Friday, August 31, 2012

Romancing the Hop Blog Hop

Hello and Welcome to this stop on the blog hop!  Books have been an important part of my life since I was around 3 years old.  I have enjoyed countless fairy tales and mysteries, and then at the age of 11 I got a hold of my very first romance novel.  I was hooked.  Since that day I have branched out and read all types of romance from paranormal to historical to contemporary to scy-fy to erotica and finally BDSM.  I can honestly save I have truly loved them all, as long as they have an HEA.  I believe in torturing your characters as much as you like, just in the end give them a version of an HEA, even if it comes 5 books from now!!  LOL!!  To help celebrate my love for romance I have joined in this hop.  You have the opportunity to win 2 prizes here:  $10 amazon card and a copy of a very sexy book entitled A Measured Risk.  But there is more!!  We also have a grand prize giveaway for a few lucky commenters.  SO remember to comment and Leave your Email address!!!!!  Here are the details for the grand prize:
Make sure you comment on EVERY stop.  The comments are what get you in for the main prize!!  So yes, you have the opportunity to get over 100 entries for 3 grand prizes!! 
Now what are those prizes?

1st Grand Prize: A Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet
2nd Grand Prize: A $130 Amazon or B&N Gift Card
3rd Grand Prize: The following Swag Pack!
Now....What can you win here?  I'm giving away 2 prizes.  The first is an e-copy of :
Book one in the Regency Risks Series

He is her most dangerous temptation, the only man she has ever trusted and now he is demanding her submission. Dare she take the risk?

Emotionally scarred in the horrific accident that took her husband’s life, Lady Cranfield is imprisoned by her lingering terror of horses and carriages. Lady Cranfield longed to be closer to the fascinating Earl of Ruel. She sensed intuitively that he could teach her how to overcome the terrors that held her in bondage.

And now she’s willing to risk almost anything-her reputation, even her virtue-to find out. But what he proposes startles her.

When the shy, studious and socially awkward young widow approached him, Ruel instantly sensed she would be the sweetest, most submissive experience of a lifetime-if only he can gain her total and complete trust. He makes her a non-negotiable offer. His help in return for her submission and obedience.

But Lady Cranfield grew up neglected by her ducal parents, raised by servants and then later ignored by her handsome, charming husband. She’s learnt to protect her heart at all costs and she trusts no one but herself.

How can the jaded Earl of Ruel break through her self-protective defences and show her how to love when he has spent his lifetime avoiding that tender trap?

Reader Advisory: This is a work of historical fiction, it is not meant to be an accurate portrayal of or guide to how people recover from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is also not meant to be an accurate portrayal of modern BDSM or D/s lifestyles.

This is a work of Erotic Historical Romance and it uses the graphic language and situations of Erotic Romance.  You can take a look at my review HERE
And a $10 amazon card!!  Just fill out the rafflecopter for your chance to win.  If you are just commenting, answer this question:  What is your favorite sub-genre of romance?
a Rafflecopter giveaway  


Unknown said...

contemporary romance

Dovile said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
S.A. said...

Definitely paranormal romance!

Dovile said...

paranormal romance

spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

Anna (herding cats-burning soup) said...

Ack. No way can I pick. I love them all :) Just depends on the day.


Lilian said...

contemporary is my thing!

Lilian @ A Novel Toybox

suzi1811 said...

My favourite is paranormal romance! Without a doubt!
suzi1811 (at) fsmail (dot) net

Alisa Jenkins said...

Mostly Historical Romance.


miki said...

Paranormal romance is my favorite so far but i'm planning to try more subgenre before the end of the year so it could change

all the best


Unknown said...

Eeek. So many! I <3 them all. Anything and everything Romnance!! But all in all fav is PNR & then Western (I know, big leap lol.. my ever romantic heart) I do love some Erotica though. Thanks for the giveaway!


Holly Letson said...

Teen Romances. Goddess me, I've read so many Sweet Dreams books.

bookaholicholly @ gmail . com

Andrea said...

Definitely M/M romance since that's about 75% of what I read anymore. Contemporary M/M to be a little more specific. If I'm reading a M/F romance then I'll choose paranormal.

books first love said...

Historical romance I heart the most!

Anonymous said...

I don't know that I have one particular category that I only read.. I've read more historical and paranormal than others - but that's just recently...
Probably though - I would have to say I'm always reaching for the historical romance books when I'm at the shop..

thank you for participating

Anne said...

Contemporary paranormal romance is my current fav.

Anonymous said...

Paranormal Romance is my all time favorite!

Psyche said...

definitely Paranormal !

emmameade83 said...

Sounds like a cool read. Paranormal romance all the way.

Ashley E said...

Fantasy! And m/m as well.... and just about anything else when I'm in the mood. :)

F. Stone said...

Thanks for the opportunity to meet you.

