Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Giveaway Celebrating Summer with Chris Lange and her book Blind to Men

Hello and Welcome to a Summer Celebration hosted by my friend Chris Lange!!  LOL..Take it away Chris!!!

Hi everyone,

To celebrate our summer reads I thought you might want to try my fantasy story "BLIND TO MEN". As it happens, I actually wrote parts of it last summer on the beach. Blue sky, a warm breeze, and the endless sound of the ocean; what can be more inspiring for a writer?

What about you? What will you be reading this summer? To enter the giveaway, simply tell me what your favorite genre is. Do you like fairytale kings, knights, princesses, and evil warlocks? Do you enjoy romantic suspense? Or do you go for toothy, handsome vampires?

Wherever you are I wish you all a wonderful summer, and great reads. Thank you Nikki for having me here today, it's always a pleasure.

Chris Lange

Visit my blog for news and updates: http://chrislangeauthor.wordpress.com

Find me on Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/chrislange

Twitter: @chrislange3

Its always a pleasure having you on Chris!!  Now let's take a look at Blind to Men:

The day has come for Anya to reclaim her life. Protected by an Amazon, she must go to legendary Palance, the city of her dreams. She has to leave her home without even knowing she was cursed at birth. She is blind to men. She can’t see them, and they can’t see her. Except one.

I really enjoyed this story!!  You can take a look at my review here!

So would you like a chance to win a copy?  Of course you would!!!  Just fill out the rafflecopter below and don't forget to answer Chris's question!!  Good Luck!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Kassandra said...

I read a little of everything. Absolute favorite genre is UF but I mix it up with scifi/fantasy and most any of the sub genres of romance!!


Emily said...

Like the last commenter said, I read a little of everything. Everything from Paranormal Romance, to Chick Lit, to YA, to Erotica. I just like reading in general. :-)

Anonymous said...

My favorite genres are YA, Paranormal UF and Romance. Thanks for the giveaway. Tore923@aol.com

Yvette said...

I read anything from paranormal, shifters, erotica...but my fav is M/M

Joanne said...

I really read all genres, from historical to paranormal to YA to erotica to contemporary to romance. There's something I really like about all of them.

Leannessf said...

I love dystopia/post-apocalyptic as well as YA/urban fantasy!


Anonymous said...

I read everything I can get my hands on, but I especially like, shape-shifter, paranormal, suspence,...and the list goes on!

Tobi said...

Paranormal romance adult and YA

Thanks for the giveaway! <3

Unknown said...

I absolutely love Chris Lange's works! And Blind To Men was one of the best books I've ever read :)

Everyone should read it!!

Unknown said...

I am not entered in the contest as I already have Blind to Men. I really enjoyed it. Great for a quick summer read!

Linda said...

My fav is historical romance closely followed by Fantasy Romance but I like certain PNRs too (seems a fine line btwn PNR & Fantasy Romance at times)

April Alvey said...

Historical and paranormal and ya and adult there isnt much i wont read.

Denise Z said...

My favorite genre fluctuates with my mood LOL Today I am reading a steamy vamp story, yesterday a great mystery, last month The Sword of Truth. I just want a good read :)

nurmawati djuhawan said...

i love historical romance, paranormal, YA and erotica :p

love, nurma

divavixenqueen said...

Historical romance,rom com,paranormal,mystery,and fantasy

andieleah said...

I go through phases when I read mostly it is paranormal romance but lately it has been pushed out the way for erotica

chris lange said...

Whatever your favorite genre is, it's good to know you all enjoy reading as much as I do.

I've just finished writing a vampire erotic romance and I was wondering what my next story would be. Thanks for your comments, they're very helpful.

Don't hesitate to bring your friends over here. It's summer, time to relax, and I'm feeling goooooodddd... lol.... so there might be more than 5 copies to win!

And now I'm winking at everyone :)

Sherry said...

I read any kind of romance but my favorite is paranormal romance.

Unknown said...

I love paranormal the most but I'll read any of them as long as they have a good story line.


Adila Mammadova said...

I'd read any good-written books, but my favorite genre is Romance. Mostly Paranormal & Historical.

This summer I want to focus more on writing. However, I'd be happy to read your book.


Emily said...

Well, looks like my comment didn't post when I visited. But I love paranormal books. Love, love, love them. Can't wait to check out your book! (that was the comment. Just thought I'd let you know anyways Chris, so you can add one more fan to your fanlist :) )

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