Worthy, Panty-Melting, Well-Muscled, Ripped Alpha Werewolf Shifter, Mmmmm He's a WHOLE lotta Man!!!!.....& I just can’t wait to see how MUCH Man ;) LOL on June 26th when “Magic Mike” hits the Big Screen!!!

ParanormalRomanceFan said...

opps forgot my email:

Take Care Fellow True Blood Fans & Stay Naughty,
PaParanormalFan (Renee')
paranormalromancefan at yahoo dot com

Arianne said...

I love Alcide and Eric

Gigi said...

Team Eric all the way!!

Dovile said...

My favorite is Eric:)

Sayomay said...


Carol L. said...

Wow, I got a little carried away for a minute. I thought you were giving Eric and Alcide away. :) Love Alcide.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Unknown said...

For looks? I love Alcide. But my favorite character all around? It has to be Lafayette.

Amiee Snow said...

I have always been an ERIC fan but then Russell Eddington came along and he became my fave then he went! So Eric became my fave so whenever Russell comes in I'll switch but I'll always be the VIKINGS fan at heart! ,3 <3 Eric! Thanks for the giveaway

Unknown said...

Sookie... LOL...

Anonymous said...

Eric & Alcide, love them both.

Malvina Beatrice

YWLiang said...

Definitely Sookie XD

Thank you for the giveaway!


Steph said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I love all the characters, but if we're going for hotness factor - definitely Eric. Gotta love Jason too though!

Kara D. said...

Sookie! Love her.


Ashley G. said...

My favorite character is Eric.

Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Barbara said...

Sookie...ALL the guys are nice to look at, but there wouldn't be a show without Sook.

barbbattaglia @

heather said...

Alcide because he's hot and I have a thing for werewolves but I also have a soft spot for Hoyt :)

msmjb65 said...

I've loved Alcide since I read the books which was before I started watching True Blood. He's such a good guy and the hotness factor is through the roof!
msmjb65 AT gmail DOT com

Courtney Pies said...

My favorite character is Alcide! :)

Krista said...


Rachel said...

Eric is my fave!! Luv a hottie vamp :) Lafayette would be a close second though ;)

Anne said...

Bad boy Eric, but Alcide is fantastic man candy.

Anonymous said...

Eric has always been my favorite. I do like Alcide, but Eric was first for me.

jlhmass at yahoo dot com

Susan W. said...

I'm a total newbie to True Blood but I'm going to have to go with Alcide.

SdyLion said...

I love Eric, Alcide and Pam. These 3 are really making the whole show for me right now! sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com

LadyVampire2u said...

Hard to pick just ONE favorite but I cannot deny that I am a huge Eric fan. :)
LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

Jolene and Family said...

Eric Northman :)

Denise Z said...

I have to pick Eric. The show was so different for me from the books that I had to find a different mindset to watch LOL and normally my favorite character would be Sookie, but on the show it has to be Eric :)

Unknown said...

Definitely Eric!

Thanks for another amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com

Unknown said...

Mmmmmm Eric!! Mmmmmmm :Q_____

Juana said...

My favorite is Bill.


Helen said...

alcide is too hot

BLHmistress said...

Eric without a doubt is my fave character!

Shadow said...

I dont have a favorite character. I havent read the books or seen the show yet.

Disqus for Close Encounters with the NIght Kind


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