Sandy said...

Paranormal Romance at

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
molly.frenzel said...

My favorite sub-genre of romance is always changing. Right now it's Contemporary. I'm totally addicted.
molly dot frenzel at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Really just started reading "romance" still discovering all the sub genres. Mostly have read contemporary, but open to all!

Rhonda D said...

Paranormal, but there are so many close seconds. I love cowboys and suspense and bdsm. Basically all romance. :)

Unknown said...

Lately my favorite subgenre is BDSM romance. Like you, I started young and went through all the genres. I read my first BDSM book about 2 years ago (a year before the Fifty Shades craze hit) and was hooked. I'm reading "A Measured Risk" right now and love it!

kesummer69 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

PNR takes the cake for me! :-)

Darlene said...

Definitely paranormal romance!!

Sandra Renee Pesso said...

My favorite sub-genre contemporary erotic romance but Natasha's book looks wonderful!

Have a great hop!




Lisa Cox said...

Paranormal would be at the top of the list.

Joanne said...

No way can I choose one, I love them all from contemporary to historical to paranormal. They're all great. Thanks for the giveaway.


Sarah A. said...

It's a tough choice, but I'd say paranormal romance, or whatever you would categorize romances in urban fantasy as!

LilyElement said...

I think my favorite would be paranormal romance.

JeanMP said...

Historical romance right now, but that will probably change.
skpetal at hotmail dot com

Maria D. said...

Paranormal Romance followed closely by contemporary and then Romantic Suspense.

Thanks for the giveaway

junegirl63 at gmail dot com

Laura Eno said...

Paranormal romance!

Anonymous said...

I've been reading a lot of paranormal romance lately. It seems like the authors always have fun with messing with tropes and inventing their own mythos.

DeeDee Griffin said...

I love all romance genres, especially paranormal, but I'm starting to read more contemporary romance lately. Thanks!

throuthehaze said...

paranormal romance
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Em said...

Tough question but I would say I lean towards paranormal more.

Nay Nay said...

I love blog hops!
I am a sucker for the HEA. All my favorite authors (Carrie Ann) give me a great story line, characters I can identify with, hot love scenes and a perfect HEA!
My favorite genre is Erotic Paranormal
Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

M/M is my favorite by far!


Unknown said...

Paranormal romance, but historical comes in at close 2nd!

Lona said...

I pretty much like any romance but paranormal would be a favorite. Thx for giveaway.

blinkysthebest at aol dot com

Sophia Rose said...

I don't really have a favorite sub-genre of romance particularly now that I've finally warmed up to Sci-Fi Romance. I do like them all.

Thanks for participating in the hop and for the giveaway opportunity.

Lisa said...

I love every sub genre of romance. I could never choose only one.


Cassandra said...

I would have to say paranormal, but I love mystery/suspense, contemporary, historic...basically whatever floats my boat :)

Unknown said...

I think historical romance is my favorite

fencingromein at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Historical Romance

laurie said...

for me it's either historical romance or paranormal romance

Jesse Kimmel-Freeman said...



Unknown said...

my fav is paranormal romance. thanks for joining in on the hop!

felinewyvern said...

My favourite is science fiction romance followed very closely by paranormal romance :D

felinewyvern at googlemail dot com

Unknown said...

Thanks for chance! Great giveaway :)
I have a favorite in every romance genre. I can't pick just one, I love them all.

Tina B said...

Awesome giveaway and hop!
My favorite sub-genre is paranormal and erotica. Though, I do love historical also! ;)
Thank you for the chance to win.
trb0917 at

Liese2 said...

Paranormal romance!

Arianne said...

my favorite is historical

Sarah said...

I love paranormal romance!

Book of Secrets said...

BDSM :-)


Sebrina said...

By far my favorite is PNR!!
Thank you very much,
Sebrina_Cassity at yahoo dot com

P.T. Macias said...

I love romance, paranormal romance.

DeeDee Griffin said...

Re-posting my comment with e-mail address :)
I love all romance genres, especially paranormal, but I'm starting to read more contemporary romance lately. Thanks!
deedee [at] grifmail [dot] com

Kerry said...

Paranormal, contemporary, um...anything :) I read...a lot!

kerryjcj AT verizon DOT net

Carin said...

I think Paranormal but I also love historical.
mawmom at gmail dot com

Kaylyn D said...

My favorite is probably romantic suspense. I read them all though. Different moods makes me want to read different books. Thanks for the giveaway.

Sophia said...

My fav sub category right now is historical, yeah i'm into those bodice rippers, but last week it was erotica so my taste changes fairly quick.

Unknown said...

What a fun hop! delphinareadstoomuch at yahoo

Shifters are my weakness!

Unknown said...

I love all of them! Right now I am into the BDSM erotica subgenre.
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

vadeluna07 said...

Paranormal Romance of course! ;)


Di said...

tho I enjoy all the genres, my favorite is historical
sallans d at yahoo dot com

Midu Hadi said...

Steampunk Romance!

Michelle Bledsoe said...

I like paranormal or historical paranormal. I actually read almost all genres of romance but these two are the ones I read the most of.
koonie2888 at yahoo dot com

Cryscringle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cryscringle said...

My favorite sub genre would be paranormal romance. :)


Anonymous said...

My favorite is paranormal romance and suspense romance but I love to read all difference romances. Thanks for the giveaway.

Sue said...

I like contemporaries and historicals. I tend to go on sprees of reading one type and then the other.

fitzgerald_sue at yahoo dot com

sienny said...

i like all sub genres of romance, but suspense is my first love

smile_1773 at yahoo dot com

Kelly said...

I love all genre's

mcv said...

Love Natasha Blackthorne books and Close Encounters of the Night Kind!
mcv111 at hotmail dot com

mcv said...

Oh Favorite genre is historical romance, especially erotic.
mcv111 at hotmail dot com

Kassandra said...

PNR and M/M are my faves ;)


divavixenqueen said...

comedy romance,historical
romance and some paranormal romance thrown in the mix.

Booklover Sue said...

I love BDSM romances! Give me a hot Alpha dom and I am super happy (and Horny)

susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

Yvette said...

M/M or BDSM.

Adaline Raine said...

Adore your blog and your style! It's hard to pick a favorite but I really enjoy reading about the main female character being spanked (discipline,play, anything) by a strong male lead. Does that fall under BDSM? Maybe a little. ;)
Have a fantastic weekend.

Unknown said...

My favorite romances would be the mystery/suspense subcategory. If they are paranormal as well, even better!


Evie said...

historical romance :)
Thanks a lot for the giveaway!
by.evie at yahoo dot com dot br

DANIELA said...

My favorite is paranormal romance. Thanks!

dany7578 at hotmail dot com

Lyric James said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lyric James said...

Contemporary and romantic suspense!

oloore said...

Historical romance.
Thank you for the giveaway!
(oloore at gmail dot com)

Elizabeth H. said...

Favorite sub-genre is Paranormal Romance! Thank you for joining the hop and offering awesome prizes!
ehaney578 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

paranormal romance! thanks for the giveaway!

jukyjoauka at aol dot com

Veronika said...

I like both contemporary and paranormal romance!
verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

JoAnna said...

I read a lot of romance but my absolute favorite is paranormal.

Beckerjo at Verizon dot net

Eileen said...

Alltime faavorite is Contemporary romance

SdyLion said...

I love paranormal romance and it is my favorite one to read. sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com

Xpixgxzgxloxu said...


Linda said...

I love historical romance best.

Vanessa N. said...

i love paranormal romance.

bas1chs said...

I'm hooked on western romances. Just can't get enough of them.

Shan said...

Hard choice because I like so many. I am going to say historical. I am going to cheat and say that my next choice is paranormal.

booklover0226 said...

Paranormal and fantasy and M/M.

Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com

Linda said...

I´m a sucker for paranormal, but i love suspense, regency and steampunk. I read most of it, as long as there´s an alpha male, i´m there! =)

best wishes, Linda xo

Shadow said...

Thanks for the awesome hop and giveaways! This is so much fun! Thank you! My favorite thing about romance is the romance. lol I love the characters, the plots, the HEA's, the love. I love it all!

The Paperback Diva said...

Romance doesn't always have to be something elaborate. It could be having your loved one bump your knee with his under the table while you're at the restaurant with relatives.

latanya t said...

historical romance

Kelly said...


susan1215 said...

Contemporary and historical

s2s2 at comcast dot net

Teresa Thompson said...

Historical romance.

Ollie said...

Ok I can't say just one but the two that I love are paranormal and BDSM.

Thanks for the giveaway!


Ollie aka DarkBloodyVamp

heather said...

westerns/cowboys :)

Foretta said...

I really like anything with a HEA! It must have a happy ending! I like reading MF, MM, MMF, MMM okay you get my drift!! LOL

thanks for the contest!!

Lynn Cahoon said...

Cowboys and paranormal.

Belinda G said...

Romance Hop...awesome idea! Best love story for me..Pretty Woman...romance indeed with the must have HEA!... :-)

Nice to checkout your page! Thanks for the opportunity!


donnas said...

Paranormal and romantic suspense

Thanks for being part of the hop

bacchus76 at myself dot com

lavendersbluegreen said...

My favorite changes day to day with what I am reading. Mostly I am on a kick of paranormal or regency or whatever for a few days at a time.
Thanks for the giveaway!
- lavendersbluegreen(at)yahoo(dot)com

Mary Preston said...

I love Historical.


HJSisco said...

I would have to say paranormal is my favorite sub category. Thanks for the giveaway.

Honey Bee said...

I enjoy stories from the Regency Era.

Filia Oktarina said...

My favorite was Paranormal Romance and Historical Romance :)

Patti said...

Thanks for participating! Really like the hop so far!! I love reading, especially romance. I love reading contemporary, historical and erotic romance. I love the happy ending that is garenteed at the end. My favorite book is Lover Mine by JR Ward! I love John Matthew and Xhex. My favorite romantic moment was when my fiancé asked me to marry him! We meant two years ago right around when summer was ending! I think it is romantic when he brings me flowers because no one else has ever done it! My friend and I went out for our last big night out before classes started again. Thanks so much! Hope everyone else is having a great long weekend!!

Anonymous said...

I love reading paranormal romances. I've always loved the concept of shifters, especially felines. Gimme an alpha hero or a military hero any day and I'm a happy camper.
Thanks for participating in the hop and giving us all a chance to win.

Yazmin said...

I can't decide on one sub-genre of romance. I'm divided between contemporary romance and paranormal romance. :)

Unknown said...

It would have to be Paranormal Romance more specifically Werewolves. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I forgot my email:

HaveBook WillSurvive said...

Urban Fantasy and Paranormals are my addictions!!! havebookwillsurvive at

Rita Wray said...

I love contemporary and historical.

Kim D said...

Thanks tons for the hop! I only read romance. My fav is Lora Leigh! Going to parade Monday with brothers and sisters! Should be FUN!

Juana said...

My favorite book genre is paranormal romance.


jessica said...

My favorite subgenre of romance is tough to decide. I love to read fantasy, scifi, historical and so many others. I think the fantasy genre would be the one I go for first. Thanks for being a part of the hop. I hope that you have a great labor day weekend.
jessangil at gmail dot com

Dakarimom5 said...

I love sci fi romance!!

Michele said...

I like YA and paranormal

shermie40 at yahoo dot com

Jo said...

This is a tough question - there are so many sub-genres I like. I think what I like most is paranormal romance, followed by comedy romance.

jochibi AT yahoo DOT com

bettycd said...

Love to read a variety of books. Historical romance has always been a fave
tjandbcd at optonline dot net

Emily said...

My favorite sub-genre is m/m.


Sherry said...

I love paranormal romance.
sstrode at scrtc dot com

Donna said...

Thanks for the contest!
My favortie is paranormal but really like it all

mciamcia said...

Same happened to me authors writing across genres introduced me to new subgenres thats how i feel in love w scifi romance.

Lindsay Avalon said...

My favorite sub genre is paranormal romance. I love the magic and fantastic worlds!

lindsayavalon (at) gmail (dot) com

June M. said...

Thanks for the giveaway.
Tough question since I read and enjoy so many different sub genres. My 2 faves would have to be Paranormal & BDSM
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

latishajean said...

I love to read alittle of everything but Paranormal romance is my favorite!
Thank you for the great giveaway!

ELF said...

Sci-fi romance is my favorite sub-genre. Thanks for the giveaway.

elewkf1 at yahoo dot com

angie lilly said...

werewolf/shape-shifter romance definitely!

BLHmistress said...

I love paranormal followed closely by historical, and time travel.


jessiel said...

Favorite sub genre is contemporary romance. But I do enjoy historical, erotica, romantic susupense & BDSM. Thanks for participating in this blog hop!

Anonymous said...

Why I like Romance Novels….The reason I like Romance Novels so much is because it is one place where I can be anywhere like England, Scotland, Rome, Ireland, or anywhere in the US. I can also be in any time like 1200’s Scotland, 1500’s England, 1900’s Chicago. I can be anyone like a princess, a servant, a werewolf, a duchess, a vampire, or a lost soul. But no matter what I get the privilege and the experience to overcome many different obstacles and find love. I am a mother of three teenagers as well and there are many days when I need an escape and my heart needs a rest from the trials of being a parent and trying to do what is best for everyone but yourself. I have overcome cancer, loss, and financial problems and Romance Books let my heart soar and feel free. Let me tell you in this world, and during this time where life can have so many struggles it is great that you can be, have, and do so many things to find love and romance and still be yourself!

Lexi said...

One favorite sub genre? I have a deep love for many, but historical will always be my favorite. Now you throw in some fantasy or paranormal with that historical and my heart might just stop!

eyesofblueice (at) gmail

Lexi said...

One favorite sub genre? I have a deep love for many, but historical will always be my favorite. Now you throw in some fantasy or paranormal with that historical and my heart might just stop!

eyesofblueice (at) gmail

Anonymous said...

I like Paranormal romance!

Disqus for Close Encounters with the NIght Kind


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